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Malware Analysis

Malware Analysis

A strong Malware Analysis practice aids in the analysis, detection, and mitigation of potential threats. Malware Analysis can help organizations identify malicious objects used in advanced, targeted, and zero-day attacks.

Onkar Borude

March 16, 2023

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  1. CONTENTS Introduction Types Of Malware Types Of Malware Analysis Tools

    Used In Malware Analysis Real World Malware Attack Prevention Conclusion
  2. INTRODUCTION Malware Analysis: The art of capturing a malware and

    analyzing its behavior for detection and prevention is called malware analysis. Malware analysis 3
  3. TROJAN: Malware Hiding In Other Legitimate Files. Legitimate Files And

    Software Are Bundled With Malware So That When The Software Is Installed The Malware Will Also Get Installed And Executed. VIRUS: Malware Which Requires Human Intervention To Run And Propagate. SPYWARE: Sits On Your System Like A Spy And Monitors/Records The Activities. WORMS: Similar To A Virus But Does Not Require Any Human Intervention To Run And Propagate In The Network. RANSOMWARE:Encrypts The System Completely And Asks The User For Ransom To Decrypt The Data. 5
  4. REAL WORLD MALWARE ATTACK 6 1971 2000 2013 2014 2019

    Creeper virus ILOVEYOU Worm Crypto Locker ransomware Emotet trojan Clop ransomware
  5. TYPES OF MALWARE ANALYSIS Malware Analysis Can Be Either Static

    OR Dynamic. Let Us Discuss Them In Detail: 1. Static Malware Analysis : Here, The Malware Components Or Properties Are Analyzed Without Actually Executing The Code. Static Malware Analysis Is Used To Examine The File For Signs Of Malicious Intent. It Is A Signature-based Technique. It Can Be Useful To Identify Malicious Infrastructure, Libraries Or Packed Files. Technical Indicators Are Identified Such As File Names, Hashes, Strings Such As IP Addresses, Domains, And File Header Data Can Be Used To Determine Whether That File Is Malicious. 7
  6. 2.Dynamic Malware Analysis: Dynamic malware analysis executes suspected malicious code

    in a safe environment called a sandbox. This closed system enables security professionals to watch the malware in action without the risk of letting it infect their system or escape into the enterprise network. Dynamic analysis provides threat hunters and incident responders with deeper visibility, allowing them to uncover the true nature of a threat. Malware analysis 8
  7. PREVENTION -Use A Legitimate Antivirus And Schedule It To Perform

    Regular Full Scans. -Update Windows Regularly, Without Fail. -Do Not Use Any External Drive Without Scanning. -Do Not Download Software From Illegitimate Sources. -Do Not Click On Emails Or Attachments Which Appear To Come From Untrusted Sources.