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React @ Product Hunt (WAD)

React @ Product Hunt (WAD)

Radoslav Stankov

May 11, 2017

More Decks by Radoslav Stankov

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  1. October 2014 Backbone early 2014 jQuery spaghetti February 2014 React

    on Rails May 2014 custom Flux December 2015 Redux January 2016 React-Router April 2016 Redux Ducks January 2017 Frontend app February 2017 GraphQL March 2017 Code splitting
  2. export type Topic = { id: number, image_uuid?: ?string, name:

    string, description?: string, followers_count: number, posts_count: number, slug: string, };
  3. function isFollowing(user: CurrentUser, topic: Topic): boolean { return user.followedTopicsIds.indexOf(topic.id) !==

    -1; } isFollowing(null, topic); isFollowing(user, null); isFollowing(user, somethingElse);
  4. function isFollowing(user: CurrentUser, topic: Topic): boolean { return user.followedTopicsIds.indexOf(topic.id) !==

    -1; } isFollowing(null, topic); isFollowing(user, null); isFollowing(user, somethingElse);
  5. function isFollowing(user: CurrentUser, topic: Topic): boolean { return user.followedTopicsIds.indexOf(topic.id) !==

    -1; } isFollowing(null, topic); isFollowing(user, null); isFollowing(user, somethingElse); const variable: number = isFollowing(user, topic);
  6. function isFollowing(user: CurrentUser, topic: Topic): boolean { return user.followedTopicsIds.indexOf(topic.id) !==

    -1; } isFollowing(null, topic); isFollowing(user, null); isFollowing(user, somethingElse); const variable: number = isFollowing(user, topic);
  7. function isFollowing(user: CurrentUser, topic: Topic): boolean { return user.followedTopicsIds.indexOf(topic.id) !==

    -1; } isFollowing(null, topic); isFollowing(user, null); isFollowing(user, somethingElse); const variable: number = isFollowing(user, topic); const variable: boolean = isFollowing(user, topic); ! "
  8. function isFollowing( user: { followedTopicsIds: Array<number> }, topic: { id:

    number } ): boolean { return user.followedTopicsIds.indexOf(topic.id) !== -1; }
  9. <UserImage user={user} width={50} height={30} /> <UserImage user={user} variant="small" /> <UserImage

    user={user} width={50} variant="small" /> <UserImage user={user} width={50} height={30} variant="small" />
  10. <UserImage user={user} width={50} height={30} /> <UserImage user={user} variant="small" /> <UserImage

    user={user} width={50} variant="small" /> <UserImage user={user} width={50} height={30} variant="small" />
  11. <UserImage user={user} width={50} height={30} /> <UserImage user={user} variant="small" /> <UserImage

    user={user} width={50} variant="small" /> <UserImage user={user} width={50} height={30} variant="small" /> class UserImage extends React.Component { props: {| user: User, width: number, height: number |} | {| user: User, variant: 'big' | 'medium' | 'small' |}; render() { /* ... */ } }
  12. import { createReducer } from 'ph/redux'; import type { Dispatchable,

    Reducer } from 'ph/types/redux'; import type { Notice } from 'ph/types/Notice'; // Constants const RECEIVE_NOTICE = 'NOTICE/RECEIVE'; // Actions export function receiveNotice(notice: Notice): Dispatchable { return { type: RECEIVE_NOTICE, payload: { notice } }; } export function clearNotice(): Dispatchable { return { type: RECEIVE_NOTICE, payload: { notice: null } }; } // Reducer
 const reducer: Reducer<?Notice> = function createReducer(null, { [RECEIVE_NOTICE]: (state, { payload: { notice } }) => notice, });
 export default reducer;
  13. import createTestStore from 'ph/createTestStore'; import { clearNotice, receiveNotice } from

