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Web Components: a chance to create the future

Web Components: a chance to create the future

April 30, 2014 @ SFHTML5

Zeno Rocha

April 30, 2014

More Decks by Zeno Rocha

Other Decks in Programming


  1. <X>

  2. What’s included? We encourage a series of best practices like

    setting up a live demo, documenting your API, maintaining a changelog
 for release purposes, and sharing it in a package manager. Lifecycle Grunt tasks Bower config
  3. CustomElements.io 13% 24% 14% + 170 elements + 100,000 pageviews

    North America South America Southern/ Western Europe Eastern/ Northern Europe 13%
  4. And a bunch of awesome people… Alex Komoroske Briza Bueno

    Daniel Buchner Eric Bidelman Bernard De Luna Soledad Penadés Rob Dodson Eduardo Lundgren Sindre Sorhus Pascal Precht Bruce Lawson Mathias Bynens
  5. Highlight great
 articles & talks Gather best practices Introduce useful

    tools and resources Discuss API implementations