• Opens up the world of Model-View-Controller (MVC) • Write out RESTful routes • Great error messages • Beginning Ruby developers can begin to interact with their code on a new level
a different kind of thing • Model-driven applications (Rails) • Controller-driven applications (Sinatra) • Sinatra deals with server-side HTTP requests
• Yehuda Katz built Sinatra in Rails (testing whether Rails is a good toolkit for building new frameworks) • Complementary frameworks: using Sinatra in Rails as tenant structures to modularize your app
the issue for you is, well, Sinatra not solving the issue for you. You actually have to deal with that issue. You might end up wasting too much time dealing with it.” -Konstantin Haase “The default Rails app provides a lot that I need which requires extra setup in Sinatra. This can lead to faster development in Rails.” -Ryan Bates, Railscasts
part of what makes a framework different to a library.” • “A library is essentially a set of functions that you can call” • “A framework embodies some abstract design, with more behavior built in. In order to use it you need to insert your behavior into various places in the framework either by subclassing or by plugging in your own classes” -Martin Fowler
a new concept and what drives that • When in doubt, return to objects • Using the right tool for the right problem • Tech talks for beginners = a great way to better understand what you’re confused about + open source the learning process