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IdeLabs for Chrome

Saket Choudhary
January 30, 2012

IdeLabs for Chrome

IdeLabs allowed selecting and running codes directoly from the browser leveraging the ideone.com API.

Presented for Browser-X competition at Techfest 2012

Saket Choudhary

January 30, 2012


  1. IdeLabs For Chrome Techfest 2012 Saket Choudhary Indian Institute of

    Technology Bombay Saket Choudhary IdeLabs For Chrome 1/16
  2. Introduction Code needs an interpreter or compiler to Run !

    Your code can be in : • C/C++ Saket Choudhary IdeLabs For Chrome 3/16
  3. Introduction Code needs an interpreter or compiler to Run !

    Your code can be in : • C/C++ • Java Saket Choudhary IdeLabs For Chrome 3/16
  4. Introduction Code needs an interpreter or compiler to Run !

    Your code can be in : • C/C++ • Java • Python Saket Choudhary IdeLabs For Chrome 3/16
  5. Introduction Code needs an interpreter or compiler to Run !

    Your code can be in : • C/C++ • Java • Python • Ruby Saket Choudhary IdeLabs For Chrome 3/16
  6. Introduction Code needs an interpreter or compiler to Run !

    Your code can be in : • C/C++ • Java • Python • Ruby • .... Saket Choudhary IdeLabs For Chrome 3/16
  7. Introduction Code needs an interpreter or compiler to Run !

    Your code can be in : • C/C++ • Java • Python • Ruby • .... Saket Choudhary IdeLabs For Chrome 3/16
  8. How We Learn To Code? How ? • Learn from

    A Book • Lectures • Friends • Internet ! Saket Choudhary IdeLabs For Chrome 4/16
  9. The Internet Way of Learning The Example looks good How

    do i try it ? Select Copy Come back to your desktop Fire up your interpreter/compiler Compile! Run:) Saket Choudhary IdeLabs For Chrome 6/16
  10. Faster ways ? 6 steps before you see your code

    running ! We can try doing better! Saket Choudhary IdeLabs For Chrome 7/16
  11. IdeLabs For Chrome Let us move to the Online Compilers

    and Interpreters! • You might not have the interpreter/compiler installed locally • Probably faster ? Saket Choudhary IdeLabs For Chrome 8/16
  12. IdeLabs For Chrome So What is it ? • A

    Simple Chrome Extension • Run your code from your Browser. Directly ! Saket Choudhary IdeLabs For Chrome 10/16
  13. ’Traditional’ Way Lets recap the Steps : Select Copy Come

    back to your desktop Fire up your interpreter/compiler Compile! Run:) Saket Choudhary IdeLabs For Chrome 11/16
  14. How it Works ? Utilises contexMenu of Chrome to add

    an option to the right click menu A background.html page listens for requests Receive selectedText request and fireup a fancybox Fire a POST request to the ideone.com API Get Response from the Server and voila! s Saket Choudhary IdeLabs For Chrome 13/16
  15. The Cherry! We have a Scilab interpreter too ! Scilab

    is a software used for numerical and scientific computations! Uses the API of our own Project : Scilab on Cloud http://scilab-test.garudaindia.in/cloud Saket Choudhary IdeLabs For Chrome 14/16