Aula do curso de "Introdução à cosmologia" para graduação, Prof. Rodrigo Nemmen, IAG USP.
• discussão sobre a equação de Friedmann
• energia escura
• modelo padrão da cosmologia
• evolução da densidade de energia para universos de 1 componente
do século 20 Universo estático somente se ρ = 0 (falta de) observações indicavam que o universo era estático: ˙ a = 0, ¨ a = 0 Universo preenchido com matéria: ⇢ > 0 ) ¨ a < 0 colapso
matéria Consequência: a = const Origem da constante cosmológica Λ Modelo de universo no início do século 20 Universo estático somente se ρ = 0 Einstein introduz termo Λ nas equações (falta de) observações indicavam que o universo era estático: ˙ a = 0, ¨ a = 0 Universo preenchido com matéria: ⇢ > 0 ) ¨ a < 0 colapso ¨ a > 0 Século 21: Λ é mantida pois observações demonstram que ¨ a > 0
law ward because the outside pressure (zero or positive) would exceed the inside pres- sure (negative). Curiously, the direct ef- fect of negative pressure—implosion— can be the opposite of its gravitational ef- fect—repulsion. ARDT Attractive Repulsive Radiation Ordinary matter Quintessence (moderately negative pressure) THE POWER OF POSITIVE (AND NEGATIVE) THINKING Whether a lump of energy exerts a gravitationally attractive or repulsive force depends on its pressure. If the pressure is zero or positive, as it is for radiation or ordinary matter, gravity is attractive. (The downward dimples represent the potential energy wells.) Radiation has greater pressure, so its gravity is more attractive. For quintessence, the pressure is negative and gravity is repulsive (the dimples become hills). “Energia escura”: campo de energia que causa repulsão gravitacional → acelera o Cosmos radiação matéria normal Atração gravitacional
law ward because the outside pressure (zero or positive) would exceed the inside pres- sure (negative). Curiously, the direct ef- fect of negative pressure—implosion— can be the opposite of its gravitational ef- fect—repulsion. ARDT Attractive Repulsive Radiation Ordinary matter Quintessence (moderately negative pressure) THE POWER OF POSITIVE (AND NEGATIVE) THINKING Whether a lump of energy exerts a gravitationally attractive or repulsive force depends on its pressure. If the pressure is zero or positive, as it is for radiation or ordinary matter, gravity is attractive. (The downward dimples represent the potential energy wells.) Radiation has greater pressure, so its gravity is more attractive. For quintessence, the pressure is negative and gravity is repulsive (the dimples become hills). “Energia escura”: campo de energia que causa repulsão gravitacional → acelera o Cosmos gy, as an unfortunate error that ought to be dismissed. But the cosmological con- stant, once introduced, would not fade away. Theorists soon realized that quan- tum fields possess a finite amount of vac- uum energy, a manifestation of quantum esti pro and wro theo und phy fect exa pair gy f qua for ton tion cep cist so-c twe to a tho vali are perf ene Per nism ma ly z 120 erg EINHARDT Quintessence (highly negative pressure) radiação matéria normal energia escura energia escura + intensa Repulsão gravitacional Atração gravitacional Ostriker & Steinhardt, SciAm