    'ph/modules/notice'; describe('notice', () => { const getState = (store) => store.getState().notice; describe(receiveNotice.name, () => { it('sets a notice object', () => { const store = createTestStore(); const notice = { type: 'notice', message: 'submitted' } store.dispatch(receiveNotice(notice)); expect(getState(store)).to.deep.equal(notice); }); }); describe(clearNotice.name, () => { it('sets a notice object', () => { const store = createTestStore(); store.dispatch(clearNotice()); expect(getState(store)).to.equal(null); }); }); });
  14. export default function TopicItem({ topic }: { topic: Topic })

    { return ( <div className={styles.item}> <Link to={paths.topics.show(topic)} className={styles.link}> <TopicImage topic={topic} size={50} /> <div className={styles.info}> <Featured>{topic.name}</Featured> <Text>{topic.description}</Text> </div> </TrackLink> <TopicFollowButton topic={topic} /> </div> ); }
  15. export default function TopicItem({ topic }: { topic: Topic })

    { return ( <div className={styles.item}> <Link to={paths.topics.show(topic)} className={styles.link}> <TopicImage topic={topic} size={50} /> <div className={styles.info}> <Featured>{topic.name}</Featured> <Text>{topic.description}</Text> </div> </TrackLink> <TopicFollowButton topic={topic} /> </div> ); }
  16. CSS // style.css .item { border-top: 1px solid $grey; }

    CSS // component.js
 import styles from './styles.css'; <div className={styles.item}> </div>
  17. CSS // style.css .item { border-top: 1px solid $grey; }

    CSS // component.js
 import styles from './styles.css'; <div className={styles.item}> </div>
  18. CSS // style.css .item { border-top: 1px solid $grey; }

    CSS // component.js
 import styles from './styles.css'; <div className={styles.item}> </div> CSS // style.css .item_3mRwv { border-top: 1px solid $grey; } CSS // result.js <div className="item_3mRwv"> </div>

  19. export default function TopicItem({ topic }: { topic: Topic })

    { return ( <div className={styles.item}> <Link to={paths.topics.show(topic)} className={styles.link}> <TopicImage topic={topic} size={50} /> <div className={styles.info}> <Featured>{topic.name}</Featured> <Text>{topic.description}</Text> </div> </TrackLink> <TopicFollowButton topic={topic} /> </div> ); }
  20. export default function TopicItem({ topic }: { topic: Topic })

    { return ( <div className={styles.item}> <Link to={paths.topics.show(topic)} className={styles.link}> <TopicImage topic={topic} size={50} /> <div className={styles.info}> <Featured>{topic.name}</Featured> <Text>{topic.description}</Text> </div> </TrackLink> <TopicFollowButton topic={topic} /> </div> ); }
  21. export default function TopicItem({ topic }: { topic: Topic })

    { return ( <div className={styles.item}> <Link to={paths.topics.show(topic)} className={styles.link}> <TopicImage topic={topic} size={50} /> <div className={styles.info}> <Featured>{topic.name}</Featured> <Text>{topic.description}</Text> </div> </TrackLink> <TopicFollowButton topic={topic} /> </div> ); }
  22. export default function TopicItem({ topic }: { topic: Topic })

    { return ( <div className={styles.item}> <Link to={paths.topics.show(topic)} className={styles.link}> <TopicImage topic={topic} size={50} /> <div className={styles.info}> <Featured>{topic.name}</Featured> <Text>{topic.description}</Text> </div> </TrackLink> <TopicFollowButton topic={topic} /> </div> ); }
  23. export class TopicFollowButton extends React.Component { props: { topic: Topic,

    isLogged: boolean, openLoginFullscreen: Function, followTopic: Function, unfollowTopic: Function, }; render() { return ( <Button active={this.props.topic.isFollowed} onClick={this.handleClick} data-test="topic-follow"> {this.props.topic.isFollowed ? 'Following' : 'Follow'} </Button> ); } handleClick: Function = async (event: BrowserEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); if (!this.props.isLogged) { this.props.openLoginFullscreen({ reason: `follow ${ this.props.topic.name }` }); } else if (this.props.topic.isFollowed) { await this.props.unfollowTopic(); } else { await this.props.followTopic(); } }; }
  24. export class TopicFollowButton extends React.Component { props: { topic: Topic,

