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Smart Contract Development with Solidity: A beginner's guide

Smart Contract Development with Solidity: A beginner's guide

Smart Contract Development with Solidity: A beginner's guide.

Code Africa Conference(Online), November 2023

Olubisi Idris Ayinde

November 23, 2023

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  1. What will you learn in this talk? • Introduction to

    blockchain • What is a smart contract and why use solidity? • Solidity basics and syntax • Development tools and testing • Best practices and security considerations • Building, compiling and deploying smart contracts
  2. What is a Blockchain? A blockchain is a digital ledger

    of transactions, duplicated and distributed across a network of computer systems.
  3. "From 1989 to 2001, there were almost no legitimate winners

    of the high-value game pieces in the McDonald’s Monopoly game" FBI Special Agent Doug Mathews
  4. What is a Smart Contract? A smart contract is a

    self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code and can be deployed on the blockchain.
  5. Variables in Solidity // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; contract

    Example { int public count; // Integer variable bool public isActive; // Boolean variable address public userAddress; // Address variable }
  6. Functions in Solidity contract Example { uint private storedData; function

    set(uint x) public { storedData = x; } function get() public view returns (uint) { return storedData; } }
  7. Data Types in Solidity contract DataTypes { bool public isTrue

    = false; uint public num = 123; address public userAddress; struct Person { uint id; string name; } Person public person = Person(1, "Alice"); }
  8. Basic Structure of a Solidity Contract // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma

    solidity ^0.8.0; contract SimpleContract { uint public count; function setCount(uint _count) public { count = _count; } function incrementCount() public { count += 1; } }
  9. Automated Testing • Truffle, Foundry and Hardhat offer frameworks for

    writing and running automated tests • Mocha and Chai can be used in conjunction with these frameworks for more advanced testing
  10. Automated Testing: Type of Test • Unit tests for individual

    functions • Integration tests for contract interactions • Fuzz test
  11. Security and Best Practices Common vulnerabilities • Re-entrancy • Integer

    overflows/underflows • Access control issues • Unsafe external calls • Front-running • Denial of service
  12. Security and Best Practices Best practices • Use tested libraries

    and frameworks • Keep contracts simple • Add revert conditions • Validate inputs and outputs • Adhere to check-effects-interactions pattern • Extensive testing
  13. Security and Best Practices Avoiding mainnet deployments • Use Remix

    to deploy initially • Deploy to testnets first • Run through multiple test cases • Upgradeability best for mainnet
  14. Resources and Communities • Solidity docs • OpenZeppelin contracts •

    32 hrs course by Patrick Collins • LearnWeb3.io • Alchemy University