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How to Overcome SEO Challenges in Website Migra...

How to Overcome SEO Challenges in Website Migrations - Brighton SEO 2024

How to Overcome SEO Challenges in Website Migrations: Learning from Common Issues, Considerations, and Best Practices

This talk from Brighton SEO in October 2024 sets the scene for a migration and outlines the different types of migrations an SEO might face. I then go into detail about why the migration might be happening.

We hear a lot about issues with migrations, so I also want to touch on the positive reasons for migrating.

Get a copy of key questions you should ask before a migration to ensure you have all of the information you need as soon as possible.

You can also learn how to demonstrate the keys to successful communication in a migration.

I then round off the talk by sharing strategies for overcoming SEO challenges and planning a successful migration. I also share practical tips, including a migration cheat sheet and migration briefing document.

Nikki Halliwell

October 02, 2024

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  1. How to Overcome SEO Challenges in Website Migrations Nikki Halliwell

    Journey Further https://speakerdeck.com/nikkihalliwell /in/nikkiroseh/ @NikkiRHalliwell
  2. 8 Site Location 8 1 Domain change 2 Moving/merging areas

    3 HTTP to HTTPS 4 International expansion /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  3. Platform 1 Moving to new CMS 2 Upgrading CMS version

    3 Add new features 4 Site redesign /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  4. 10 10 Content 1 Adding new pages 2 Removing content

    3 Consolidating content 4 New languages/locales /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  5. Structure 1 Hierarchy modifications 2 Navigational tweaks 3 Internal linking

    changes 4 Changing user journey /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  6. Faster load times Better UX and functionality Reorganisation of content

    Scalability and expansions /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO

    /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  8. Use a migration briefing document to ensure we capture all

    relevant information at the earliest stage Get a copy of my migration briefing questions at the end /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  9. What is the main reason for the migration? ➔ Is

    the whole site being migrated or just sections of it? /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  10. ➔ When is the client planning to go-live? What is

    the timeline? Get a copy of my migration timeline template at the end /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  11. ➔ When can you get access to the staging site?

    How far along are they in the build process? /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  12. ➔ Are they using internal or external resources? ➔ How

    often do they have stand-ups? What developer support or resources do they have? /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  13. Are they changing structure, design, content, or everything? ➔ What

    support will they need for redirect mapping? /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  14. 21 ➔ Is this different from the existing CMS? What

    CMS will be used? /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  15. What are the specific goals or KPIs? ➔ Agree what

    metrics will be used to measure performance. /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  16. Make everyone aware of accountabilities Clear timeline broken down by

    milestones Set up regular comms. E.g. Slack or stand ups The Keys to Successful Communication in a Migration Speak the language of developers /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  17. Get a copy of my full migration tasks template at

    the end ➔ Set up a list of tasks so that everyone understands the work involved Migration Checklist /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO

    Mistakes /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  19. Loss of search rankings and organic traffic Migration without SEO

    involvement /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  20. Unplanned or extended downtime during the launch Becomes an even

    bigger problem if launching on a Friday or weekend /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  21. Issues with DNS Propagation causing the site to go down

    /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  22. 33 Failure to replicate or replace features from the old

    website /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  23. Poor user experience due to changes in design and navigation

    /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO

    MIGRATION /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  25. Review Analytics Data Find pages or keywords that may have

    been hit by the specific changes /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  26. Check Redirects Verify that all 301 redirects from old to

    new are correctly implemented /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  27. Double check Redirects Ensure that pages are carefully and accurately

    mapped to relevant pages /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  28. Check for Indexation Blockers Has the robots.txt file been updated

    to allow crawling? Are there meta robots rules in place that are stopping indexing? /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  29. 44 44 Check the XML sitemap Has it been updated

    and been submitted to search engines? Does it contain the right URLs and reflect the structure of the site? /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  30. Has the load time been negatively affected? Slow loading pages

    can negatively affect UX and rankings. Check the Site Speed /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  31. Check the Content Ensure content is relevant to the target

    keywords. Update and add to the content as needed to align with user intent and business goals. /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  32. Check the Status of Backlinks Ensure high quality backlinks are

    still pointing to the new site. /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  33. Some Fluctuations are Normal ➔ Be patient ➔ Monitor over

    time /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  34. Everyone on same page Donʼt panic Agree next steps Monitor

    your Performance /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  35. Based on analysis and feedback, make necessary adjustments to combat

    the drops. Keep detailed records of the steps taken and their outcomes for future migrations. Annotate actions on GA to help understand the impact of the work. /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  36. Overcome SEO Challenges Be as proactive as possible 1 2

    3 Donʼt play the blame game Use data to inform decisions /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  37. Be methodical in your approach 4 5 6 Find the

    positives Keep communication open and clear Overcome SEO Challenges /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  38. Overcome SEO Challenges Donʼt migrate in peak season 7 8

    9 Get content on staging ASAP Leave time for staging checks and fixes and … /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO
  39. Get a copy of my migration checklist and all other

    resources from this talk Scan me nikkihalliwell.com/seo-speaker/ brighton-seo-2024/ /in/nikkiroseh/ @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO https://speakerdeck.com/nikkihalliwell Or visit this
  40. Nikki Halliwell Tech SEO Manager Connect with me to master

    your next migration /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #BrightonSEO https://speakerdeck.com/nikkihalliwell