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What's new in JDK 9

What's new in JDK 9

Describes the main changes seen in JDK 9.

More Decks by Richard Langlois P. Eng.

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  1.  Key Changes in JDK 9  What’s New for

    Tools JDK 9  What’s New for Security in JDK 9  What’s New for Deployment in JDK 9  What’s New for the Java Language in JDK 9  What’s New for Javadoc in JDK 9  What’s New for the VM in JDK 9  What’s New in Core Libraries in JDK 9  What’s New for Internationalization in JDK 9  Q & A Agenda 2
  2. Changes includes:  Tools javac, jlink and java accept options

    to specify module paths (-mp)  Module: Unit of software that declares the answers to three questions about itself in a file named module‐info.java:  What is its name?  What does it export?  What does it require? JEP 261: Module System (1 of 2) 5
  3. Where  Module Name should be following something similar to

    the package convention  e.g. com.alithya.mymodule, to avoid conflicts.  By convention, modules are placed in a folder that shares the same name as the module  Exports section lists all the packages of this particular module that are considered public API and thus usable by other modules. Note: If a class is not in an exported package, no one outside of your module can access it – even if it is public  Requires section lists all modules that this module depends on – all public types that those modules export are accessible by the module in question. Note: The Jigsaw team is trying to establish the phrase “reading another module”. JEP 261: Module System (2 of 2) 6
  4. Module de.codecentric.addresschecker uses module de.codecentric.zipvalidator to validate zip code. zipvalidator

    is specified by the following module‐info.java: module de.codecentric.zipvalidator{ exports de.codecentric.zipvalidator.api; }  Exports the de.codecentric.zipvalidator.api package and does not read any other module (except for java.base). Addresschecker is specified by the following module‐info.java: module de.codecentric.addresschecker{ exports de.codecentric.addresschecker.api; requires de.codecentric.zipvalidator; }  Reads de.codecentric.zipvalidator module JEP 261: Module System – Example (1 of 12) 7
  5. Overall file system structure:  two‐modules‐ok/  ├── de.codecentric.addresschecker 

    │ ├── de  │ │ └── codecentric  │ │ └── addresschecker  │ │ ├── api  │ │ │ ├── AddressChecker.java  │ │ │ └── Run.java  │ │ └── internal  │ │ └── AddressCheckerImpl.java  │ └── module‐info.java  ├── de.codecentric.zipvalidator  │ ├── de  │ │ └── codecentric  │ │ └── zipvalidator  │ │ ├── api  │ │ │ ├── ZipCodeValidator.java  │ │ │ └── ZipCodeValidatorFactory.java  │ │ ├── internal  │ │ │ └── ZipCodeValidatorImpl.java  │ │ └── model  │ └── module‐info.java JEP 261: Module System – Example (2 of 12) 8
  6. Example with a well-behaved code: public class AddressCheckerImpl implements AddressChecker

    { @Override public boolean checkZipCode(String zipCode) { return ZipCodeValidatorFactory.getInstance().zipCodeIsValid(zipCode); } } Compile zipvalidator module: javac ‐d de.codecentric.zipvalidator $(find de.codecentric.zipvalidator ‐name "*.java") No need to use modules (-mp) since zipvalidator does not depend on any custom module. Compile addresschecker module: javac ‐modulepath . ‐d de.codecentric.addresschecker $(find de.codecentric.addresschecker ‐name "*.java") Modulepath tells javac where to find the compiled modules (in this case, this is .) Compiling multiple modules at once using ‐modulesourcepath: javac ‐d . ‐modulesourcepath . $(find . ‐name "*.java") JEP 261: Module System – Example (3 of 12) 9
  7. Run the example: java ‐mp . ‐m de.codecentric.addresschecker/de.codecentric.addresschecker.api.Run 76185 Output:

