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How to apply for graduate school in astrophysic...

How to apply for graduate school in astrophysics at IAG USP

This is a summary of the application process for the graduate program in astrophysics—MsC and PhD—at Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas (IAG), Universidade de São Paulo (USP), as of mid 2019.

For further questions, please contact Prof. Rodrigo Nemmen, https://rodrigonemmen.com/contact/

Rodrigo Nemmen

August 09, 2019

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  1. Universidade de São Paulo (USP) Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e

    Ciências Atmosféricas (IAG) 30 professors (astrophysics) about 30 postdoctoral researchers about 60 graduate students Rµ⌫ 1 2 gµ⌫R = 8⇡G c4 Tµ⌫ r⌫(⇢u⌫) = 0 r⌫Tµ⌫ = 0 r⌫ ⇤ Fµ⌫ = 0 r⌫Fµ⌫ = Jµ Stars ☀ Galaxies Planets Black holes ⚫ Cosmology Instrumentation
  2. Graduate school in Astrophysics at IAG USP Need: EUF (physics

    exam) CV in Lattes format 2 recommendation letters Applications for MsC and PhD (without previous MsC): Oct to early Nov (1st semester) and May to early June (2nd semester) Applications PhD (for students with MsC): all year long More info: https://tinyurl.com/iag-astro-phd e-mail: rodrigo.nemmen@iag.usp.br Scholarships: CAPES CNPq FAPESP
  3. FAPESP graduate scholarships Need Excelent academic record Contact advisor in

    advance to define research project These are prestigious scholarships for the best students Stipend increases over time Funding for 6-12 months of visits to international collaborators No failing grades Average grade > 7.5 Result announced in 3-4 months
  4. 1. All candidates are required to take the national physics

    exam (EUF). More info at https://www.ufrgs.br/euf/ including exam locations abroad.