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Composable Architecture

Composable Architecture

uzimaru 生誕LT


June 01, 2020

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  1. Composable Architecture ͱ͸ʁ SwiftUI ͷొ৔ʹΑͬͯߟ͑ΒΕͨΞʔΩςΫνϟɻ Point-Free ͱ͍͏ Swift ʹؔ͢ΔಈըΛओʹग़͍ͯ͠ΔαΠ τͰ঺հ͞Ε͍ͯΔɻ

    ݱࡏ Part1 ͔Β Part4 ·Ͱ঺հಈը͕ग़͍ͯΔɻ Part1, 2 ͰΞʔΩςΫνϟͷઆ໌ Part3,4 Ͱςετؔ࿈
  2. ͱͷؔ࿈ The Composable Architecture was built on a foundation of

    ideas started by other libraries, in particular Elm and Redux.
  3. ͪΐͬͱৄࡉʹ Elm ͱͷࠩҟ Elm Cmd ͰͲΜͳछྨͷ࡞༻Λߦ͑Δ੍͔ ޚ͍ͯ͠Δ Composable Architecture Combine

    ͷ Publisher protocol ʹ४ ڌ͍ͯ͠ΔͨΊɺ༷ʑͳछྨͷ࡞༻ ΛΤεέʔϓϋονʢ࢖༻ʣͰ͖Δ Composable Architecture ͷํ͕ ؇੍͍໿Λ͍࣋ͬͯΔ
  4. ͪΐͬͱৄࡉʹ ࣮૷্བྷΉϥΠϒϥϦ ͷΫϥε/ߏ଄ମ • Store<State, Action> Redux ΍ Flux ͷ

    Store ͱ΄΅ಉ͡ ΋ͷ • Reducer<State, Action, Environment> ૝૾ʹ೉͘͠ͳ͍ Reducer Ͱ͢ɻ ଞͱҧͬͯ Environment ΋ܕύϥ ϝʔλʹࢦఆ͠·͢ ※ Reducer ͷఆٛ
 (inout State, Action, Environment) -> Effect<Action, Never>
  5. ͪΐͬͱৄࡉʹ ࣮૷͢Δࡍʹ࡞Δ΋ͷ • State ΞϓϦͷঢ়ଶ • Action ΞΫγϣϯ • Environment

    ͜͜ʹAPI ΫϥΠΞϯτΛ࣋ͬͨ ΓɺϝΠϯͷεϨουΛࢦఆͨ͠ Γ͢Δɻ DI ͱ͔Ͱ͖ͬͱΑ͘࢖͏
  6. struct ContentView: View { let store: Store<EvolutionState, EvolutionAction> var body:

    some View { WithViewStore(self.store) { viewStore in ZStack { Color("background") VStack { Text("uzimaru Evolution") Image.init(viewStore.evolution.text) .onTapGesture { viewStore.send(.poke) } HStack(spacing: 30) { Button( action: { viewStore.send(.degenerate) }, label: { Image(systemName: "arrow.left.circle") }) Text(viewStore.evolution.text) Button( action: { viewStore.send(.evolve) }, label: { Image(systemName: "arrow.right.circle") }) } } } } } } uzimaru-evolution View
  7. enum EvolutionAction { case evolve case degenerate case poke }

    struct EvolutionState: Equatable { var pokeCount: Int var evolution: Evolution init(pokeCount: Int = 0, evolution: Evolution) { self.pokeCount = pokeCount self.evolution = evolution } } uzimaru-evolution Action / State
  8. struct EvolutionReducerID: Hashable {} typealias EvolutionReducer = Reducer<EvolutionState, EvolutionAction, EvolutionEnvironment>

    let evolutionReducer = EvolutionReducer { (state, action, _) in switch action { case .evolve: guard let next = state.evolution.next else { return .cancel(id: EvolutionReducerID()) } state.evolution = next case .degenerate: guard let previous = state.evolution.previous else { return .cancel(id: EvolutionReducerID()) } state.evolution = previous case .poke: if case .v1 = state.evolution { state.pokeCount += 1 if state.pokeCount == 4 { state.pokeCount = 0 return .init(value: .evolve) } } else { return .cancel(id: EvolutionReducerID()) } } return .none } uzimaru-evolution Reducer
  9. struct EvolutionReducerID: Hashable {} typealias EvolutionReducer = Reducer<EvolutionState, EvolutionAction, EvolutionEnvironment>