    76185 is a valid zip code Note:  Specify a modulepath so that the JVM knows where to find the compiled modules  Specify a main class (Run) and a parameter (76185) JEP 261: Module System – Example (4 of 12) 10
  8. Modular Jar  very similar to a regular jar, but

    it also contains a compiled module‐info.class. Example: Build a jar for the zipvalidator: jar ‐‐create ‐‐file bin/zipvalidator.jar ‐‐module‐version=1.0 ‐C de.codecentric.zipvalidator . Note:  specify an output file  a version  module to package. Build a jar for the addresschecker: jar ‐‐create ‐‐file=bin/addresschecker.jar ‐‐module‐version=1.0 ‐‐main‐class=de.codecentric.addresschecker.api.Run \ ‐C de.codecentric.addresschecker . Running: java ‐mp bin ‐m de.codecentric.addresschecker 76185 Note: No need to specify a main class as the Manifest of addresschecker.jar already contains this information. JEP 261: Module System – Example (5 of 12) 11
  9. Running: java ‐mp bin ‐m de.codecentric.addresschecker 76185 Note:  Specify

    the modulepath which in this example is the bin folder which we wrote our jars to  No need to specify a main class as the Manifest of addresschecker.jar already contains this information. JEP 261: Module System – Example (6 of 12) 12
  10. Jigsaw does not only include compile-time checks, but also runtime

    checks Example: Directly using non-exported types: public class AddressCheckerImpl implements AddressChecker { @Override public boolean checkZipCode(String zipCode) { return new de.codecentric.zipvalidator.internal.ZipCodeValidatorImpl().zipCodeIsValid(zipCode); } } When compiled: error: ZipCodeValidatorImpl is not visible because package de.codecentric.zipvalidator.internal is not visible Note: fails at compile time. Using reflection will compile but throw IllegalAccessException at runtime: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: class de.codecentric.addresschecker.internal.AddressCheckerImpl (in module de.codecentric.addresschecker) cannot access class [..].internal.ZipCodeValidatorImpl (in module de.codecentric.zipvalidator) because module de.codecentric.zipvalidator does not export package de.codecentric.zipvalidator.internal to module de.codecentric.addresschecker JEP 261: Module System – Example (7 of 12) 13
  11. Circular dependencies  In the next case, we have suddenly

    realized that the addresschecker module contains a class in its API that the zipvalidator would very much like to use. Since we’re lazy, instead of refactoring the class to another module, we declare a dependency to the addresschecker: module de.codecentric.zipvalidator{ requires de.codecentric.addresschecker; exports de.codecentric.zipvalidator.api; } When compiling: ./de.codecentric.zipvalidator/module‐info.java:2: error: cyclic dependence involving de.codecentric.addresschecker JEP 261: Module System – Example (8 of 12) 14
  12. Implied readability Adding the keyword public to the requires definition,

    we tell all client modules that they also need to read another module. e.g. requires public de.codecentric.zipvalidator.model; Lets zipvalidator use another module: de.codecentric.zipvalidator.model. module de.codecentric.zipvalidator{ exports de.codecentric.zipvalidator.api; requires de.codecentric.zipvalidator.model; } JEP 261: Module System – Example (9 of 12) 15
  13. New file structure: three‐modules‐ok/ ├── de.codecentric.addresschecker │ │ │ ├──

    … ├── de.codecentric.zipvalidator │ │ │ └── … ├── de.codecentric.zipvalidator.model │ ├── de │ │ └── codecentric │ │ └── zipvalidator │ │ └── model │ │ └── api │ │ └── ZipCodeValidationResult.java │ └── module‐info.java JEP 261: Module System – Example (10 of 12) 16
  14. New file structure: @Override public <strong>ZipCodeValidationResult</strong> zipCodeIsValid(String zipCode) { if

    (zipCode == null) { return ZipCodeValidationResult.ZIP_CODE_NULL; [snip] } else { return ZipCodeValidationResult.OK; } } The addresschecker module has been adapted to work with this enum as return type as well, When compiling: ./de.codecentric.addresschecker/de/[..]/internal/AddressCheckerImpl.java:5: error: ZipCodeValidationResult is not visible because package de.codecentric.zipvalidator.model.api is not visible JEP 261: Module System – Example (11 of 12) 17
  15. Note:  the zipvalidator uses exported types from the zipvalidator

    model in its public API.  Since the addresschecker does not read this module, it cannot access this type.  Solution: module de.codecentric.zipvalidator{ exports de.codecentric.zipvalidator.api; requires public de.codecentric.zipvalidator.model; } Note:  The public keyword tells all modules that read the zipvalidator that they also need to read the zipvalidator model. JEP 261: Module System – Example (12 of 12) 18
  16. Modularizes the Java Platform Module System (JPMS) The modules can

    be combined:  Configurations corresponding to the JRE and JDK  Configuration equivalent in content to each of the Compact Profiles defined in JDK 8  e.g. compact1, compact2  Custom configurations that contain only a specified set of modules and their required modules. JEP 200: The Modular JDK (1 of 3) 19
  17.  You can now specify which modules of the Java

    Runtime you want to use  At the bottom of the graph resides java.base.  Every module you create reads java.base  java.base exports packages such as java.lang, java.util, java.math, etc. JEP 200: The Modular JDK (3 of 3) 21
  18. Restructures the JDK and JRE runtime images to accommodate modules.

