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PLF 2024 In Review

Jamie Webb
December 20, 2024

PLF 2024 In Review

Jamie Webb

December 20, 2024


  1. From significantly increasing our educational offerings to clinicians through our

    inaugural Scientific Symposium to having the first C. diff-specific legislation introduced into Congress, we continue to punch above our weight. 2024 HAS BEEN ONE OF OUR MOST IMPACTFUL YEARS YET. HERE ARE SOME OF OUR MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS FROM THIS YEAR.
  2. In April, our ninth annual Summit hosted several presentations addressing

    an array of scientific, personal, and public awareness issues. EMPOWERING ADVOCATES The following day, advocates met with Capitol Hill staffers to share stories and promote the Safe Step, HELP Copays, and PASTEUR Acts.
  3. In August, Congresswoman Yvette Clarke introduced the “Peggy Lillis C.

    difficile Inclusion Act,” to add C. difficile to the CDC’s Nationally Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System. In September, PLF held a congressional briefing. The session aimed to raise awareness about C. diff infections and the critical need for this legislation. SHAPING POLICY
  4. SHAPING POLICY FDA has agreed to permit this through the

    end of 2024, and we will continue to work with the agency to ensure access for those who need it. In October, staff and volunteers from PLF met with FDA, urging them to preserve fecal transplants for pediatrics and people with severe, fulminant disease.
  5. In the past year, we’ve added a slate of wonderful

    new volunteers to help maintain our Peer Support Network. SUPPORTING PATIENTS We also held our annual “State of C. diff Town Hall,” where patients heard the latest updates in the field of C. diff, straight from the experts.
  6. RAISING AWARENESS After honoring three strong women at our 15th

    annual Gala, we launched our inaugural Scientific Symposium and educated scores of viewers on recent advances in C. diff research.
  7. GROWING PEOPLE POWER This year, we added four new members

    to our Board of Directors: Paul Feuerstadt, Kenneth Lawrence, David Shlaes, and Debbie Trinker. They each provide an invaluable perspective, and have already made incredible contributions to our growth and our strategy for fighting C. diff.
  8. GIVING THANKS We’d like to extend our sincere, heartfelt gratitude

    to everyone who made this year possible. From in-kind donations of our volunteers’ time to financial assistance, from individual contributions to corporate sponsorships, every ounce of support allows us to continue our work standing up for C. diff patients and their loved ones. 2025 will mark 15 years of remembering Peggy. While we can never replace the ones we’ve lost to C. diff, we will carry on the fight in their names. That’s why we’re renewing our pledge to end the harm caused by C. diff with a new strategic plan, a reimagined volunteer body and event schedule, and even more audacious goals for change–progressing toward our vision of a world where C. diff is rare, treatable, and survivable.
  9. SEE YOU IN 2025! Thank you to our institutional partners

    for another fantastic year of C. diff education, advocacy, and awareness-raising.