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Tim Penhey: Deploying a Django application usin...

Tim Penhey: Deploying a Django application using Juju

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Tim Penhey:
Deploying a Django application using Juju
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@ Kiwi PyCon 2014 - Sunday, 14 Sep 2014 - Track 2

**Audience level**



Juju is a service orchestration tool for deploying services into public or private clouds. I will talk about how I deployed my Django application using Juju.


Juju is a service orchestration tool for deploying services into public or private clouds. The services that Juju deploys are described in Charms. A Charm should use the "best practice" for deploying the service. In the case of Django, this would be using gunicorn and nginx. I explain how the postgresql charm communicates with the django charm, and how I had to change my application's settings and urls to work with the django charm. The application that is deployed is a "proprietary" app, and as such, the deployment of the application itself is done with another charm. The interaction between the subordinate charms and the principal django charm are explained, and how the data is exchanged between the charms. As well as the deployment story, I also explain how application updates are deployed very simply.



Python New Zealand

September 14, 2014

More Decks by Python New Zealand

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  1. How I used Juju to deploy our Django based website

    to Amazon EC2 Tim Penhey @howbazaar
  2. • Not a Django talk • Not about how Juju

    works • Not lots of python code What this talk is not
  3. Backstory • Co-founded “know about when and where” (kawaw) with

    Rachel Saunders and Brenton Hall • Web site and mobile application combo • MVP ready… now what?
  4. Developing on my laptop We did what all developers did…

    ./manage.py runserver … but then, after a while … ./manage.py runserver_plus
  5. Making it publicly visible Now we had real issues •

    keeping the site alive • backups • secure connections • scalability
  6. What is Juju? • Service orchestration in the cloud Configure,

    manage, maintain, deploy and scale efficiently with best-practice Charms on any public, private or hybrid cloud from a powerful GUI or the command-line.
  7. Charms give Juju its power • encapsulate application configurations •

    define how services get deployed • define how they connect to other services • know how to scale
  8. Test deployment locally • deploy into LXC containers on my

    laptop • same charms are used • tests interaction
  9. Juju can help with scaling later • Add ha-proxy, memcached

    • Multiple database servers • Scale out the application servers
  10. Writing a subordinate charm • Simplest way to get code

    on to the same machine as the python-django charm was to write a subordinate charm • a.k.a. payload charm • puts the python code and resources into the right place on the disk
  11. Hooks - continued • Hooks are just scripts • Juju

    is hook language agnostic • Just needs to be executable • I use python (with charm-helpers)
  12. Hooks - reality • Install packages ◦ apt, pip ◦

    install, upgrade-charm • Everything else ◦ copy code across ◦ config-changed, relationship hooks ◦ config-changed also gets called after upgrade- charm
  13. Charm settings.py import glob from os.path import abspath, dirname, join

    PROJECT_DIR = abspath(dirname(__file__)) conffiles = glob.glob(join(PROJECT_DIR, '{{ dir }}', '*.py')) conffiles.sort() if not 'INSTALLED_APPS' in locals(): from django.conf.global_settings import * for f in conffiles: exec(open(abspath(f)).read())
  14. First real code change • break up settings.py • charm

    makes files based on relationships or configuration settings ◦ config options ▪ 10-secret.py ▪ 30-allowed.py ▪ 40-debug.py ▪ 50-extra-config.py ◦ relationships - e.g. postgresql ▪ 20-engine-pgsql.py
  15. Mirror the charm settings • Very similar base settings.py •

    Added settings dir ◦ 10-secret.py - SECRET_KEY ◦ 15-defaults.py - template loaders, base apps ◦ 20-database.py - local db settings ◦ 25-static-files.py - STATIC* settings ◦ 30-debug.py - DEBUG and TEMPLATE_DEBUG ◦ 40-project.py - root urls, wsgi app ◦ 45-debug-toolbar-juju.py ◦ 50-kawaw-juju.py ◦ 60-allauth-juju.py ◦ 70-logging-juju.py ◦ 80-email-juju.py
  16. urls.py was next • Similar loading pattern for urls •

    Kinda makes sense for a framework charm
  17. Error • allauth not configured • hadn’t set up the

    google and facebook entries • oh yeah… • off to the admin interface
  18. No CSS, no images • default static file serving not

    enabled with gunicorn • google suggests nginx
  19. nginx • no promoted nginx charm • I wanted it

    to run beside the django charm • simplest approach was to roll it into the kawaw subordinate • added SSL • ./manage.py collectstatic --noinput
  20. kawaw charm makefile update-payload: @mkdir -p payload/ssl @cat ../../../requirements.txt |

    grep -v "^pytz" | grep -v "^psycopg2" > payload/requirements.txt @cp -r ../../../wit payload @cp ../../ssl/server.key payload/ssl @cp ../../ssl/kawaw.pem payload/ssl @rm -r payload/wit/fixtures
  21. Lessons learned • insufficient documentation around using the python-django charm,

    had to read the code • insufficient documentation around how to write a payload charm for python-django, very much work it out as you go
  22. Lessons learned • python-django and gunicorn still needs nginx to

    be really useful • should have a full stack django charm that includes gunicorn and nginx by default ◦ that just knows how to enable SSL for apps
  23. Future work • PostgreSQL charm has daily backups by default,

    need to test restore • Database still lives on the ephemeral instance, need to move it elsewhere • Automated staging site based of production that has a copy of production database
  24. Juju commands cd ~/src/wit/working/juju export JUJU_REPOSITORY=$(pwd) juju bootstrap --constraints 'mem=2048

    root-disk=20G' juju deploy --to 0 cs:trusty/postgresql --config kawaw-prod.yaml juju deploy --to 0 local:python-django --config kawaw-prod.yaml juju deploy local:gunicorn juju add-relation postgresql:db python-django juju add-relation python-django gunicorn juju deploy local:kawaw juju add-relation python-django kawaw juju expose kawaw