     Removes the rt.jar and tools.jar from JRE:  Class and resource files previously stored in lib/rt.jar, lib/tools.jar, lib/dt.jar and various other internal jar files are stored in a more efficient format in implementation-specific files in the lib directory.  Removes the endorsed-standards override mechanism:  The java.endorsed.dirs system property and the lib/endorsed directory are no longer present  Remember the old days with XML parser like Xerces  Use upgradeable modules mechanism instead JEP 220: Modular Runtime Images 22
  19. Makes most of the JDK’s internal APIs inaccessible by default

     But widely used internal APIs (e.g. sun.misc.Unsafe) still accessible by requiring the jdk.unsupported module.  Module declaration for jdk.unsupported: jdk.unsupported { exports sun.misc; exports sun.reflect; exports com.sun.nio.file; opens sun.misc; opens sun.reflect; }  To use Unsafe: module alithyaModule { requires jdk.unsupported; }  To determine whether your code uses internal JDK APIs: jdeps –jdkinternals JEP 260: Encapsulate Most Internal APIs 23
  20. Simplified version-string format. New format: $MAJOR.$MINOR.$SECURITY.$PATCH+$BUILD e.g. 9.0.5+20 Where: 

    $MAJOR: version number for a major release (e.g. 9 for JDK 9)  $MINOR: version number for a minor update (e.g. bug fixes)  $SECURITY: version number for a security-update release  $PATCH: version number for a release containing security and high-priority customer fixes.  $BUILD: version of the build New java.lang.Runtime.Version class parses, validates, and compares version strings. JEP 223: New Version-String Scheme 24
  21. Considering Java 9u5 release:  Before JDK 9, the version

    string would be: 1.9.0_5-b20.  Using JDK 9:  the Short version: 9.0.5,  the Long version: 9.0.5+20  Using JDK9’s Version class: Version version = Runtime.version(); // version contains list: 9,0,5,20 String major = version.major(); // major contains 9 String minor = version.minor(); // minor contains 0 String security = version.security(); // security contains 5 String build= version.build(); // major contains 20 JEP 223: New Version-String Scheme - Example 25
  22. Adds Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) functionality to the Java Platform. You

    type Java code, and it immediately evaluates it. The Jshell tool continually reads user input, evaluates the input, and prints the value of the input or a description of the state change the input caused. Some of you may recognize Venkat Subramaniam’s special REPL based editor: Jshell API enables applications (e.g. Eclipse) to leverage REPL functionality. JEP 223: The Java Shell (REPL) 27
  23. Assembles and optimizes a set of modules and their dependencies

    into a custom runtime image. JEP 282: jlink: The Java Linker 28
  24.  JEP 219 Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)  JEP

    244: TLS Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension  JEP 249: OCSP Stapling for TLS  JEP 246: Leverage CPU Instructions for GHASH and RSA  JEP 273: DRBG-Based SecureRandom Implementation  JEP 229: Create PKCS12 Keystores by Default  JEP 287: SHA-3 Hash Algorithms  SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512 What’s New for Security 30
  25.  Deprecate the Java Plug-in  Enhanced Java Control Panel

     rewritten as a JavaFX application  location of some functions has changed  JEP 275: Modular Java Application Packaging  JDK modules enabling the Java Packager to reduce the size of the bundled runtime image  JEP 289: Deprecate the Applet API  The Applet class will be considered for removal in future release What’s New for Deployment 32
  26. Project Coin introduced a set of small language changes to

