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Vim + tmux

Nick Nisi
February 25, 2015

Vim + tmux

This is a talk given at the Omaha Maker Group's monthly Code meeting, OMG!Code, discussing vim and tmux

Nick Nisi

February 25, 2015

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  1. 3

  2. Why vim? 4 highly customizable 4 runs everywhere 4 works

    with many programming languages 4 scriptable 8
  3. Modal editing Change the meaning of the keys in each

    mode of operation 4 Normal mode - navigate the structure of the file 4 Insert mode - editing the file 4 Visual mode - highlight portions of the file to manipulate at once 4 Ex mode - command mode 14
  4. 4 ^E - scroll the window down 4 ^Y -

    scroll the window up 4 ^F - scroll down one page 4 ^B - scroll up one page 4 H - move cursor to the top of the window 4 M - move cursor to the middle of the window 4 L - move cursor to the bottom of the window 4 gg - go to top of file 20
  5. text objects 4 w - words 4 s - sentences

    4 p - paragraphs 4 t - tags1 1 tags available in XML/HTML files 26
  6. Motions 4 a- all 4 i - in 4 t

    - 'til 4 f - find forward 4 F - find backward 27
  7. Commands 4 d - delete (also cut) 4 c -

    change (delete, then place in insert mode) 4 y - yank (copy) 4 v - visually select 29
  8. Additional commands 4 dd / yy - delete/yank the current

    line 4 D / C - delete/change until end of line 4 ^ / $ - move to the beginning/end of line 4 I / A - move to the beginning/end of line and insert 4 o / O - insert new line above/below current line and insert 39
  9. Record a macro 4 q{register} 4 (do the things) 4

    q Play a macro 4 @{register} 44
  10. Plugins 4 vundle - plugin manager 4 nerdtree - file

    drawer 4 ctrlp - fuzzy file finder 4 fugitive - git tool 4 syntastic - syntax checker / linter 46
  11. 50

  12. What is tmux? 4 Terminal multiplexer 4 View and control

    multiple consoles 4 Preconfigure environments 53
  13. ~/.tmux.conf - tmux configuration 4 configure tmux # unbind default

    prefix and set it to Ctrl+a unbind C-b set -g prefix C-a bind C-a send-prefix 56
  14. Execute commands from vim in a split :call VimuxRunCommand("grunt test")

    Map the commands to a key nmap <leader>z :call VimuxRunCommand("grunt test")<cr> 62