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at the intersection

November 05, 2014

at the intersection

open knowledge foundation australia, introducing OS principles to fields that are traditionally closed.

presented at open source developers conference 2014


November 05, 2014


  1. AT THE INTERSECTION things that are open that aren’t just

 maia sauren @sauramaia open knowledge foundation australia @okfnau #osdc2014
  2. OMIDYAR REPORT • quantifies and illustrates the potential of open

    data to the G20 and Australian economies • what proportion of the G20’s 2% growth target can be delivered by a vigorous open data policy agenda • data: government, science research, private sector
  3. TOP MEMES • huh? • you’re edward snowden now? •

    why would anyone do this? • you’re doing me out of a job • but…IP! • i’ll share my data after publication
  4. ALLAY THEIR FEARS • government : procurement • science research:

    IP, publication • healthcare: data privacy • digital humanities: it’s all too hard • private sector: $$$