    let evolutionReducer = EvolutionReducer { (state, action, _) in switch action { case .evolve: guard let next = state.evolution.next else { return .cancel(id: EvolutionReducerID()) } state.evolution = next case .degenerate: guard let previous = state.evolution.previous else { return .cancel(id: EvolutionReducerID()) } state.evolution = previous case .poke: if case .v1 = state.evolution { state.pokeCount += 1 if state.pokeCount == 4 { state.pokeCount = 0 return .init(value: .evolve) } } else { return .cancel(id: EvolutionReducerID()) } } return .none } uzimaru-evolution ཛঢ়ଶͷ࣌ʹୟ͘ͱਐԽ͢ Δࡍͷέʔεఆٛ 4ճୟ͍ͨΒผͷΞΫγϣϯ Λୟ͘Α͏ͳܗʹ͍ͯ͠Δ
  10. struct ContentView: View { let store: Store<AppState, AppAction> var body:

    some View { WithViewStore(self.store) { viewStore in VStack { TextField( "ݕࡧϫʔυ", text: viewStore.binding( get: { $0.query }, send: { .queryChanged(text: $0) } ) ) .textFieldStyle(RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle()) List { ForEach(viewStore.repositories, id: \.id) { repository in Text(repository.name) } } }.onAppear { viewStore.send(.load) } } } } ComposableGitHubApp View
  11. enum AppAction { case queryChanged(text: String) case load case repositoriesResponse(Result<[Repository],

    Error>) } struct AppEnvironment { let apiClient: GitHubAPIClient let mainQueue: AnySchedulerOf<DispatchQueue> } struct AppState: Equatable { var query: String = "" var repositories: [Repository] = [] static func == (lhs: AppState, rhs: AppState) -> Bool { return lhs.query == rhs.query && lhs.repositories.count == rhs.repositories.count && !(0..<lhs.repositories.count) .contains { lhs.repositories[$0].id != rhs.repositories[$0].id } } } ComposableGitHubApp Action / State / Environment
  12. enum AppAction { case queryChanged(text: String) case load case repositoriesResponse(Result<[Repository],

    Error>) } struct AppEnvironment { let apiClient: GitHubAPIClient let mainQueue: AnySchedulerOf<DispatchQueue> } struct AppState: Equatable { var query: String = "" var repositories: [Repository] = [] static func == (lhs: AppState, rhs: AppState) -> Bool { return lhs.query == rhs.query && lhs.repositories.count == rhs.repositories.count && !(0..<lhs.repositories.count) .contains { lhs.repositories[$0].id != rhs.repositories[$0].id } } } ComposableGitHubApp Action / State / Environment લճͷঢ়ଶͱൺֱͯ͠ಉ ͩ͡ͱ൑ఆͨ͠৔߹ʹ͸ ը໘ߋ৽Λ͠ͳ͍Α͏ʹ ͳ͍ͬͯΔ
  13. let appReducer = Reducer<AppState, AppAction, AppEnvironment> { state, action, environment

    in switch action { case .queryChanged(let text): state.query = text return .init(value: .load) case .load: return environment.apiClient .fetchRepositories(state.query) .receive(on: environment.mainQueue) .catchToEffect() .map(AppAction.repositoriesResponse) .cancellable(id: GitHubAPIClientID(), cancelInFlight: true) case .repositoriesResponse(.success(let repositories)): state.repositories = repositories case .repositoriesResponse(.failure(let e)): assertionFailure(e.localizedDescription) } return .none } ComposableGitHubApp Reducer
  14. let appReducer = Reducer<AppState, AppAction, AppEnvironment> { state, action, environment

    in switch action { case .queryChanged(let text): state.query = text return .init(value: .load) case .load: return environment.apiClient .fetchRepositories(state.query) .receive(on: environment.mainQueue) .catchToEffect() .map(AppAction.repositoriesResponse) .cancellable(id: GitHubAPIClientID(), cancelInFlight: true) case .repositoriesResponse(.success(let repositories)): state.repositories = repositories case .repositoriesResponse(.failure(let e)): assertionFailure(e.localizedDescription) } return .none } ComposableGitHubApp Reducer
  15. let appReducer = Reducer<AppState, AppAction, AppEnvironment> { state, action, environment

