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NHK カルチャー講座「惑星科学最前線〜太陽系誕生のシナリオを描き出す〜」(第二回)

NHK カルチャー講座「惑星科学最前線〜太陽系誕生のシナリオを描き出す〜」(第二回)

NHK カルチャー梅田教室にて、惑星形成論に関する講座を行ってきました。そのときに用いた講演資料です。

Takanori Sasaki

June 19, 2018

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  1. ݄ͷىݯઆ ั֫આ ෼྾આ ૒ࢠઆ ݪ࢝஍ٿ͕ߴ଎ճసʹΑΓ;͘ΒΈ  ͦͷҰ෦͕ͪ͗Ε݄͕ͯ஀ੜ ஍ٿيಓ෇ۙͰͷඍ࿭੕ͷूੵʹΑΓ  ஍ٿͱ͸ಠཱʹ݄͕ܗ੒

    ஍ٿͱ͸ผͷ৔ॴͰ࡞ΒΕ݄͕ͨ  ஍ٿͷۙ͘Λ௨ͬͨͱ͖ʹัΒ͑ΒΕͨ ߴ଎ճస͕೉͍֯͠ӡಈྔ͕େ͖͗͢Δ ݄ͷ಺෦ߏ଄͕આ໌Ͱ͖ͳ͍݄Λ࢒ͤͳ͍ ั֫֬཰͕௿͍Խֶత੍໿Λຬͨͤͳ͍
  2. Roche radius, whereas Fig. 3 is a rather extended disk

    case (run 9). The extension of a disk is indicated by Jdisk /Mdisk , where Jdisk is the total angular momentum of the starting disk. For the disks in Figs 2 and 3, Jdisk /Mdisk are0:692 GM!aR and 0:813 GM!aR , respectively. Figure 3 The same snapshots as in Fig. 2 but for run 9 of a more extended disk (J disk =M disk ¼ 0:813 GM ! a R ). At t ¼ 1,000 the largest moon mass is 0.71M L. [Ida et al., Nature, 1997] FIG. 2. Snapshots of the circumterrestrial disk projected on the R–z plane at t = 0, 10, 30, 100, 1000TK for runs (a) 29a centered at the coordinate origin stands for Earth. Circles represent disk particles and their size is proportional to the physic [Kokubo et al., Icarus, 2000] N ମܭࢉʹΑΔ݄ܗ੒ܭࢉ
  3. ݄ܗ੒ʹؔ͢Δ੍໿৚݅ (1) ஍ٿʔ݄ܥͷ֯ӡಈྔʢLtotal ͕อଘʣ (2) ஍ٿΑΓ௿ີ౓ʢίΞ͕খ͍͞ʣ[Hood & Zuber, 2000] (3)

    شൃੑݩૉ͕ڧ͘ރׇ [Jones & Palme, 2000] (4) ද໘͕େن໛༹༥Λܦݧ [Warren, 1985] (5) ࢎૉಉҐମൺ͕஍ٿͱ΄΅Ұக [Wiechert et al., 2001] [Touboul et al., 2007] (6) ೉شൃੑݩૉͷಉҐମൺ͕஍ٿͱ΄΅Ұக (7) Si ಉҐମൺ͕஍ٿͱ΄΅Ұக [Armytage et al., 2012] (8) W ಉҐମൺ͕஍ٿͱ΄΅Ұக [Touboul et al., Nature, 2015]
  4. ratio of 9:1 and a total mass of 1.05 ME

