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What we talk about when we talk about software

What we talk about when we talk about software

Programmers often use figurative metaphors to help others understand their novel designs. Research by cognitive linguists, such as George Lakoff, shows that metaphors are more fundamental to the way we think: the only way we can conceive of and communicate about abstract concepts is to relate them, by metaphor, to our physical selves. And you don't get much more abstract than software! We usually do not notice the metaphors we are using when describing software. However, careless use of metaphor can hinder how we design software, communicate about software design and organise ourselves to collaborate on software development. If we cannot avoid metaphor we must use it to our advantage and avoid its pitfalls. I'll share some of my own experiences of metaphor on software projects, both successful and unsuccessful.

Presented at NewCrafts 2018, Paris.

Video here: http://videos.ncrafts.io/video/275530146

Nat Pryce

May 18, 2018

More Decks by Nat Pryce

Other Decks in Programming


  1. What we talk about when we talk about software Evolving

    thoughts about metaphor, technical debt & Conway's law Nat Pryce nat@natpryce.com @natpryce github.com/npryce speakerdeck.com/npryce
  2. A layered architecture diagram Hardware Device Drivers Operating System Application

    Hardware Device Drivers Operating System Application Or? Which feels right?
  3. Unix pipes tr -cs A-Za-z '\n' | tr A-Z a-z

    | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | sed ${1}q
  4. “Each XP software project is guided by a single overarching

    metaphor. Sometimes the metaphor is "naive". ... Sometimes the metaphor needs a little explanation. The words used to identify technical entities should be consistently taken from the chosen metaphor.” eXtreme Programming Explained, Kent Beck, 1999 XP's system metaphor
  5. Figurative metaphor Metaphors We Live By, Lakoff and Johnson, 1980.

    “...in getting us to try to understand how it could be true, it makes possible a new understanding…”
  6. Idioms: metaphors that have kicked the bucket Figurative metaphors can

    become common phrases in language When we forget the original meaning of the phrase, it loses its explanatory power. The phrase fossilises as an idiom
  7. Cognitive metaphor We live ➢ in the physical world ➢

    in social groups We conceptualise anything more abstract as metaphor
  8. Example: MORE IS UP From The Guardian website, 15/05/2014: “OVO

    Energy raises prices 3%” “...soaring values have revived idea of selling part of property portfolio...” “...nation's top 10% owning 44% of household wealth...” “Ministry of justice figures show number of convictions fell by only 69...” “Labour's nosedive in the opinion polls…”
  9. Cognitive metaphor domains Up/Down, Close/Far, Facing towards/away Large/Small Inside/Outside, Boundary,

    Surface Extent, Covering, … Light/Heavy Bright/Dark Parent/Child, Siblings, ... ... Orientation Size Containment Surface Weight Shade Family ...
  10. A layered architecture diagram Hardware Device Drivers Operating System Application

    Hardware Device Drivers Operating System Application Or? Which feels right?
  11. Where do you draw the user interface? Hardware Device Drivers

    Operating System Application User Interface
  12. Mapping onto different target domains Up Down etc. More Less

    Happy Sad Pure Corrupt Abstract Concrete People Animals Controlling Controlled
  13. Vertical orientation ABSTRACT IS UP CONTROL IS UP PEOPLE IS


    IN THE CENTER “The code is written in Java” Encapsulation Leaky abstractions CPU & peripherals ...
  15. User-facing features Front-end developer Database back-end Externally facing services ...

    Orientation: facing towards something THE SYSTEM FACES THE USER THE SYSTEM FACES OTHER SYSTEMS
  16. Size Big Data “Big Iron” (mainframes) Software design diagrams could

  17. Entailment and coherence Read: “Following the report, shares in XYZ

    Plc took a nosedive and were in freefall by close of trading.” Think: “I should bail out of my investment in XYZ Plc. before the stock hits rock bottom.”
  18. Database ORM Domain Model UI Or? Database ORM Domain Model

    UI Which feels right? Inadvertent entailment: layers, balance, size
  19. Metaphorical blinkers Image CC-BY-SA 2.0 Pete Markham Metaphors We Live

    By, Lakoff and Johnson, 1980. “In allowing us to focus on one aspect of a concept, a metaphorical concept can keep us from focusing on other aspects of the concept that are inconsistent with the metaphor.”
  20. How we describe a system affects how we plan to

    build it Linear metaphor led to linear development and a big-bang release of all functionality Publication Payment Licensing Decision Review Reviewer invitation Quality check Manuscript Submission
  21. Conway's Law Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly)

    will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure. – Melvin Conway
  22. Conway's Law rephrased If you have four groups working on

    a compiler, you'll get a four-pass compiler. – Eric S. Raymond
  23. Conway's Law rephrased If you have four groups working on

    a compiler, you'll get a four-pass compiler. – Eric S. Raymond
  24. Conway's Law rephrased If you have four groups working on

    a compiler, you'll get a four-pass compiler. – Eric S. Raymond
  25. Conway's Law rephrased If you have four groups working on

    a compiler, you'll get a four-pass compiler. – Eric S. Raymond A metaphor
  26. Summary ❖ Metaphor maps behaviour from one domain to another

    ❖ Metaphor helps and hinders ❖ Figurative metaphor is technical debt ❖ Cognitive metaphor is inescapable ❖ Metaphor precedes Conway's Law