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Magical Encounters in the Business Card Exchang...

Magical Encounters in the Business Card Exchange Network

IC2S2 2020

タイトル:Magical Encounters in the Business Card Exchange Network

Takanori Nishida(Sansan,Inc.) / Susumu Nagayama(Housei University) / Naoki Maejima(Sansan,Inc.) / Shohei Usui(Sansan,Inc.)


Sansan DSOC

July 17, 2020

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  1. Magical Encounters in the Business Card Exchange Networks This work

    was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP19K01923 Takanori Nishida1*, Susumu Nagayama2* , Naoki Maejima1 and Shohei Usui1 1Sansan, Inc., Tokyo Japan, 2Hosei University, Tokyo Japan 1*nishida@sansan.com 2*susumu.nagayama@hosei.ac.jp IC2S2 2020
  2. Data Strategy and Operation Center Motivation/Background 1 • Benefits of

    having upper connections (i.e., high-status actors, centralized actors) in the business contexts • Information / Resources (e.g., Vandaie & Zaheer, 2014) • Status / Reputation (e.g., Fraiberger et al., 2018; Podolny, 2001) • Additional connections (e.g., Barabási & Albert, 1999)
  3. Data Strategy and Operation Center Motivation/Background (cont.) 2 • Difficulty

    of encounting high-status individuals • Rare chance • Social connections in our society are unequally distributed (e.g., Barabási & Albert, 1999) • Difficulty of building a strong relationship with them • Status imbalance (e.g., McPherson et al., 2001) • Limited attention from the high-status individuals
  4. Research Question How can we attain the upper connections that

    subsequently turn into strong relationships?
  5. Data Strategy and Operation Center Factors leading to the Magical

    Encouners 5 • Signal quality • Signal dissemination
  6. Data Strategy and Operation Center Factors leading to the Magical

    Encouners 6 • Signal quality • Category specialization can more effectively send signals of his/her quality than the ones who span multiple categorical domains (e.g., Zuckerman, 1999). • Job Specialization in the personal business context
  7. Data Strategy and Operation Center Factors leading to the Magical

    Encouners 7 • Signal dissemination • Idiosyncratic networking increases the chance of having upper connections (Fraiberger et al., 2018). • Idiosyncratic networking allows the actor to avoid signaling competition among rivals in the same domain (i.e., same job) • Network Idiosyncraticity. • The extent to which the actor has idiosyncratic networks compared with the same domain.
  8. Data Strategy and Operation Center Hypothesis 8 Job specialization with

    higher network idiosyncraticity interactively increases the chance of realizing magical encounters.
  9. Data Strategy and Operation Center Data 9 • Our data

    comes from Eight— a Japanese business network service provided by Sansan, Inc.
  10. Data Strategy and Operation Center Data 10 • Our data

    comes from Eight— a Japanese business network service provided by Sansan, Inc • It includes anonymous user-profiles and daily trajectories of face-to-face business card exchange among over 1 million individuals from 2011 to 2019 within the permission scope of the “Eight Service Terms of Use .” • Data is anonymized within the permission scope of the Eight Service Terms of Use are only analyzed statistically. The present study results will be used for improving the service
  11. Data Strategy and Operation Center Empirical Definition of ʻMagical Encountersʼ

    11 1. Upward Connection • The status-gap based on eigenvector centrality between a pair of actors who realized connections among active users in order to identify the upward connections from January to March 2018 2. Sharing Neighbors • The number of common friends between connections from January to March 2018 to identify whether users cultivate strong relationships. A Fig.1 Stylized process of magical encounters
  12. Data Strategy and Operation Center Results 14 Fig.4 The predicted

    probability of realizing magical encounters along with job specialization and network idiosyncraticity
  13. Data Strategy and Operation Center Discussion and Contributions 15 •

    We shed light on important networking phenomena called magical encounters (i.e, upper connections that subsequently turn into strong relationships) • In attaining magical encounters, signal quality (i.e., job specialization) and signal dissemination (i.e., network idiosyncraticity) complement each other. • Our findings imply that how we can challenge the status lock-in by utilizing our career and networking strategies.
  14. Data Strategy and Operation Center References 16 • M. McPherson,

    L. Smith-Lovin, J. M. Cook, Birds of a feather: Homophily in social networks. Annual Review of Sociology 27, 415–444 (2001). • J. M. Podolny, Networks as the pipes and prisms of the market. American Journal of Sociology 107, 33–60 (2001). • S. P. Fraiberger, R. Sinatra, M. Resch, C. Riedl, A.-L. Barabási, Quantifying reputation and success in art. Science, eaau7224 (2018). • E. W. Zuckerman, The categorical imperative of the unit manager system in modern hospitals. American Journal of Sociology, 104, 1398–1438 (1999). • F. Nagle, F. Teodoridis, Jack of all trades and master of knowledge: The role of diversification in new distant knowledge integration. Strategic Management Journal 41, 55–85 (2020). • M. S. Granovetter, The strength of weak ties. American Journal of Sociology 78, 1360– 1380 (1973). • Burt, R. S. (1992). Structural Holes, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. • A. L. Barabási, R. Albert, Emergence of scaling in random networks. Science 286, 509–513 (1999). • R. Vandaie, A. Zaheer, Surviving bear hugs: firm capability, large partner alliances, and growth. Strategic Management Journal 35, 566–577 (2014).