    (Canup, 2004). Both the impactor and the target are assumed to be differentiated bodies with a 30 wt% iron core and a 70 wt% silicate mantle. In these low-velocity collisions, the impactor loses kinetic energy during its grazing collision with the target, before it is dispersed into a disk around the target. The resulting proto-lunar disk is therefore mainly composed of impactor material. We will call this the ‘‘canonical scenario’’. When the assumption that no mass is lost is dropped however, the collisional angular momentum is no longer tightly constrained, as lost mass also carries away angular momentum. The total collisional angular momentum can therefore be con- siderably higher than the final angular momentum in the Earth–Moon system. With this additional degree of freedom, new regions in the collision parameter space be- come feasible. Apart from the disk mass, another interesting quantity is the origin of the mate- rial which ends up in the proto-lunar disk, especially for the silicate part. We call the fraction of target silicate to total silicate material in the disk fT ¼ ðMsilc targ =Msilc tot Þdisk ð1Þ where Msilc targ and Msilc tot denote the mass of the silicate fraction of the disk derived from the target, and the total disk mass, respectively. If we define a similar target-derived silicate fraction for the post-impact Earth, we can deduce a deviation factor dfT ¼ Msilc targ  . Msilc tot  disk . Msilc targ  . Msilc tot  post-impact Earth À 1 ð2Þ which directly reflects the compositional similarity between the silicate part of the proto-lunar disk and the silicate part of the post-impact Earth. Isotopic measurements show (Wiechert et al., 2001; Zhang et al., 2012) a strong isotopic similarity between the silicate fractions of today’s Moon and Earth. Assum- ing isotopic heterogeneity of the pre-impact bodies, this suggests that either the material of the bodies mixed during the collision or re-equilibrated their isotopic signatures after the collision. Either scenario is represented by a dfT $ 0 between to- day’s Earth and the Moon. The value of dfT right after the impact thus serves as a starting point, from which a re-equilibration mechanism leads to todays value of dfT $ 0. In a typical simulation of the canonical scenario, only about 30% of the disk material and 90% of the material of the post-impact Earth is derived from the target (the proto-Earth) respectively (Canup, 2004), yielding a dfT of À67%. 4. Results The new class of collisions presented here falls into the broad regime of slow hit-and-run collisions (Asphaug et al., 2006) with impact velocities between 1.20 and 1.40 vesc . Hit-and-run occurs up to half the time for collisions with impact colors. In the canonical scenario, the impactor grazes around the target’s mantle and is deformed. Due to the low impact velocity, material supposed to end up in or bit around the Earth must not be decelerated too strongly in order to retain enough velocity to stay in orbit. This is only achieved for the parts of the impactor mantle most distant to the point of impact, and some minor part of the target’s mantle. Bu if impact velocity is increased from 1.00 (cA08) to 1.30 vesc (cC01), parts from dee- per within the target mantle receive the right amount of energy for orbit insertion while the outer regions of the target mantle, retain too much velocity and leave the system, thereby removing mass and angular momentum. Both processes work to wards increasing the target material fraction in the proto-lunar disk. While in run Fig. 1a. Five snapshots from the 30° impact angle and 1.30 vesc impact velocity case (cC06) showing cuts through the impact plane. Color coded is the type and origin o the material. Dark and light blue indicate target and impactor iron; Red and orange show corresponding silicate material. The far right shows the situation at the time of impact. At 0.52 h, it can be seen how the impactor ploughs deep through the targets mantle and pushes considerable amount of target material into orbit. A spiral arm of material forms and gravitationally collapses into fragments. The oute portions of the arm mainly consist of impactor silicates and escapes due to having retained a velocity well above escape velocity. The silicate fragments further inward are stronger decelerated and enter eccentric orbits around the target. The impactor’s iron core also looses much of its angular momentum to the outer parts of the spiral arm and re-impacts the proto-Earth. