posts = hasMany[Post] } case class Post(var text: String) extends ActiveRecord with Timestamps { var userId: Long = _ lazy val user = belongsTo[User] } Declaring Entities
Connection) { User.findBy("username", "Homer").foreach { homer => homer.posts << Post("I'm hungry") homer.posts << Post("I should go to Moe's") homer.posts << Post("Or order some Pizza") } } } Code-based Migrations
keep co-workers informed by posting status updates. Background: Given that user "manager" exists And that user "manager" posted | first day at work | | meeting people | | working like crazy | Scenario: Posts are ordered chronologically (newest on top) When I go to the posts page of user "manager" Then the post nr. 1 should contain "working" And the post nr. 2 should contain "meeting" And the post nr. 3 should contain "first"
fieldName: String) => browser.fill("*", withName(fieldName)).`with`(text) } And("""^press "([^"]*)"$""") { (buttonLabel: String) => val button = browser.find("button", withText(buttonLabel)) } Then("""^I should be on the posts page of "([^"]*)"$""") { (username: String) => val user = User.findBy("username", username).get val expectedUrl = controllers.routes.UserActions.posts( driver.getCurrentUrl() should endWith(expectedUrl) } Step Implementations