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Open Source and OpenJDK: Do They Deliver? by Si...

Riga Dev Day
March 13, 2016

Open Source and OpenJDK: Do They Deliver? by Simon Ritter

Riga Dev Day

March 13, 2016

More Decks by Riga Dev Day


  1. © Copyright Azul Systems 2016 © Copyright Azul Systems 2015

    @speakjava azul.com Open Source and OpenJDK:
 Do They Deliver? Simon Ritter Deputy CTO, Azul Systems 1
  2. © Copyright Azul Systems 2016 JCP Golden Triangle Specifications (JSRs)

    Reference Implementation (RI) Technology Compatability Kit (TCK) Can you build it? Is the spec. unambiguous? Does the RI conform to the spec?
  3. © Copyright Azul Systems 2016 2016 Jigsaw Cloud Ease of

    use Optimizations Simplified Generics <> Fork-Join Project Coin Strings in switch statements invokedynamic Streams No more Perm Gen Try-with-resources Lambda Expressions Date Time API Compact Profiles
  4. © Copyright Azul Systems 2016 OpenJDK Activity OpenJDK has had

    33,108 commits made by 389 contributors representing 6,521,276 lines of code Android has had 524,685 commits made by 3,385 contributors representing 13,417,499 lines of code
  5. © Copyright Azul Systems 2016 Adopt OpenJDK ▪ What is

    it? – JUG lead initiative – Incubator for projects – Lots of open source code to work on – Improve OpenJDK and Java itself – Help make patch contributions to Java
  6. © Copyright Azul Systems 2016 Adopt OpenJDK: Getting Started ▪

    https://java.net/projects/adoptopenjdk/pages/AdoptOpenJDK ▪ github.com/adoptopenjdk ▪ bitbucket.org/adoptopenjdk ▪ wiki.openjdk.java.net 32
  7. © Copyright Azul Systems 2016 © Copyright Azul Systems 2015

    @speakjava azul.com Questions Simon Ritter Deputy CTO, Azul Systems 35