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Managing Brands

May 01, 2024

Managing Brands


May 01, 2024


  1. The concept of the product (or Brand) life cycle is

    today at about the stage that the Copernican view of the universe was 300 years ago: a lot of people knew about it, but hardly anybody seemed to use it in any effective or productive way. - Theodore Levitt
  2. Key Questions Given a proposed new product/service Brand, how and

    to what extent can the shape and duration of each stage be predicted. Given an existing product/brand, how can we determine what stage it is in Given all this information, how can it be effectively used.
  3. Introduction, market development phase Objective: Product/Market Development; Attract customers Corporate

    Context, Focus NPD Process Brand Positioning Brand Design to build associations Execution to focus on Creating Brand Awareness Category Information, Category Creation, Trial

    exceed first-year sales of $50 million in US—considered the benchmark of a highly successful launch. Flaw 1: The company can’t support fast growth. Flaw 2: The product falls short of claims Flaw 3: The new item exists in “product limbo.” Flaw 4: The product defines a new category and requires substantial consumer education— but doesn’t get it. Flaw 5: The product is revolutionary, but there’s no market for it.
  5. GROWTH phase Reinforce Brands Maintain Brand Consistency- positioning and communication

    Protect sources of Brand Equity Invest in marketing investments Fortify or Leverage brands: Fortifying refers to enhancing brand equity in terms of awareness and perception, whereas Leveraging refers to making money from a brand.
  6. Objective: Market Penetration: Gain more customers; Switch from competition Focus

    on Quality Brand Consistency Brand Relevance Availability/ Distribution Communication to build preference
  7. MATURITY phase Objective: Build Brand Loyalty to retain customers Revisit

    Brand Essence (Elements, Personality, Packaging) Re segmentation Brand Variants Repositioning / Evolved Positioning- Reverse/Stealth/Breakaway Positioning Pricing decisions Distribution Control Brand Investment - extensions
  8. MATURITY phase Revitalize & Refresh Brands Expand Brand Awareness- recall

    and recognition Improve Brand Image/ Enhance Brand Associations Reposition Change Design Enter new markets and segments
  9. GROWTH & MATURITY phase Refresh old sources of equity Create

    new sources of equity Expand depth and breadth of awareness and usage Improve strength, favorability, & uniqueness of brand association Increase quantity of consumption (How much) Increase frequency of consumption (How often) Opportunity to use more in same way Opportunity to use in new and different ways Bolster fading associations Neutralize Negative associations Create New associations Retain vulnerable customers Recapture lost customers Identify neglected segment Attract new segment
  10. DECLINE Phase Objective: Arrest your customer; Increased usage, uses Internal

    Reasons Product Quality Pricing (Value) Price Cuts (Discounts) Brand Neglect Target Market Shift Competitive Actions Category Decline
  11. • PLC BLC • Rapid Growth • Slow Growth •

    Decline • New Entry • Establish at Low contribution • Identify clear niche and cost-benefit analysis • Assess long term continuance • Growing • Invest in market and product. Plan for long term stay • Create uniqueness • Capitalise on strengths. Plan exit in medium term • Established / Old • Revitalise, Relaunch • Harvest • Milk. Plan phased exit SUMMARY: BLC STRATEGY MATRIX
  12. Penetrate (Existing Users) Switch users to your brand New users

    to the category Actual Value Change • Product change/upgrade • Pricing • Brand extension • Line extension • Packaging • Distribution Perceived Value Change • Positioning & Communication • Communication • Design elements