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Money Talks: Using Revenue to Get Sh*t Done

Money Talks: Using Revenue to Get Sh*t Done

Technical SEO is all about the details, but how do you get clients to act on your recommendations? The answer lies in tying SEO issues directly to the bottom line.

In this session, you’ll learn how to incorporate revenue data into your technical SEO audits to show how issues affect your client’s revenue.

By the end of this talk, you’ll know how to present your findings in a way that motivates clients to implement changes faster and gives them a deeper understanding of the work

Nikki Halliwell

February 27, 2025

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  1. How many times have you seen your audits go nowhere?

    /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth
  2. 6 Money Talks 6 1 Universal language 2 No knowledge

    required 3 Transferable metric 4 Clear goal /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth
  3. Change the Conversation 💰 Tie technical issues and recommendations back

    to the revenue opportunity. 💰 Include them when you deliver the audit. /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth
  4. Large eCommerce business Nothing getting resolved Created supporting documents etc

    Tried a different approach /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth
  5. /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth Being able to show lost revenue

    helped us unlock developer resources we couldn’t get before. Before, SEO issues felt speculative. Now, with revenue data, stakeholders take them seriously. We’ve seen a clear uplift in revenue… wish we could have done this sooner! A.N Client A.N Other A.N Example
  6. ➔ We could then import the additional data that we

    needed. ➔ URL-based data from GA4. Use our Existing Audit Template /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth
  7. /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth ➔ Landing page + query string,

    ➔ Revenue (per URL), ➔ Transactions (per URL), ➔ Sessions. Into a single tab with all data.
  8. /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth Be wary of conversion rate in

    Supermetrics! ⚠ It is often rounded up ⚠ Makes data in accurate. Use revenue and transactions and then calculate AOV and CVR with formulas.
  9. Supermetrics Data Format your imported data as needed on it’s

    own tab. /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth URL strings
  10. Use Vlookup Pull in data for each issue and URL

    so you have specific data. /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth =ifna(VLOOKUP([cell],[range for supermetrics data],false),"") URL strings
  11. Add columns in the issue log for each metric. /in/nikkiroseh/

    | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth =AVERAGEIF([Issue range],[criteria to look for],[data to be averaged]) =SUMIF([Issue range],[criteria to look for],[data to be summarised])
  12. PIET Score /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth PIET is a measure

    of difficulty on a scale of 1-10. Potential, Importance and Effort = 1 is low and 10 is high Time Criticality - 10 is low and 1 is high =([P]+[I]+[E])/[T]
  13. /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth Use Data to Prioritise ➔ Hide

    the columns you don’t need to keep the sheet clean. ➔ Use the PIET score and Estimated Gain/Loss P/Y to determine priority order.
  14. All issues are backed up by client data Data taken

    from a single source of truth Ok, fine, GA4 😬 Easily get new data from Supermetrics Visualising the impact for clients/stakeholders Issues show areas £ is being lost /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth Opportunities show where new £ can be won
  15. /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth Present issues and Data to Stakeholders

    Descriptions of each technical issue Resolution and Repercussions information for each technical issue
  16. Clear lines of communication Write detailed tickets Always include revenue

    How to frame recommendations /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth
  17. /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth Track results, refine, and repeat the

    process. 🔍 💰 📊 💼 🤝 🛠 🔄 Using Revenue to Get Sh*t Done Identify issues affecting performance Quantify the impact of issues with revenue. Focus on high-revenue fixes first Use data-driven insights to gain buy-in. Com m unicate clearly and align with tech team s. Ensure fixes are correctly applied and working
  18. Stakeholders care about revenue, not rankings or traffic. Tying SEO

    fixes to revenue makes them more compelling. Helps justify resource by showing which issues cost the business most money or offer highest potential gains. Demonstrates the ROI of technical SEO by quantifying the financial benefits of fixes and improvements. /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth
  19. Money Talks Example Template ➔ Use this template to win

    over your stakeholders and ensure recommendations are implemented as planned. /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth
  20. The outcome: Audit actions are implemented faster and more successfully

    /in/nikkiroseh/ | @nikkirhalliwell #TechSEONorth
  21. Get a copy of my “Money Talks” example template Scan

    me nikkihalliwell.com/seo-speaker/ techseo-north-2025/ /in/nikkiroseh/ @nikkirhalliwell Or visit this #TechSEONorth
  22. Nikki Halliwell Senior Tech SEO Manager Connect with me to

    master your technical SEO strategy https://speakerdeck.com/nikkihalliwell #TechSEONorth Tech SEO Consultant nikkihalliwell.com | techseotips.co.uk | techseoaudits.com