and thus offers the prospect of measuring the emission from a binary companion at the very bottom of the main sequence. High- resolution spectroscopic techniques that make use of the many photospheric lines should be able to detect DMPP-3B in the pho- tometric K band39 where it is expected to be only ~800–1,000 times fainter than DMPP-3A. The estimated masses of DMPP-3A and DMPP-3B imply a DMPP-3B velocity amplitude of K ~ 30 ± 2 km s−1 (for orbital inclination, i = 90o), ensuring the spectroscopic signa- tures of each component are well resolved. Astrometric observa- tions by Gaia should enable us to determine the true mass and thus the orbital inclination40. Transit probability, eclipses and phase curve variations of the super-Earth-mass planet. The relatively low amplitude of the sig- nificant 6.6732 d Keplerian Signal 2 is reflected in the 18% uncer- tainty of the derived minimum mass. For this period, for random orientations the transit probability is 6.4%41; however, angular momentum considerations suggest the ablated planetary material is likely to remain concentrated in the orbital plane. Consequently, the transit probability for bodies in the DMPP-3 system is higher than for a randomly oriented system. For randomly oriented orbits, the probability that the DMPP- 3AB system is an eclipsing binary is small. The distance between the two stars at inferior conjunction of DMPP-3B is 1.09 au, imply- ing a probability of transit of only 0.4% if randomly oriented. Nonetheless, the possibility of an eclipsing binary containing a star at the hydrogen-burning limit is exciting, and worth exploring with high-quality photometry. The proximity of the DMPP-3 system, and the apparent lack of starspots on DMPP-3A makes DMPP-3A b an excellent prospect for detection of phase-dependent reflected light. This effect has less demanding alignment requirements than transits, and the exis- tence of absorbing material in the line of sight implies the system is likely to be more-or-less edge-on. For this reason, and to search for transits and eclipses DMPP-3 is an excellent prospective target for high-quality space-based photometry, but DMPP-3 is in a region of sky inaccessible to the European Space Agency’s CHaracterising ExOPlanet Satellite (CHEOPS) mission. Stability of DMPP-3A b and implications of orbital simulations –4,000 –2,000 0 2,000 a DMPP-3 observed RVs with fit and residuals RV (m s–1) –5 0 5 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 Residual (m s–1) BJD – 2454579.56469 (d) –4,000 –3,000 –2,000 –1,000 0 1,000 2,000 0 100 200 300 400 500 RV (m s–1) Time (d) CHEPS (2008–2013) DMPP (2015–2018) CORALIE (2017) DMPP (nightly average) Phase-folded RVs and fit: P = 506.84 d, e = 0.596 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Phase b –5 0 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Phase RV (m s–1) Time (d) c Signal 2 folded: P = 6.6732 d, e = 0.140 are not particularly suitable for calibrating models of isolated ana- logues. With properly calibrated models, the fundamental param- eters of isolated objects can be inferred more reliably, or at least with better understood uncertainties, from the observations. DMPP-3B is a vitally interesting and important object for this reason, and because its orbital eccentricity means we can potentially probe how the atmospheric properties respond to changing proximity of the primary star. DMPP-3AB is not a particularly tight binary system: even with e = 0.597, tidal dissipation between the stars is negligible, with inspiral time τ B ~ 1.2 × 1017 yr (ref. 36). We estimate the age of DMPP-3 to be ≥6.2 Gyr (Table 1). For ages 2–10 Gyr, there is little change in luminosity expected for a 0.08 M ʘ object37; we expect the V-band contrast ratio between DMPP-3A 3AB system is an eclipsing bin the two stars at inferior conjunc ing a probability of transit of Nonetheless, the possibility of a at the hydrogen-burning limit is high-quality photometry. The proximity of the DMPP starspots on DMPP-3A makes for detection of phase-depend less demanding alignment requi tence of absorbing material in th likely to be more-or-less edge-o transits and eclipses DMPP-3 is high-quality space-based photo of sky inaccessible to the Europ ExOPlanet Satellite (CHEOPS) m Stability of DMPP-3A b and im for empirical RVs. With P orb = and eccentricity of HD 19176 cal to DMPP-3B’s, though M p s 191760B firmly in the brown candidates are identified, HD 1 configurations and stability for >0.17–0.18 au are not expected tigating the orbital stability of pl ent mass ratios42 predicts that in orbiting one binary component) planetary semi-major axes a p < we carried out orbital integratio Methods for further details). Th or equivalently >720,600 orbits acteristic quasi-periodic modula repeat throughout the simulatio is modified by the orbit of DMP e p,start = 0.14 results in modulatio ues per orbit of 0.00 < e p < 0.18. on the orbital timescale of DM with an r.m.s. of 0.02. In all orbital simulations the –4,000 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (d) –5 0 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Phase RV (m s–1) Time (d) c Signal 2 folded: P = 6.6732 d, e = 0.140 Fig. 1 | Observed and fitted RVs for DMPP-3. a, RV observations, maximum a posteriori fit20 (see Table 1) and residuals for the M p sin i ~ 80 M Jup companion DMPP-3B in a high-eccentricity orbit. Observation times are Barycentric Julian Date (BJD) relative to the first observation on BJD = 2454579.56469. b, RVs folded on the DMPP-3B orbit. c, Phase fold of Signal 2 (see Table 1), indicating a 2.6M ⊕ planet DMPP-3A. All RVs are plotted with 1σ uncertainties. The RVs suggest the presence of a low-mass stellar binary companion orbiting DMPP-3. ɹˠ DMPP-3B: very low mass (~80 ), very close (~507day or ~1.22 au) , highly eccentric ( ~0.59). Significant low-amplitude (Signal 2) indicates the presence of a low-mass planet around DMPP-3A. ɹˠ DMPP-3A b: super-Earth-mass (~2.58 ), very close (6.67 day), slightly eccentric ( ~0.14). MJup e M⊕ e