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Brand Design

May 01, 2024

Brand Design


May 01, 2024


  1. Brand/ Company Competition Stakeholders Customers Marketplace BRAND STRATEGY Brand Portfolio

    and Architecture Brand Identity/Essence Brand Positioning INTEGRATED BRAND EXPERIENCE Brand Design Brand Communication BRAND IMAGE Customer Behaviour BUSINESS RESULTS (Profit and Share) Managing Brands Over Time BRAND EQUITY BRAND VALUATION
  2. Visual and Verbal expression of the brand ‘Brand Design’ differentiates

    intangibles - Emotion Brands Cues Brands viewed as Concept Brands Perception
  3. Brand Essence SHOULD permeate every thought, strategy and action concerning

    the identity and existence of a brand, and communicated through brand design
  4. WHATS IN THE NAME? ü Coca Cola: Reflect ingredient of

    the brand ü Mercedes: Christian name of Daimler’s daughter ü Adidas: contract Adolph Dassler ü Harpic: Harry Picman ü Toys-R-Us: Business Foundation of a Brand Provide Uniqueness and Connect with audience Does it sound well? Does it pronounce easy? (Alpenliebe) Asians prefer Western names… (Peter England) Culturally Correct- (Nova)
  5. Logo (Visual) Logo provides distinct identity and recognition to brand.

    It engages intelligence, imagination and emotion. Logos are assets and add value to the brand
  6. WHY ARE LOGOS IMPORTANT? Perception Science How individuals recognize and

    interpret sensory stimulus. Colour Shape Content
  7. Colour- Visual Gives sensation, creates emotion and triggers memory. It

    helps create “look and the feel” Conveys Brand Personality Differentiates Gives reflection of the Target Segment Colours have meanings Purple means royalty, Red is energy, Blue is peaceful Opposite colours can differentiate – Kodak is yellow, Fuji is green
  8. Characters- Visual Character gives brand a style.. Adds a humanistic

    element Rich in imagery Attention seeking Clutter breakers Easily transferred
  9. PACKAGING Consumer’s first contact with brand. Important to communicate brand

    values. Should be distinctive, attractive, and differentiated. Should enhance brand experience.
  10. Tagline - Verbal Evoke emotional response and communicate the essence

    of your brand. It is a company statement or principle that describes the guiding philosophy of the brand.
  11. Verbal- Slogans & Jingles Slogans Short phrases that carry descriptive

    or persuasive info Adds verbal reinforcement Aids to build awareness and image • zindagi ke saath bhi .. Ke baad bhi • Kuch meetha ho jaye • Feels like Heaven.. Feels like…. Jingles Musical Slogans which enhance recognition, memorability and brand association. Airtel Tune, Nokia Music, Nescafe music
  12. 8 out of 10 brands, the world over fail and

    the foremost reason for their death is that they have nothing distinctive to offer and cannot resonate with audience. This “something” is personality.
  13. BRAND PERSONALITY Sum total of a brand’s impression = Brand

    Personality Personality differentiates brands. It makes consumers relate to the brand. Brand as a person = Brand Personification.
  14. Core Human Motivation Carl Jung’s Archetypes What do these archetypes

    do End goal Example Stability/ Security/ Structure Creator/ Artist Craft something new Helps feel safe Lego, Apple Caregiver Care for others Volvo, Unicef Ruler Exert control Mercedes, Rolex Belonging/ Social Affiliation/ Connections Jester Have a good time/ pleasure Have companionship M&M, Ben & Jerry Everyman/Regular Guy, Gal Be OK with who you are/ Belong Ikea, Volkswagen Lover Find and Give love/ Intimacy DeBeers, Chanel Risk and Mastery/ Leave a mark Hero Act courageously/ Master Achieve competence Nike, Rebel/ Outlaw Break rules/ Liberation Diesel, Harley Davidson Magician Affect transformation/ Power Disney, Dyson Independence & Fulfillment/ Spiritual Journey Innocent Retain/Renew faith/ Safety Find happiness Pears, Aveeno Explorer Maintain Independence/ freedom Café Coffee Day Sage Understand world wisdom/ knowledge SAP
  15. HOW TO PERSONIFY? Appeals to the reason (Beliefs) sensible, practical,

    hardworking, affordable efficient Appeals to the senses (Reactions) stylish, sizzling, tasty, attractive Appeals to the emotions (Feelings) warm, caring, fun, exciting, trendy, trusted Appeals to the Self- image (Associations) aspirational, status-conscious, cult figure, macho Rational Sensory Emotional Symbolic Brand Values
  16. SINCERITY Down to earth Honest Cheerful Wholesome AAKER BRAND PERSONALITY

    SCALE EXCITEMENT Daring Up-to-date Spirited Imaginative COMPETENCE Successful Intelligent Reliable SOPHISTICATED Upper Class Charming Stylish RUGGEDNESS Tough Outdoorsy
  17. FOCUS & SINGLE MINDEDNESS (in communicating and preserving core brand

    values.) A good understanding of target audience, their behavior, aspirations and characteristics to personify the brand. Creating Brand Personality Needs
  18. Mood Boards Visual representation of brand’s personality, MOOD and TONE

    Summation of brand’s values and what it stands for
  19. Brand design are verbal and visual cues and help in

    brand recognition, brand association Brand design works at subliminal level to create desired associations by linking with pre- defined beliefs or processing styles Brand Personality is the ‘human form of brand’ which helps connect with audience at rational, emotional, sensory or symbolic level KEY LEARNINGS