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version o this article.) A. Reufer et al. / Icarus 221 (2012) 296–299 297 ༷ʑͳ݄ܗ੒γφϦΦ [Reufer et al., Icarus, 2012] with less angular momentum. angular momentum by add- pactors generated successful wer-spinning planets. Because m is carried away with debris giant impacts, the spin period ases. Thus, the spin state of d to be near fission before or ming impact in our scenario entry in Table 1). However, is near the stability limit. Our candidate Moon-forming events have more than double the kinetic energy of previous scenarios, and the impact velocities were suf- ficient to substantially vaporize silicates (33). As a result, the silicate atmosphere and vapor-rich disk are more massive and hotter than found in previous work (34). At the resolution of the simulations, the projectile-to-target mass ratio is uniform from the atmosphere to the Roche radius. f the rth’s mpact or at −0.3 spin- f 2.3 Gray oche w of ower down spin enote and Earth e disk terial arth’s mpact e S1). view de- lue), and ensity ne of which 38 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org on November 25, 2012 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from [Ćuk & Stewart, Science, 2012] into a single moon at an orbital distance of about 3.8 R⊕ , where R⊕ is Earth’s radius (19, 20), MM MD ≈1:9 LD MD ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2:9GM⊕R⊕ p   − 1:1 − 1:9 Mesc MD   ð1Þ where Mesc is the mass that escapes from the disk as the Moon accretes. To estimate MM , we used Eq. 1 and made the favorable assumption that Mesc = 0. We tracked the origin (impactor versus tar- get) of the particles in the final planet and the disk. To quantify the compositional difference be- tween the silicate portions of the disk and planet, we define a deviation percentage dfT ≡ [FD,tar /FP,tar − 1] × 100 (2) where FD,tar and FP,tar are the mass fractions of the silicate portions of the disk and of the planet derived from the target’s mantle, respectively (21). Identical disk-planet compositions have dfT = 0, whereas a disk that contains fractionally more impactor-derived silicate than the final planet has dfT < 0, and a disk that contains fractionally less impactor-derived silicate than the final planet has dfT > 0. Prior impact simulations (1–3, 14, 15) that consider g ≡ Mimp /MT ≈0.1 to 0.2 produce disks with −90% ≤ dfT ≤ −35% for cases with MM > ML , where ML is the Moon’s mass. Results with larger impactors having g = 0.3, 0.4, and 0.45 are shown in Figs. 1 and 2 and Table 1. As the relative size of the impactor (g) is increased, there is generally a closer compositional match be- tween the final disk and the planet. For g ≥ 0.4, some disks have both sufficient mass and an- gular momentum to yield the Moon and nearly identical silicate compositions to that of the final Fig. 1. An SPH simulation of a moderately oblique, low-velocity (v∞ = 4 km s–1) collision between an impactor and target with similar masses (Table 1, run 31). Color scales with particle temperature in kelvin, per color bar, with red indicating tempera- tures >6440 K. All particles in the three-dimensional simulation are overplotted. Time is shown in hours, and distances are shown in units of 103 km. After the initial impact, the plan- ets recollided, merged, and spun rapidly. Their iron cores migrated to the center, while the merged structure developed a bar- type mode and spiral arms (24). The arms wrapped up and finally dispersed to form a disk containing ~3 lunar masses, whose silicate composition dif- fered from that of the final planet by less than 1%. Because of the near symmetry of the colli- sion, impactor and target material are distributed approximately proportion- ately throughout the final disk, so that the disk’s dfT value does not vary ap- preciably with distance from the planet. Fig. 2. Compositional differ- ence between the disk and final planet (dfT ) (Eq. 2) produced by simulations with (A) g = 0.3 and (B) g = 0.4 (triangles) and 0.45 (squares) versus the pre- dicted mass of the moon that would accrete from each disk (MM ) (Eq. 1) scaled to the final planet’s mass (MP ). There is a change in y axis scales between the two plots. Gray, purple, dark REPORTS on November 25, 2012 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from [Canup, Science, 2012] ༷ʑͳ G.I. γφϦΦ ͕ఏҊ͞Ε͍ͯΔ͕ ͲΕ΋શͯͷ੍໿৚ ݅Λຬ͓ͨͯ͠Βͣ ܾఆଧ͕ແ͍
  5. [Canup, Science, 2005] e f d 100 75 50 25

