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An introduction to TrIAS work package 2: Data m...

Peter Desmet
February 13, 2017

An introduction to TrIAS work package 2: Data mobilization framework

Talk at the TrIAS kick-off meeting in Brussels, Belgium - February 13, 2017.

Peter Desmet

February 13, 2017

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  1. An introduc+on to TrIAS work package 2: Data mobiliza+on framework

    Peter Desmet TrIAS kick-off mee+ng - Feb 13, 2017
  2. The goal of the data mobiliza+on framework is to create

    data products that will be used in further work packages. This includes datasets rela+ng to the presence of AS in Belgium (checklist and occurrence data) for which major sources in Belgium will be published to GBIF, and environmental predictors needed for spa+ally explicit risk modelling and mapping (global and CORDEX-derived climate (change) data, habitat and land-use layers). The framework also comprises the tools and documenta/on to compile from the published checklists a unified AS checklist for Belgium, use this to query and download occurrence data from GBIF, and process these to feed further analysis (WP3 & WP4). From the proposal
  3. 2.1 - Alien species checklist 2.2 - Occurrences 2.3 -

    Climate data & future scenarios (by Bert Van Schaeybroeck) Three tasks
  4. We don’t have one! And certainly not one that is

    unified, verified & standardized
  5. 7 checklists •  Manual of Alien Plants (BGM, Verloove 2006,

    Verloove 2013) •  Harmonia informa+on system (BBPF, Vanderhoeven et al. 2015) •  World Register of Introduced Marine Species (WRIMS) (VLIZ, Pagad et al. 2016) •  Registry of non-na+ve species in the Two Seas region countries (GB, FR, BE & NL) (RINSE) (INBO, Gallardo et al. 2013, Zieritz et al. 2014, Gallardo et al. 2016) •  Non-indigenous freshwater fish (INBO, Verreycken et al. 2007) •  Alien freshwater invertebrates (UGent, Boets et al. 2016) •  Terrestrial Mollusca (RBINS, from EASIN 2015)
  6. •  NGOs –  Natuurpunt –  Natagora •  Regional administra+ons – 

    INBO –  ILVO –  SPW-DEMNA •  Collec+ons –  BGM –  RBINS •  Former AS related projects –  Invaxen –  DIARS (incl. VITO) –  Inplanbel (incl. ULg) –  Ensis –  MEMO –  Alien Impact (incl. UCL) •  Non-TrIAS partners •  GBIF Sources of occurrence data
  7. Thank you! @peterdesmet Desmet Peter (2017) An introduc+on to TrIAS

    work package 2: Data mobiliza+on framework. hgp://bit.ly/2ktqWr4