    isLogged: boolean, openLoginFullscreen: Function, followTopic: Function, unfollowTopic: Function, }; render() { return ( <Button active={this.props.topic.isFollowed} onClick={this.handleClick} data-test="topic-follow"> {this.props.topic.isFollowed ? 'Following' : 'Follow'} </Button> ); } handleClick: Function = async (event: BrowserEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); if (!this.props.isLogged) { this.props.openLoginFullscreen({ reason: `follow ${ this.props.topic.name }` }); } else if (this.props.topic.isFollowed) { await this.props.unfollowTopic(); } else { await this.props.followTopic(); } }; }
  25. export class TopicFollowButton extends React.Component { props: { topic: Topic,

    isLogged: boolean, openLoginFullscreen: Function, followTopic: Function, unfollowTopic: Function, }; render() { return ( <Button active={this.props.topic.isFollowed} onClick={this.handleClick} data-test="topic-follow"> {this.props.topic.isFollowed ? 'Following' : 'Follow'} </Button> ); } handleClick: Function = async (event: BrowserEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); if (!this.props.isLogged) { this.props.openLoginFullscreen({ reason: `follow ${ this.props.topic.name }` }); } else if (this.props.topic.isFollowed) { await this.props.unfollowTopic(); } else { await this.props.followTopic(); } }; }
  26. export class TopicFollowButton extends React.Component { props: { topic: Topic,

    isLogged: boolean, openLoginFullscreen: Function, followTopic: Function, unfollowTopic: Function, }; render() { return ( <Button active={this.props.topic.isFollowed} onClick={this.handleClick} data-test="topic-follow"> {this.props.topic.isFollowed ? 'Following' : 'Follow'} </Button> ); } handleClick: Function = async (event: BrowserEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); if (!this.props.isLogged) { this.props.openLoginFullscreen({ reason: `follow ${ this.props.topic.name }` }); } else if (this.props.topic.isFollowed) { await this.props.unfollowTopic(); } else { await this.props.followTopic(); } }; }
  27. export class TopicFollowButton extends React.Component { props: { topic: Topic,

    isLogged: boolean, openLoginFullscreen: Function, followTopic: Function, unfollowTopic: Function, }; render() { return ( <Button active={this.props.topic.isFollowed} onClick={this.handleClick} data-test="topic-follow"> {this.props.topic.isFollowed ? 'Following' : 'Follow'} </Button> ); } handleClick: Function = async (event: BrowserEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); if (!this.props.isLogged) { this.props.openLoginFullscreen({ reason: `follow ${ this.props.topic.name }` }); } else if (this.props.topic.isFollowed) { await this.props.unfollowTopic(); } else { await this.props.followTopic(); } }; }
  28. reason: `follow ${ this.props.topic.name }` }); } else if (this.props.topic.isFollowed)

    { await this.props.unfollowTopic(); } else { await this.props.followTopic(); } }; } export default createContainer({ renderComponent: TopicFollowButton, actionCreators: { openLoginFullscreen, }, mapStateToProps({ currentUser }) { return { isLogged: currentUser.isLogged }; }, decorators: [ graphql(CREATE_MUTATION, { /* ... */ }), graphql(REMOVE_MUTATION, { /* ... */ }), ], }
  29. export default createContainer({ renderComponent: Component, actionCreators: { action1, action2, action2