    0 –100 –75 –50 –25 Longitude (°) 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Latitude (°) Latitude (°) d = 0 km (Surface) d = 200 km 0 0.2 0.4 Area fraction (T > Tpost ) 0.5 0.3 0. 0 30 60 90 –30 –60 –90 30 60 90 –30 –60 –90 0 43.6 h tion of a Charon-sized satellite and elongated post-impact heated area near Pluto’s equator. The results Table 1) are shown. Both the target and the impactor were undifferentiated bodies with rock mass ratios (f r nd initial potential temperatures (T 0 ) of 150K. The impactor-to-target mass ratio was 0.35. The impact vel ້Ԧ੕ͷӴ੕Χϩϯͷܗ੒ [Sekine et al., Nature Astron., 2017] ້Ԧ੕΁ͷ Giant Impact ʹΑΔӴ੕ͷ “ั֫”
  6. ໦੕Ӵ੕ܥͱ౔੕Ӵ੕ܥͷҧ͍ λΠλϯ ΠΦ Τ΢ϩύ Ψχϝσ ΧϦετ ؠੴ ؠੴ ණ ණະ෼Խ

    ΠΦʙΨχϝσ͸ޓ͍ʹيಓڞ໐ʹ͋Δ େ͖ͳӴ੕͸ λΠλϯͷΈ ʢશӴ੕࣭ྔͷʣ ණະ෼Խ dial ice-rock mixtures may display distinct degrees of internal differentiation. Impact- induced melting and/or intense tidal heating of Ganymede, locked in orbital resonances with the inner neighboring satellites Io and Europa, may have triggered runaway differ- entiation, but Callisto farther out from Jupiter ries and gradual unmixing of ice and rock may also play a role for incomplete differentiation of icy satellites. References and Notes 1. L. Iess et al., Science 327, 1367 (2010). 2. R. Jaumann et al., in Titan from Cassini-Huygens, R.H. Brown, J.-P. Lebreton, J. Hunter Waite, Eds. (Springer, New York, 2009), pp. 75–140. Inside Titan. Global gravity fi eld and sh pletely separated within Titan’s deep inte may contain a cold water-ammonia ocean water ice below (gray) and a fl oating ice/c images show that the extent of separation density that is predominantly affected by
  7. ˞,ÖOJHM  4UFWFOTPO  ͳͲ͔Βࣔࠦ͞ΕΔ ˞HBQܗ੒ͷ༗ແʹ͍ͭͯ͸*EB-JO  ࢀর ԁ൫಺ԑʹDBWJUZ͕ଘࡏ ໦੕

    ԁ൫಺ԑʹDBWJUZ͕ແ͍ ౔੕ ࿭੕ܥԁ൫ʹHBQΛܗ੒ˠप࿭੕ԁ൫͕ফࣦ ࿭੕ܥԁ൫ͷࢄҳͱͱ΋ʹɺप࿭੕ԁ൫͕ফࣦ 4BTBLJFUBM"Q+ 
  8. oon forms at rR (moon 2). rapidly, approaches moon 2rH