    JDK 7. JDK 9 improves on these changes:  Allow @SafeVargs on private instance methods  Allow effectively-final variables to be used as resources in the try-with-resources statement  Pre-Java 9: try (FileInputStream fis2 = fis) [requires fresh variable]  Java 9: try (FileInputStream fis)  Allow diamond with anonymous classes if the argument type of the inferred type is denotable  Complete the removal, begun in Java SE 8, of underscore from the set of legal identifier names  Java 10 will rehabilitate underscore to indicate unused lambda parameter  Support for private methods in interfaces  Will allow common code to be extracted to methods that will remain encapsulated within the interface JEP-213: Milling Project Coin 34
  27. 4 new methods in the Stream interface:  takeWhile(Predicate): 

    it continue to take elements from the input stream and pass them to the output stream until the test method of the Predicate returns true  dropWhile(Predicate):  It drops elements on the input stream until the test method of the Predicate returns true. All remaining elements in the input stream will then be passed to the output stream.  ofNullable(T t):  returns a stream of zero or one elements depending on whether the value passed is null or not.  iterate():  version that takes three parameters.  gives you the ability to replicate the standard for loop syntax as a stream.  e.g. Stream.iterate(0, i > i < 5, i > i + 1) will give you a stream of Integers from 0 to 4. Several new sources added:  Java.util.Scanner ( e.g. Stream stream = scanner.tokens() )  Java.util.regex.Matcher ( e.g. Stream stream = matcher.results() )  Optional has a stream() method that returns a stream of zero or one element ( public Stream<T> stream() ) New Stream Features 35
  28. If the Stream is parallel, the lines() method will map

    the file into memory and assign regions of the file to each thread processing the stream Parallel Support for Files.lines() 36
  29. http://download.java.net/java/jdk9/docs/api/overview-summary.html Provides a search box to the generated API documentation.

     Use this search box to find program elements, tagged words, and phrases within the documentation. Javadoc - JEP 225: Javadoc Search 38
  30. Supports documentation comments in module declarations.  new command-line options

    to configure the set of modules to be documented and generates a new summary page for any modules being documented. Javadoc – JEP 261: Module System 39
  31. Supports generating HTML5 output.  To get fully compliant HTML5

    output, ensure that any HTML content provided in documentation comments are compliant with HTML5. Javadoc – JEP 224: HTML5 Javadoc 40
  32. Replace the Doclet API with a simpler design  leverages

    newer alternative APIs with improved functionality  update the standard doclet to use it  Reformulate the Doclet API to use the Language Model API and DocTree API  Existing Doclet API will be deprecated soon Javadoc – JEP 221: Simplified Doclet API 41
  33. VM enhancements include the following:  JEP 165: Compiler Control

     JEP 197: Segmented Code Cache  JEP 276: Dynamic Linking of Language-Defined Object What’s New for the VM 43
  34. JVM Tuning include the following:  JEP 271: Unified GC

    Logging  JEP 248: Make G1 the Default Garbage Collector What’s New for JVM Tuning 45
  35. Improves the API for controlling and managing operating system processes.

    The ProcessHandle provides:  The process ID: process.getPid()  Arguments  Command  Start time  Accumulated CPU time  User  Parent process  descendants  can also monitor processes' liveness and destroy processes  With the ProcessHandle.onExit method, the asynchronous mechanisms of the CompletableFuture class can perform an action when the process exits. Core - JEP 102: Process API Updates 47
  36. @Test public void getPid() throws IOException { ProcessBuilder builder =

    new ProcessBuilder("/bin/sleep", "5"); Process proc = builder.start(); assertThat(proc.getPid()).isGreaterThan(0); } Core – JEP 102: Process API Improvements - Example 48
  37. Adds further concurrency updates to those introduced in JDK 8

    in JEP 155 (Concurrency Updates):  Interoperable publish-subscribe framework: Interfaces supporting the Reactive Streams publish-subscribe framework.  Enhancements to CompletableFuture API:  Time-based enhancements:  enable a feature to complete with a value after a certain duration  support for delays,  timeout(),  completeTimeout()  Subclass enhancements to extend CompletableFuture  Javadoc spec rewording Core - JEP 266: More Concurrency Updates 49
  38. Defines several factory methods (.of(…)) on the List, Set, and

