list on aws_ami data source ◦ Enforce mandatory tags on instances ◦ Restrict availability zones ◦ Disallow CIDR blocks ◦ Restrict the type of instance to be provisioned ◦ Require VPCs to be tagged and have DNS hostnames enabled • Microsoft Azure ◦ Restrict VM images ◦ Restrict the type of VM to be provisioned ◦ Enforce limits on an ACS cluster ◦ Enforce limits on an AKS cluster • Google Cloud Platform ◦ Disallow CIDR blocks ◦ Enforce limits on a GKE cluster ◦ Restrict the type of machine to be provisioned • VMware ◦ Require Storage DRS to be enabled ◦ Restrict virtual disk size and type ◦ Restrict VM CPU count and memory ◦ Enforce NFS 4.1 and Kerberos • etc ...