    /r, moon 1 is too far away to accrete a newly formed moon before this new moon leaves the ~100 orbits. Also, q d < 0.1D provided D < 6.7 × 10−3. This is always the case around giant plan- ets (see below and SM 7), and it justifies the assumption that D and tdisk are constant. After Dd is reached, a third moon appears in the sys- tem, and the discrete regime ends. As moons of fixed mass (produced by the discrete regime) appear successively at a given radius, they migrate outward with decreasing rate, and hence their mutual distance decreases; eventually, they merge. Therefore, moons of dou- ble mass are periodically formed, migrate out- ward, merge again, and so on. Assuming that the satellites do not perturb each other’s orbit, mergers occur hierarchically—this is the “py- ramidal regime” (SM 6). The moons’ masses increase with distance, and an ordered orbital ar- chitecture settles. In the region r < r2:1 = 22/3rR , the migration is controlled by the disk’s torque (Eq. 3); then the mass-distance relation fol- lows M º D1.8, and the number density of moons is proportional to 1/D (SM 6.1). Consequently, just outside rR , an accumulation of small moons is expected, consistent with observations (Fig. 1A). Beyond r2:1 , the migration is controlled by the planet’s tides and M º r3.9 (SM 6.2). This specific architecture is a testable obser- vational signature of this process. A compari- son with today’s giant planet systems of regular moons reveals a very good match for Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune (Fig. 1B). Neptune’s inner Oberon (except Cupid and Mab, out of scale). Neptune: a, Galatea, Larissa, and Proteus. Jupiter: Metis, Adrastea, opa, Ganymede, and Callisto. (A) Mass as a function of four systems do not extend all the way down to the l line), but a pile-up of small satellites is observed at a oche limit, rR ). The mass increases from zero with the consistently with the mean density of satellites, or with the orbit of the closest one (SM 1). For Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, rR = 140,000, 57,300, and 44,000 km, respectively. Short dashed curves: our model for the pyramidal regime Q(D) (eq. S25, SM 6.3): for D < D2:1 , q º D9/5 ; for D > D2:1 , q º (D + 1)3.9, where D2:1 = 0.59 is marked by the vertical dashed line. Jupiter’s system does not fit well and is not shown (SM 7.3). e s, e- H n. ay ss st e, e n- e y ss e: as w ). n- t- ), k c . n > m c . rc events between moons of similar masses. on November www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from The Astrophysical Journal, 799:40 (15pp), 2015 January 20 H Figure 5. (Continued) 1.8 2 aR ] the first satellite is formed on the orb This small companion was captured into the first satellite was still near the disk Ϧϯά͔ΒͷӴ੕ܗ੒ [Crida & Charnoz, Science, 2012] [Hyodo & Otsuki, ApJ, 2015]
  9. the deformed o the Moon. ocean can be element parti-

    nciples of the rimental data ne and ultra- magma ocean value of Mg# ed by a broad 920–80%) or e of chemical n the process ct and partial modify the composition (e.g., ref. 24). The present model could also explain the presence of a small Fe-rich core,25) if the influence of reduction at high proto-Earth proto-Earth impactor impactor magma ocean vapor jet (a) (b) Fig. 4. Schematic drawing of processes of ejection of materials upon a giant impact. (a) A case where the proto-Earth does not have a magma ocean. (b) A case where the proto-Earth has a magma ocean. fate of ejected materials depends on the ratio h/R and materials with only for modest value of h/R and velocity will become the source of the Moon. m/s) The temperature he relation [1] in mperature at the e summarized in olume, q : a non- (q9 1 for solids, [Karato, Proc. Jpn. Acad., 2014] ϚάϚΦʔγϟϯ΁ͷিಥ Magma Ocean ঢ়ଶͷݪ࢝஍ٿ΁ͷ Giant Impact ΞΠσΞͷఏҊ͚ͩͰ਺஋ܭࢉ౳͸ߦΘΕ͍ͯͳ͍
  10. ෳ਺ճͷিಥʹΑΔ݄ܗ੒ NATURE GEOSCIENCE DOI: 10.1038/NGEO2866 ARTICLES a −60 −45 −30

