control Temperature – human body range Acidity – sugar, salt, lemon juice, vinegar Water content - dehydrate Oxygen – seal with oil Something to eat – nommy food …and of course, presence of bacteria! 5 Tuesday, 12 March 13
70g sugar 3-5 tbsp vanilla essence 100g dark chocolate (for chocolate ice cream) Method • Bring cream to the boil • Stir in sugar, let it cool • Meanwhile, beat the egg yolks • Add the cooled cream mix to the yolks a little at a time, beating all the while • Return to the pot, add vanilla essence, and simmer until thickened • Melt chocolate, stir into ice cream mixture (for chocolate ice cream) • Cool to room temperature • Freeze while stirring (using ice cream maker, or ice & salt and elbow grease) Text 9 Tuesday, 12 March 13