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Rise at Seven x Oncrawl: The eCommerce SEO Audi...

Rise at Seven x Oncrawl: The eCommerce SEO Audit that your Competitors Can't Beat

Do you do SEO for an e-commerce website?

Are you looking to outpace your competition on organic SERPs?

Sophie Gibson, Janaina Barreto-Romero, and I discuss some of the most overlooked metrics and underused tactics to supercharge your SEO strategy for eCommerce sites through an actionable SEO audit.

You’ll gain:

An insight into typical SEO problems on e-commerce websites – and creative solutions
An overview of how to segment an e-commerce website for the most effective analysis
New ways to use SEO platforms to their full extent
Strategies to avoid common mistakes

Details: https://www.oncrawl.com/events/oncrawl-x-rise-at-seven/

Nikki Halliwell

February 03, 2022

More Decks by Nikki Halliwell

Other Decks in Marketing & SEO


  1. On the menu • What makes an unbeatable audit •

    Techniques ◦ Scraping ◦ Segmenting templates ◦ Structured data ◦ Crawl budget ◦ Stock status ◦ Site speed ◦ URL parameters • Focus: Category pages • Common mistakes
  2. Speaking today Nikki Halliwell Senior Technical SEO Manager @Rise at

    Seven Sophie Gibson Senior Technical SEO Manager @Rise at Seven Janaina Barreto-Romero Customer Success Manager @Oncrawl
  3. Public • Home Page • Information pages ◦ e.g. about

    us, delivery info, t's & c's • Product Pages • Category Pages • Navigational Landing Pages • Blogs / Guides • Payment / Cart pages • Help / Support area TYPICAL PAGE TEMPLATES FOR E-COMMERCE
  4. Public • CMS URL Patterns eg. ◦ Salesforce - end

    in .html ◦ Shopify - containing /product/ • Scraping unique template attributes ◦ Has 'add to basket' button ◦ Has product schema PRODUCT PAGES
  5. Public • CMS URL Patterns eg. ◦ Shopify - containing

    /category/ ◦ Kibo - /shop/ • Scraping unique template attributes ◦ Has X product results ◦ Has filter section ◦ Has product sorting option CATEGORY PAGES
  6. Public INSIGHTS FROM SEGMENTATION Number of products in category By

    cross referencing the number of products in a category vs sessions, you can see what category pages might need retiring (or merchandised) - or alternatively, what categories have hundreds of products, and could be split into subcategories
  7. Public Product markup is important as it provides more information

    about your products directly in the SERP before a customer lands on your page.
  8. Public The more positive reviews you have the more likely

    customers are to visit your website and buy your products, especially when compared against your competitors. MAKE USE OF STAR RATINGS
  9. Public WITH A FAMILY HOLIDAY WEBSITE There are several ways

    that users can search for holidays…
  10. Public • Accommodation type, • Holiday parks near their location,

    • Pet friendliness, • Filter by month of arrival, exact arrival date, length of stay, • And more…, USERS CAN SEARCH BY:
  11. Public Thankfully, Oncrawl allows you to segment URLs with parameters

    Or you can segment by those that are spider traps, which can help a lot when looking to optimise your crawl budget. SEGMENT BY PARAMETERS
  12. Public METHODOLOGY As a result of the segmentation and data

    gathering, we were left with the most meaningful data on our family holiday website. We thought like the users of the family holiday website, and focused on providing the best search experience.
  13. Public We decided to disallow /search/ and /book-your-holiday/ pages in

    the robots.txt file. This meant much fewer pages were being crawled, and more crawl budget was being spent on the most valuable pages on the site. THE RESULT
  14. Public Sitemaps should not include noindex pages Takes months to

    flush out of Google’s index Report WoW and MoM changes to stakeholders REMEMBER WHEN OPTIMISING CRAWL BUDGET
  15. Public Common ways parameters are used in e-commerce • Faceted