    −15 0 15 30 45 60 V imp /V esc V imp /V esc 1.0 1.4 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 1.4 2.0 3.0 4.0 M moon M moon 1.0 0.5 0.1 9 5 2.4 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 b 1.0 0.5 0.1 9 5 2.4 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 Impact angle, (°) β |δf T | (%) |δf T | (%) a L imp /L EM L final /L EM −4 −2 0 2 4 M sat /M moon 10−2 10−1 100 b 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 |δf T | < 10 Graze and merge Hit and run Partial accretion / max = 0.00 ω ω / max = 0.25 ω ω / max = 0.50 ω ω NATURE GEOSCIENCE DOI: 10.1038/NGEO2866 ARTICLES a −60 −45 −30 −15 0 15 30 45 60 V imp /V esc V imp /V esc 1.0 1.4 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 1.4 2.0 3.0 4.0 V imp /V esc 1.0 1.4 2.0 3.0 4.0 M moon M moon M moon 1.0 0.5 0.1 9 5 2.4 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 b 1.0 0.5 0.1 9 5 2.4 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 c 1.0 0.5 0.1 9 5 2.4 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 Impact angle, (°) β −60 −45 −30 −15 0 15 30 45 60 Impact angle, (°) β |δf T | (%) |δf T | (%) |δf T | (%) a L imp /L EM L final /L EM L imp /L EM −4 −2 0 2 4 M sat /M moon 10−2 10−1 100 b −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 |δf T | < 10 Graze and merge Hit and run Partial accretion / max = 0.00 ω ω / max = 0.25 ω ω / max = 0.50 ω ω Figure 4 | Final satellite mass and system angular momentum. a, Mass of the formed satellite using equation (2) as a function of impact angular momentum for !=0.25!max rotation. The colours correspond to di￿eren collisional regimes (hit and run—impactor escapes partially intact; graze and merge—impactor impacts the target twice; partial accretion—addition of mass to the target). b, The final angular momentum of all the systems that created a satellite. The di￿erent styles of markers represent di￿erent initial rotations. The darker horizontal lines represent the initial planetary angular momentum value with colours corresponding to the colours of the markers. Disks containing <100NSPH were omitted. −60 −45 −30 −15 0 15 30 45 60 V im V imp /V esc 1.0 1.4 2.0 1.0 1.4 2.0 3.0 4.0 V imp /V esc 1.0 1.4 2.0 3.0 4.0 M moon M moon 0 10 20 b 1.0 0.5 0.1 9 5 2.4 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 c 1.0 0.5 0.1 9 5 2.4 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Impact angle, (°) β −60 −45 −30 −15 0 15 30 45 60 Impact angle, (°) β −60 −45 −30 −15 0 15 30 45 60 Impact angle, (°) β %) |δf T | (%) |δf T | (%) Figure 3 | Disk properties in the angle–velocity phase space. a–c, Initial planetary rotation rate !=0.10!max (a), !=0.25!max (b) and !=0.50!max (c). The marker size corresponds to disk mass and the colour to the compositional di￿erence between the silicates in the final planet and disk. For comparison, the grey circles in the upper left corner represent a disk mass of 0.1, 0.5 and 1 MMoon. Markers are shifted horizontally according to the mass ratio, from left to right (9, 5, 2.4, 1%). The grey dots indicate disks that have an iron content larger than the estimated lunar core mass of 0.1Mmoon. Disks containing <100 smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) particles were omitted. retrograde impactors often fail to form a disk with enough angular momentum to accrete a moonlet. Fi th m co an o th in an m h F ro g er d th p H p m im m re a [Rufu et al., Nature Geo., 2017] 20 ճఔ౓ͷিಥͰܗ੒͞Εͨ moonlets ͷूੵ িಥதͷ previous moonlets ͷ҆ఆੑʹ͍ͭͯ͸ෆ໌
  11. ଟ༷ͳݪ࢝࿭੕ܥԁ൫ Դڇ࠲ ΁ͼ͔͍ͭ࠲      ԁ൫ͷ࣭ྔ<ଠཅ࣭ྔ> ൃ

    ݟ ਺ ଠཅܥ෮ݩԁ൫ Ӊ஦ʹ͸༷ʑͳ࣭ྔΛ࣋ͭݪ࢝࿭੕ܥԁ൫͕ଘࡏ ɹˠԁ൫ͷ࣭ྔͷҧ͍͕ଟ༷ͳ࿭੕ܥΛੜΈग़͢ʂʁ
  12. ଟ༷ͳԁ൫͔Βੜ·ΕΔଟ༷ͳ࿭੕ ԁ൫ͷ࣭ྔͷҧ͍ˠΨε࿭੕ͷ਺ͱҐஔͷҧ͍ the escape velocity of protoplanets. This high random

