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How to measure the impact of LinkedIn ads with zero clicks - BrightonSEO

How to measure the impact of LinkedIn ads with zero clicks - BrightonSEO

Richard Lawrence walks through a process to measure the impact of your LinkedIn advertising even when you have zero clicks.

Richard Lawrence

September 16, 2023

Other Decks in Marketing & SEO


  1. How to measure the impact of LinkedIn ads with zero

    clicks Richard Lawrence Sanity Full post: bit.ly/linkedin-zero-clicks @richlawre
  2. LinkedIn has already proven itself to have value for advertisers

    @richlawre 40% of B2B advertisers say they get quality leads from LinkedIn https://sproutsocial.com/insights/linkedin-statistics/
  3. Wouldn’t it be great if we could link your sales

    with LinkedIn ads impressions? @richlawre
  4. I’m going to walk you through a process Analysing the

    impact on sales Analysing the impact on website behaviour @richlawre Extracting LinkedIn ads data
  5. Starting at extracting the data Analysing the impact on sales

    Analysing the impact on website behaviour @richlawre Extracting LinkedIn ads data
  6. You can get some insights about who has seen &

    engaged with ads from the UI @richlawre
  7. But this is nowhere near the whole story @richlawre All

    businesses Ad level insight Daily breakdown
  8. Get up and running with the LinkedIn API @richlawre All

    businesses Ad level insight Daily breakdown
  9. And here’s some tips • Just tell LinkedIn you’re using

    it for an internal analytics app @richlawre
  10. And here’s some tips • Go here to generate token

    once you have access: https://www.linkedin.com/developers/tool s/oauth @richlawre
  11. Now onto connecting LinkedIn activity with sales Analysing the impact

    on sales Analysing the impact on website behaviour @richlawre Extracting LinkedIn ads data
  12. A key problem is that the company names probably don’t

    match up @richlawre Great Company Great Company Group PLC
  13. You can use a fuzzy matching algorithm to solve this

    Great Company Great Company Group PLC Match @richlawre
  14. You can then answer some important questions @richlawre Do video

    ad impressions have a greater impact on sales?
  15. We use machine learning to answer these questions @richlawre LinkedIn

    & Sales Data Machine Learning Model Learns from the data how to predict a sale Extracts the features it uses to predict Enlightened Person! Ah, it finds video ad impressions to be an important predictor
  16. You can use ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter to guide you through

    training the model @richlawre I want to determining which LinkedIn [Campaigns/Ads/Ad formats etc] are best associated with sales by training a machine learning model and then using feature importance.
  17. But it often runs out of memory, so run the

    code in Google Colab @richlawre
  18. Here is also a useful guide to feature importance using

    XGBoost (good ML algo) @richlawre bit.ly/xgboost-features
  19. This will give you which features were most important for

    predicting sales Feature Importance for Sales Prediction Video-based ad impressions Text-based ad impressions Image-based ad impressions @richlawre
  20. Conducting a time-based analysis is also useful Sale happened Campaign

    Impressions vs. Sales Impressions @richlawre
  21. You can also look connect ads data with website behaviour

    - but why? Analysing the impact on sales Analysing the impact on website behaviour @richlawre Extracting LinkedIn ads data
  22. Well - what if you don’t have many sales? Low

    volume of data will lead to a poor prediction model @richlawre
  23. Going further up the funnel gives you more data to

    use for the model Visit Conversion Sale @richlawre
  24. To do this you need to figure out which accounts

    are active on your website @richlawre YOUR WEBSITE IP ENRICHMENT SERVICE Great Company PLC Great Company
  25. Now you can match up LinkedIn ad impressions and website

    activity for accounts @richlawre YOUR WEBSITE Match IP ENRICHMENT SERVICE Great Company Great Company Great Company PLC
  26. Clearbit has a free tier for testing (but only up

    to 30 lookups) @richlawre bit.ly/clearbit-free
  27. So you’re now finding out what predicts website conversions rather

    than sales Do video ad impressions have a greater impact on sales? Do video ad impressions have a greater impact on website visits or conversions? @richlawre
  28. Well, you are often targeting specific job titles from organisations

    on LinkedIn @richlawre Developers Directors
  29. Website behaviour segments can help determine the success of your

    job title targeting at scale @richlawre Behaviour Segment Potential Job Titles Spends lots of time in your documentation Developers Looks at pricing & high level content Directors YOUR WEBSITE
  30. To get behaviour segments you need to cluster users by

    the content they visit to find patterns @richlawre DIRECTORS DEVELOPERS OTHERS NO. VISITS TO URL 1 NO. VISITS TO URL 2
  31. You can also get some starter code for clustering from

    my website @richlawre bit.ly/pycluster
  32. Now you can do the same analysis, but using the

    website conversions @richlawre
  33. ChatGPT‘s Code Interpreter can help like before Visit happened @richlawre

    I want to determining which LinkedIn [Campaigns/Ads/Ad formats etc] are best associated with website conversions by training a machine learning model and then using feature importance.
  34. Use the results of the analysis to inform other channels

    SALES Can you use this content on other channels? @richlawre
  35. You can analyse whether LinkedIn ad impressions may have led

    to sales without clicks or interactions @richlawre