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How to present scientific data for high school/...

Priyanka Rajan
February 09, 2025

How to present scientific data for high school/undergraduate students

Priyanka Rajan

February 09, 2025


  1. How to present scientific data? Each piece of data is

    an experiment. What is an experiment? What are the components of an experiment? Lung metastatic burden IgG+Veh αCD8+Veh IgG+p38i αCD8+p38i 0 5 10 15 Log2 RLU/gm tumor ✱ ✱ ✱ ✱ ✱ ✱ ✱ ns Two tailed unpaired t-test (refer to excel sheet) Veh p38i p38ko 0 10 20 30 40 Naive CD4 %CD44- CD62L+ of CD4+ % ✱ ✱✱✱ 37 - 50 - 37 - 37 - P38i (μM) C C 0.5 2 5 E0771.ML-1 p-ERK1/2 p-CREB1/ p-ATF1 p-p38 a-tubulin
  2. Components of an experiment Define the Question • Background •

    General problem • Specific Problem – “Gap” Develop a Hypothesis • Testable • Fruitfulness Models & Methods • Appropriate controls • Rigor & reproducibility Results & Conclusions Overall Impact • Data visualization • Statistics
  3. My thesis as an example p38 MAPK as a target

    to reduce immune- suppression in triple negative breast cancer Questions that may arise in your mind: ➢ What is triple negative breast cancer? ➢ Why are you studying triple negative breast cancer? ➢ Why is immune-suppression a problem in triple negative breast cancer? ➢ What data suggests that p38 is the target to go after? ➢ What does your data show? ➢ What does this mean for the patients? Defining the question Developing the hypothesis Results and conclusion Overall Impact
  4. 56% 14% 16% 15% Incidence of Breast Cancer subtypes Defining

    the question- Background Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) has low expression of Estrogen receptor (ER-), Progesterone receptor (PR-) and Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2-). -10 10 30 50 % survival 5-year Survival rate – Distant Metastasis Luminal A Luminal B HER2+ TNBC TNBC Luminal A Luminal B HER2+ https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/breast.html Major Need: to develop an effective treatment approach for TNBC.
  5. Defining the question- General Problem Clinical Problem: Response rates to

    ICI monotherapy remain poor. One of the major reasons for failure of ICI is due to immune-suppressive Tumor Microenvironment (TME). • Surgery • Radiation therapy • Chemotherapy Problems • Relapse and Resistance • Significant toxicity Response rates to ICI monotherapy Melanoma 40-50% Lung cancer 30-40% TNBC 10-15% Esteva F.P. et al, 2019 Vikas P., et al, Can Mgt Res, 2018 Emerging approach: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) • αPD-1 • αPD-L1
  6. Defining the question- Specific problem Targeting p38MAPK reduces these immune

    suppressive cells Create your illustrations using https://www.biorender.com/ State the gap in knowledge: There are currently no clinically approved agents to target immune suppressive cells. There is a need to develop therapies to target immune suppressive cells
  7. Hypothesis Data from our lab supports the idea that activation

    of p38 MAP kinase in the tumor cells leads to generation of immune- suppressive microenvironment. Therefore, we hypothesize that blocking p38 will reduce immune suppression and enhance response to ICI therapy. p38
  8. Models & Methods Study changes in immune populations in the

    tumor and spleen. Cell line Mouse strain Response to ICI 4T1 BALB/c Resistant E0771 C57BL/6 Partial response/ resistant p38 inhibitor Ralimetinib (LY2228820)
  9. Data IHC data – should have quantification, images with scale

    bar Flow data – should have gating strategy
  10. Summary Ib data- label treatments, controls, cell lines Bar graphs

    – graph pad, color wheel Tables Line graphs