    veloc- ity makes the accretion process slow and inefficient and thus Tgrow longer. This accretion inefficiency is a severe problem On the ot in circular o HD 192263 with Æ1e 1 for in situ f case. It is d slingshot m circular orb the magnet may be wea disks may b Terrestria Jovian plan planetary a key process systems. We confir holds in Æsolid ¼ Æ1 ð ¼ 1=2; 3= tions. We d systems dep disk profile growth tim and (17), re a Mdisk T <T grow disk T <T cont disk Fig. 13.—Schematic illustration of the diversity of planetary systems against the initial disk mass for < 2. The left large circles stand for central stars. The double circles (cores with envelopes) are Jovian planets, and the others are terrestrial and Uranian planets. [ See the electronic edition of the Journal for a color version of this figure.] ݪ࢝࿭੕ܥԁ൫ͷ࣭ྔ يಓ௕൒ܘ த৺੕͔Βͷڑ཭ <,PLVCP*EB >
  13. Weidenschilling &,Marzari (1996),,Lin,&   a GM a GM a

    GM a GM a GM * * 3 * 2 * 1 *     $&,60 45 '"#, (t >~ 1My) /% , "# 2-+0'! 3. *) 1."#3. 00 a1 0  . 00 a1(. final e يಓෆ҆ఆʹΑΔ࿭੕ܥͷมԽ ࿭੕ؒͷॏྗͷӨڹ͕ ੵΈॏͳͬͯ࠷ऴతʹ ޓ͍ͷيಓ͕ෆ҆ఆԽ ҟͳΔ࿭੕ܥ΁ ˣ &DDFOUSJD1MBOFUͷىݯʁ </BHBTBXBFUBM >
  14. ࿭੕ͷҠಈʹ൐͏࿭੕ܥͷมԽ earing continues through scattering. After 00 million years the

    inner disk is composed the collection of planetesimals at 0.06 AU, a M] planet at 0.12 AU, the hot Jupiter at 0.21 U, and a 3 M] planet at 0.91 AU. Previous sults have shown that these planets are likely be stable for billion-year time scales (15). Many bodies remain in the outer disk, and ac- orbital time scales and high inclinations. Two of the four simulations from Fig. 2 contain a 90.3 M] planet on a low-eccentricity orbit in the habitable zone, where the temper- ature is adequate for water to exist as liquid on a planet_s surface (23). We adopt 0.3 M] as a lower limit for habitability, including long-term climate stabilization via plate tectonics (24). three categories: (i) hot Earth analogs interior to the giant planet; (ii) Bnormal[ terrestrial planets between the giant planet and 2.5 AU; and (iii) outer planets beyond 2.5 AU, whose accretion has not completed by the end of the simulation. Properties of simulated planets are segregated (Table 1): hot Earths have very low eccentric- ities and inclinations and high masses because g. 1. Snapshots in time of the evolution of one simulation. Each panel ots the orbital eccentricity versus semimajor axis for each surviving body. he size of each body is proportional to its physical size (except for the ant planet, shown in black). The vertical ‘‘error bars’’ represent the sine of each body’s inclination on the y-axis scale. The color of each dot corresponds to its water content (as per the color bar), and the dark inner dot represents the relative size of its iron core. For scale, the Earth’s water content is roughly 10j3 (28). λΠϓ* **࿭੕མԼʹ ΑΓ࿭੕ܥͷيಓ͕େ͖ ͔͖͘ཚ͞ΕΔ they accrete on the migration time scale (105 years), so there is a large amount of damping during their formation. These planets are remi- niscent of the recently discovered, close-in 7.5 M] planet around GJ 876 (25), whose formation is also attributed to migrating resonances (26). ଟ༷ͳ࿭੕ܥܗ੒ <3BZNPOEFUBM >
  15. ΋͏ͻͱͭͷ࿭੕ܗ੒ཧ࿦         

       ©Newton Press ژ౎ϞσϧʢྛϞσϧʣ ΩϟϝϩϯϞσϧ ॏྗෆ҆ఆͰܗ੒͞Εͨܥ֎࿭੕΋ଘࡏ͢ΔՄೳੑ (c) Alan P. Boss