to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and transparency of public administration, as well as to enhance citizen engagement and trust . - Digital transformation requires a clear vision, a strategic plan, a collaborative culture, a data-driven approach, and a citizen-centric mindset . - Tokyo faces several challenges in its digital transformation, such as aging population, urban congestion, environmental issues, disaster preparedness, and social inequality. - Tokyo can leverage its strengths as a global city, a technology hub, and a cultural leader to overcome these challenges and become a smart city that delivers better public services and quality of life for its citizens. - Some of the best practices of digital transformation in public administration that Tokyo can adopt are: - Developing a comprehensive digital strategy that aligns with the city's vision and goals, and involves all stakeholders from government, private sector, academia, civil society and citizens . - Investing in modern technology platforms that enable data collection, integration, analysis and sharing across different departments and agencies, as well as with external partners and citizens . - Implementing performance management systems that measure and monitor the progress and impact of digital initiatives, and provide feedback and learning opportunities for continuous improvement . 回答 付 録 アイデア出し(企画提案)- 2/6 次項へ 応用編 / 事例① ※ Microsoft Copilot(GPT-4の学習データ+Bing検索結果)で作成しました。