    }, mapStateToProps: ({ currentUser }) => ({ currentUser }), }); export connect(mapStateToProps, actionCreators)(Component)
  30. export default createContainer({ renderComponent: TopicFollowButton, actionCreators: { openLoginFullscreen, }, mapStateToProps({

    currentUser }) { return { isLogged: currentUser.isLogged }; }, decorators: [ graphql(CREATE_MUTATION, { /* ... */ }), graphql(REMOVE_MUTATION, { /* ... */ }), ], }
  31. export default createContainer({ renderComponent: TopicFollowButton, actionCreators: { openLoginFullscreen, }, mapStateToProps({

    currentUser }) { return { isLogged: currentUser.isLogged }; }, decorators: [ graphql(CREATE_MUTATION, { /* ... */ }), graphql(REMOVE_MUTATION, { /* ... */ }), ], }
 query { topic(id: 1) { id name description isFollowed

    image } } POST /graphql { "data": { "topic": { "id": 1, "name": "Tech", "description": "Hardware or "isFollowed": true, "image": "assets.producthun } } }
  33. query { topic(id: 1) { id ...Item } } fragment

    Item on Topic { id name description ...Button ...Image } fragment Button on Topic { id name isFollowed } fragment Image on Topic { image } POST /graphql { "data": { "topic": { "id": 1, "name": "Tech", "description": "Hardware or "isFollowed": true, "image": "assets.producthun } } }
  34. query { topic(id: 1) { id ...Item } } fragment

    Item on Topic { id name description ...Button ...Image } fragment Button on Topic { id name isFollowed } fragment Image on Topic { image } POST /graphql { "data": { "topic": { "id": 1, "name": "Tech", "description": "Hardware or "isFollowed": true, "image": "assets.producthun } } }
  35. query { topic(id: 1) { id ...Item } } fragment

    Item on Topic { id name description ...Button ...Image } fragment Button on Topic { id name isFollowed } fragment Image on Topic { image } POST /graphql { "data": { "topic": { "id": 1, "name": "Tech", "description": "Hardware or "isFollowed": true, "image": "assets.producthun } } }
  36. query { topic(id: 1) { id ...Item } } fragment

    Item on Topic { id name description ...Button ...Image } fragment Button on Topic { id name isFollowed } fragment Image on Topic { image } POST /graphql { "data": { "topic": { "id": 1, "name": "Tech", "description": "Hardware or "isFollowed": true, "image": "assets.producthun } } }
 mutation FollowTopic($input) { followTopic(input: $input) { node { id

    isFollowed } } } POST /graphql { "data": {
 "followTopic": { "node": { "id": 1, "isFollowed": true } } } }
  38. import CREATE_MUTATION from './FollowTopic.graphql';
 import REMOVE_MUTATION from './UnfollowTopic.graphql';

 export default createContainer({ // ... decorators: [ graphql(CREATE_MUTATION, { props: ({ ownProps: { topic: { id } }, mutate }) => ({ followTopic() { return mutate({ variables: { input: { id }, }, optimisticResponse: { response: { node: { __typename: 'Topic', id, isFollowed: true }, }, } }); }, }), }), graphql(REMOVE_MUTATION, { /* ... */ }), ], }
  39. import React from 'react'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import TopicFactory

    from 'factories/TopicFactory';
 import { Component } from 'ph/components/TopicFollowButton'; describe(Component.name, () => { const followed = new TopicFactory({ isFollowed: true }); const unfollowed = new TopicFactory({ isFollowed: false }); const defaults = { topic: unfollowed, isLogged: true, openLoginFullscreen() {}, followTopic() {}, unfollowTopic() {}, }; const call = sut(defaults, (opts) => <Component {...opts} />); it('renders "Follow" text when is not following', () => { const wrapper = shallow(call({ topic: followed })); expect(wrapper).to.contain('Follow'); }); it('renders "Following" text when is following', () => { const wrapper = shallow(call({ topic: unfollowed })); expect(wrapper).to.contain('Following'); }); it('can follow a topic', () => { const spy = sinon.spy(); const wrapper = shallow(call({ followTopic: spy, topic: followed }));
  40. expect(wrapper).to.contain('Following'); }); it('can follow a topic', () => { const