    navigation • Product sorting In an audit, it's useful to see how many of those pages Google is serving to searchers - ignoring robots.txt rules and affecting crawl budget > May not have unique on-page content > Missing out on traffic from relevant keywords URL PARAMETERS & LOST POTENTIAL
  16. Public SEGMENTING PRODUCTS BY STOCK STATUS Segmenting product pages based

    on whether the item is in stock or not can give additional insights for audits > How much traffic is going to out of stock products > Whether out of stock products are affecting product conversion rates > Granular view of engagement metrics
  17. Public SEGMENTATION VIA ON-PAGE ELEMENTS Capturing this data can be

    done with on-page elements such as Missing Prices and Unavailable / Out of Stock messaging on page
  18. Public WHY PRODUCTS GO OUT OF STOCK There can be

    many reasons why a product is out of stock, yet the page is still on an e-commerce site including: > Seasonality > Limited releases > Awaiting more stock
  19. Public INSIGHTS: SHOWING THE VALUE This indicated the client needed

    an out-of-stock product management system putting in place. To further enhance this audit action, we can bring in additional metrics and calculate the value of this traffic SESSIONS x AVG. ORDER VALUE x CONVERSION RATE = VALUE
  20. Public USING THE DATA: OOS MONITORING You can create a

    Data Studio dashboard to monitor products showing as out of stock, so the client has ongoing visibility of this.
  21. Public • Homepage • Informational pages e.g. About us, delivery

    info • Top category pages • Sample of products from each category • Blogs and guides • Contact and signup pages etc. START BY TESTING ACROSS MULTIPLE PAGE TEMPLATES
  22. Public WHERE YOU’RE TESTING FROM MATTERS • It’s important to

    test your site from a location close to where your data center is located, as well as one that is further away. • If you have a CDN, this allows you to see how much of an impact the CDN is having on your website. • You can also get an idea of how your customers are experiencing your store. Be consistent with the locations you choose for data reliability.

    testing your website once, you wont get accurate results, as the pages may not be loading over the cache yet. Once it does, your results will likely be a lot faster. • Always test more than once for each device and calculate the average.
  24. Public Find slow pages on the site Average load time

    across the site Monitor page weight See how this changes based on crawl depth MONITORING SITE SPEED IN ONCRAWL
  25. Public BIG CRAWL: HOW OFTEN AND WHY 📅 Site size

    Crawl frequency < 100k Bi weekly or 1x/month 100 - 600K pages 1x/month > 600K pages Every 3 months
  26. Public FACETED NAV SHOULD BE EASY TO USE The navigation

    should be easy to navigate, with sensible menus and navigation options that clearly tells visitors what they will see when they click.
  27. Public • Make it simple and scalable • No important

    pages should be more than 3 clicks away from the homepage • Use keyword research to create highly relevant page URLs and subdirectories HOW TO CREATE GOOD SITE ARCHITECTURE

    introduction - what does the product do and who needs it ✅ List the most important features in bullet format. ✅ Detailed product description, with use cases, relevant awards, benefits of the product, images in use, FAQs. Utilise user generated content such as customer photos, and reviews. ✅ 50-100 word conclusion - summarise the product and use a call to action

    questions about your products. If customers can’t find the answers they need on your website, they’re likely to search elsewhere. When they find the answers, they’re likely to buy from that website instead.
  30. Public Nikki Halliwell Technical SEO Manager @NikkiRHalliwell /nikkiroseh/ Sophie Gibson

    Senior Technical SEO Manager @sophiegibson /sophie-a-gibson/ Janaina Barreto-Romero Customer Success Manager @Oncrawl /janaina-br/ @JanainaBRomero
  31. Start your free trial Enterprise SEO & data platform for

    smarter SEO decisions www.oncrawl.com Oncrawl Insights Unleash your SEO potential with prescriptive analysis SEO Crawler, Log Analyzer, GSC, GA Connectors... Oncrawl Genius Empower your technical SEO with data science and machine learning Machine learning labs, API, Big Data Export, BI connectors...