    in switch action { case .queryChanged(let text): state.query = text return .init(value: .load) case .load: return environment.apiClient .fetchRepositories(state.query) .receive(on: environment.mainQueue) .catchToEffect() .map(AppAction.repositoriesResponse) .cancellable(id: GitHubAPIClientID(), cancelInFlight: true) case .repositoriesResponse(.success(let repositories)): state.repositories = repositories case .repositoriesResponse(.failure(let e)): assertionFailure(e.localizedDescription) } return .none } ComposableGitHubApp APIClient ͷϦϙδτϦݕࡧ ༻ͷϝιουΛݺͿ ฦΓ஋͸ Effect<[Repository], Error>
  16. let appReducer = Reducer<AppState, AppAction, AppEnvironment> { state, action, environment

    in switch action { case .queryChanged(let text): state.query = text return .init(value: .load) case .load: return environment.apiClient .fetchRepositories(state.query) .receive(on: environment.mainQueue) .catchToEffect() .map(AppAction.repositoriesResponse) .cancellable(id: GitHubAPIClientID(), cancelInFlight: true) case .repositoriesResponse(.success(let repositories)): state.repositories = repositories case .repositoriesResponse(.failure(let e)): assertionFailure(e.localizedDescription) } return .none } ComposableGitHubApp ϝΠϯεϨουͰऔಘͨ͠ ஋ΛόΠϯυ RxSwift ͩͱ subscribe(on:) ʹ͋ͨΔ
  17. let appReducer = Reducer<AppState, AppAction, AppEnvironment> { state, action, environment

    in switch action { case .queryChanged(let text): state.query = text return .init(value: .load) case .load: return environment.apiClient .fetchRepositories(state.query) .receive(on: environment.mainQueue) .catchToEffect() .map(AppAction.repositoriesResponse) .cancellable(id: GitHubAPIClientID(), cancelInFlight: true) case .repositoriesResponse(.success(let repositories)): state.repositories = repositories case .repositoriesResponse(.failure(let e)): assertionFailure(e.localizedDescription) } return .none } ComposableGitHubApp ࣦഊ͠ͳ͍ Effect ʹม׵͢ Δ Effect<[Repository], Error> ͔Β Effect<Result<[Repository], Error>, Never> ʹܕม׵͞ΕΔ
  18. let appReducer = Reducer<AppState, AppAction, AppEnvironment> { state, action, environment

    in switch action { case .queryChanged(let text): state.query = text return .init(value: .load) case .load: return environment.apiClient .fetchRepositories(state.query) .receive(on: environment.mainQueue) .catchToEffect() .map(AppAction.repositoriesResponse) .cancellable(id: GitHubAPIClientID(), cancelInFlight: true) case .repositoriesResponse(.success(let repositories)): state.repositories = repositories case .repositoriesResponse(.failure(let e)): assertionFailure(e.localizedDescription) } return .none } ComposableGitHubApp Action ʹม׵ͯ͠ ࣮ߦதͰ ΋ΩϟϯηϧՄೳͳ΋ͷͱ ͯ͠ొ࿥͢Δ
  19. let appReducer = Reducer<AppState, AppAction, AppEnvironment> { state, action, environment

    in switch action { case .queryChanged(let text): state.query = text return .init(value: .load) case .load: return environment.apiClient .fetchRepositories(state.query) .receive(on: environment.mainQueue) .catchToEffect() .map(AppAction.repositoriesResponse) .cancellable(id: GitHubAPIClientID(), cancelInFlight: true) case .repositoriesResponse(.success(let repositories)): state.repositories = repositories case .repositoriesResponse(.failure(let e)): assertionFailure(e.localizedDescription) } return .none } ComposableGitHubApp load έʔεͷ࣍ʹೖΔέʔ εɻ ੒ޭ࣌͸্ɺࣦഊ࣌͸Լʹ ೖΔɻ