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Building a Ruby gem

Building a Ruby gem

Short presentation to show introduce the audience on how easy it is to build, ship, distribute and use Bundler and Ruby Gems.

During the presentation we built a toy Gem: https://github.com/sebasoga/palenque

Presented at: Bogotá Ruby meetup

Sebastian Sogamoso

December 12, 2013

More Decks by Sebastian Sogamoso

Other Decks in Programming


  1. What is a Gem? A Gem is an archive that

    contains ruby code (the code you write) and a specification file called gemspec.
  2. Gemspec 1. The name of the gem, the author, description,

    license, and links to resources, etc.
  3. Gemspec 2. A list of source files 3. A list

    of test files 4. A list of dependencies