C.… Gurova, K. V. (2011). Curaxins: anticancer compounds that simultaneously suppress NF-κB and activate p53 by targeting FACT. Science Translational Medicine, 3(95), 95ra74. Curaxin causes dissociation of histones from DNA Markers of DNA damage not detected Doxorubicin used as positive control Safina, A., Cheney, P., Pal, M., Brodsky, L., Ivanov, A., Kirsanov, K., … Gurova, K. (2017). FACT is a sensor of DNA torsional stress in eukaryotic cells. Nucleic Acids Research, 45(4), 1925–1945. Fig.3. Comparison of p53 induction by chromatin and DNA damage. A. Immunoblotting of lysates of HT1080 cells treated with CBL0137 or dox (DXR) for 16 hrs. B-C. Comparison of the list of known p53 targets (MSig lists of genes which expression was changed in HT1080 cells 16 hrs afte treatment with CBL0137, doxorubicin or gamma-irradiation (6Gy) asses microarray hybridization. A B Only casein kinase 2 was found to activate p53