https:/ / 3. Checkout exercise-1 4. Run the app w/ lein run 5. Visit localhost:8080/hello 6. Change “Hello, World!” to “Hello, <your name>!”* *You’ll need to restart the server
lein run 3. Visit localhost:8080/hello?name=<yours name> 4. Use the (or x y) form to provide "World" as a default name if none is provided. 5. Bonus: Write a defon-response interceptor that changes :header’s "Server" key to something unique of your choosing.
lein repl 3. Require and enter todoit.todo.db • (require 'todoit.todo.db) • (in-ns 'todoit.todo.db) 4. Create, Read, Update, then Destroy a TODO • Get a db value with (d/db conn) 5. Bonus: Write a query completed-todos that ensures [?id :todo/completed? true]
Implement and wire-up a create function in todo.clj Hint: Use let à la hello-world to extract [:form-params “title”] and [:form-params “description”]. Once you’ve created a TODO, redirect to (url-for :todos).