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Field Notes of Command Line Ninja by Rustam Meh...

Riga Dev Day
March 13, 2016

Field Notes of Command Line Ninja by Rustam Mehmandarov

Riga Dev Day

March 13, 2016


  1. Top 10 commands used history | awk 'BEGIN {FS="[ \t]+|\\|"}

    {print $3}' | sort | uniq -c | sort - nr | head
  2. Magic 1. svn log -r <revFra>:<revTil> > svn_log.txt 2. cat

    svn_log.txt | grep Jira# | sed -r s/Jira#:[[:space:]]// | sort | uniq > jira_saker.txt
  3. More magic! 1. cd takeoff/rotate/up/stop/land 2. echo $_ | awk

    'BEGIN {FS="/"}{print $1"();", $2"();", $3"();", $4"();", $5"();"}' >> fun.js && node fun.js