    spy = sinon.spy(); const wrapper = shallow(call({ followTopic: spy, topic: followed })); wrapper.simulate('click', { preventDefault: () => {} }); expect(spy).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); it('can unfollow a topic', () => { const spy = sinon.spy(); const wrapper = shallow(call({ unfollowTopic: spy, topic: followed })); wrapper.simulate('click', { preventDefault: () => {} }); expect(spy).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); it('calls openLoginFullscreen when user is not logged', () => { const spy = sinon.spy(); const wrapper = shallow(call({ handleNotLogged: spy, isLogged: false, })); wrapper.simulate('click', { preventDefault: () => {} }); expect(spy).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); });
  41. export default { component: Main, childRoutes: [ { path: '/',

    track: 'home', getComponent(_, cb) { require.ensure([], (require) => cb(null, require('ph/pages/Homepage').default)); }, }, { path: '/topics', track: 'topic_index', getComponent(_, cb) { require.ensure([], (require) => cb(null, require('ph/pages/Topics').default)); }, }, { path: '/topics/:slug', track: 'topic_detail', getComponent(_, cb) { require.ensure([], (require) => cb(null, require('ph/pages/Topic').default)); }, }, // ... ], };
  42. export default function createReduxStore(initialState = {}, { apollo } =

    {}) { const middlewares = [ reduxReactRouter({ createHistory: canUseDOM ? createBrowserHistory : createMemoryHistory, routes, }), applyMiddleware(analytics), ]; if (apollo) { middlewares.push(applyMiddleware(apollo.middleware())); } if (canUseDOM && window.localStorage) { middlewares.push(applyMiddleware(persistState())); } if (canUseDOM && window.devToolsExtension) { middlewares.push(window.devToolsExtension()); } const finalReducers = apollo ? { ...reducers, apollo: apollo.reducer() } : reducers; const finalStore = compose(...middlewares)(createStore); return finalStore(combineReducers(finalReducers), initialState); }
  43. export default { root(): string { return '/'; }, topics:

    { index(): string { return '/topics'; }, show({ slug }: Topic): string { return `/topics/${ slug }`; }, }, pages: { about(): string { return '/about'; }, // ... }
 // ... };
  44. import paths from 'ph/paths';
 paths.topics.index(); // => /topics/ paths.topics.show(topic); //

    => /topics/developer-tools
 paths.pages.about(); // => /about/
  45. // pages/Post/Discussion/Fragment.graphql
 fragment PostDiscussion on Post { comments { id

    created_at parent_comment_id state votes_count body user { id username name headline } } }
  46. // pages/Post/PostPage.graphql #import "ph/lib/meta/MetaTags.graphql" #import "ph/pages/Post/Discussion/Fragment.graphql" #import "ph/pages/Post/Header/Fragment.graphql" #import "ph/pages/Post/Makers/Fragment.graphql"

    #import "ph/pages/Post/Media/Fragment.graphql" #import "ph/pages/Post/RecommendedPosts/Fragment.graphql" query PostPage($id: String!) { post(id: $id) { id
 ...MetaTags ...PostDiscussion ...PostHeader ...PostMedia ...PostRecommendedPosts } }
  47. import QUERY from './Query.graphql'; import { graphql } from 'react-apollo';

    // ... export default createContainer({ renderComponent: Content, decorators: [ setTags(({ data: { post: { meta } } }) => meta), visibleIf(({ data }) => !!data.post),
 deferredRender(<Loading subject="post" />), graphql(QUERY, { options: ({ params: { id } }) => ({ variables: { id, }, }), }), ], });
  48. # https://github.com/acdlite/redux-router $ https://github.com/airbnb/enzyme/ % https://github.com/apollographql & https://github.com/chaijs/chai ' https://github.com/css-modules/css-modules

    ( https://github.com/DylanPiercey/require-ensure ) https://github.com/erikras/ducks-modular-redux * https://github.com/facebook/flow + https://github.com/graphql , https://github.com/producthunt/chai-enzyme - https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router . https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting-async