    Map interfaces for conveniently creating instances of unmodifiable collections and maps with small numbers of elements. Factory methods added to List interface: static <E> List<E> of() static <E> List<E> of(E e1) static <E> List<E> of(E e1, E e2) static <E> List<E> of(E e1, E e2, E e3) static <E> List<E> of(E e1, E e2, E e3, E e4) static <E> List<E> of(E e1, E e2, E e3, E e4, E e5) static <E> List<E> of(E e1, E e2, E e3, E e4, E e5, E e6) static <E> List<E> of(E e1, E e2, E e3, E e4, E e5, E e6, E e7) static <E> List<E> of(E e1, E e2, E e3, E e4, E e5, E e6, E e7, E e8) static <E> List<E> of(E e1, E e2, E e3, E e4, E e5, E e6, E e7, E e8, E e9) static <E> List<E> of(E e1, E e2, E e3, E e4, E e5, E e6, E e7, E e8, E e9, E e10) static <E> List<E> of(E... elements) Core – JEP 269: Convenience Factory Methods for Collections 50
  39. List<String> fruits = List.of("apple", "orange", "banana"); for (String fruit: fruits)

    System.out.println(fruit); try { fruits.add("pear"); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) { System.err.println("unable to modify fruits list"); } Will output: apple orange banana unable to modify fruits list JEP 269: Convenience Factory Methods for Collections - Example 51
  40. @Deprecated annotation provides better information about the status and intended

    future of APIs:  forRemoval():  This returns a boolean to indicate whether this API element is intended for removal in some future release  E.g. @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) indicates the API will be removed in the next release of the Java SE platform.  Since():  This returns the release or version number, as a string, when this API element was first marked as deprecated  @Deprecated(since="version") contains the Java SE version string that indicates when the API element was deprecated for those deprecated in Java SE 9 and beyond.  E.g. @Deprecated(since="9", forRemoval=true) New tool, jdeprscan, to scan a class library (JAR file) for uses of deprecated JDK API elements. Core - JEP 277: Enhanced Deprecation 52
  41.  JEP 193: Variable Handles  JEP 254: Compact Strings

     JEP 264: Platform Logging API and Service  JEP 268: XML Catalogs  JEP 274: Enhanced Method Handles  JEP 290: Filter Incoming Serialization Data  JEP 259: Stack-Walking API Core - What’s New in Core Libraries - More 53
  42. Add support for Unicode 8.0.  JDK 8 supported Unicode

    6.2.  The Unicode 6.3, 7.0 and 8.0 standards combined introduced 10,555 characters, 29 scripts, and 42 blocks. Internationalization - JEP 267 Unicode 8.0 55
  43. Loads properties files in UTF-8 encoding.  UTF-8 is a

    much more convenient way to represent non-Latin characters.  No more Unicode escapes are required (e.g. \u20AC is Unicode representation for €)  In previous releases:  ISO-8859-1 encoding was used when loading property resource bundles.  provided an escape mechanism for characters that cannot be represented in that encoding  Difficult to use because it requires continuous conversion between its escaped form and text in character encodings that are directly editable.  Can explicitly designate the encoding either ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8, by setting the system property "java.util.PropertyResourceBundle.encoding". Internationalization - JEP 226: UTF-8 Properties Files 56
  44. Considering a single money property in config.properties file: money =

    € / \u20AC Using JDK 8, this property will be read as: money = â▯¬ / € Using JDK 9, this property will be read as: money = € / € JEP 226: UTF-8 Properties Files - Example 57
  45. Use locale data from the Unicode Consortium's Common Locale Data

    Repository (CLDR) by default. CLDR is the de-facto standard for locale data on many platforms.  Pre-Java 9: need to set system property: java.locale.providers=JRE,CLDR  Java 9: enabled by default Internationalization – JEP 252 Use CLDR Locale Data 58
  46.  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/migrate/toc.htm#JSMIG-GUID-5657F44A-B2D7- 4FB6-AAD7-295AC4533ABC  supported APIs can be removed from

    the JDK, but only with advance notice.  Find out if your code is using deprecated APIs by running the static analysis tool jdeprscan. Prepare for Migration 59
  47. 1. Download JDK 9:  https://jdk9.java.net/download/ 2. Download Eclipse Oxygen:

     http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/release/Oxygen 3. Using Eclipse, patch Eclipse to enable JDK 9 support: Add the following update site URL: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.7-P-builds 4. Add the JDK 9 to Installed JREs:  Window -> Preferences – Java – Installed JREs How to setup DEV environment in Eclipse 60