This guide covers basic information about project coordinator role. It is based on the free toolkit you can check out here:
Coordinator role: What are their responsibilities and duties? What is the difference between Project Manager and Project Coordinator? What are the skills necessary to fulfil this role and more.
project team responsible for coordinating projects of varying size and complexity or its parts. Project Coordinator is responsible for organizing and controlling project activities and for communicating risks, opportunities and current state of project to his superior and/or other stakeholders.
Project Coordinator and Project Manager is the scale of responsibility. Project Manager is ultimately responsible for identifying project goals and objectives, directing, managing and controlling project work, aligning it with strategy and delivering the project.
is more of a traffic controller, arranging assignments, analyzing course of the project and reporting its status to the management and stakeholders. Project Coordinator doesn’t define project strategy or make strategic decisions, they are directed top-down.
responsibilities depending upon the organization and type of project. Coordination can range from administration duties, directing and coordinating project work, through engineering duties right up to junior project management duties (updating risk/opportunity registers, schedule updates, financial updates).
that the project runs smoothly by tracking project progresses and timely communicating its status to management and project members, as well as making sure that project members communicate with each other.
project coordinator or project management assistant, • Evaluation and report writing • Experience of working effectively with a team • Experience of delivering training at a variety of levels • Experience in planning and schedule management