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Why EQ is Important at Work

SEO Jo Blogs
April 12, 2024

Why EQ is Important at Work

SEO Jo Blogs

April 12, 2024


  1. Outline 1. Introduction 2. What is EQ? 3. Why is

    it important at work? 4. Test your EQ 5. How to improve your EQ 6. Next Steps - implement today
  2. Jo Juliana Turnbull - SEO and Marketing Consultant • Founder

    of Turn Global SL - a Digital Remote Consultancy Company • - International SEO Strategy and Marketing Services • Speak French and Spanish and studied Japanese and Swedish • International MBA and Chartered Marketer (Reading and Paris Dauphine Uni) • Lived in 9 countries across 4 continents
  3. Jo Juliana Turnbull - Why EQ? • Working in e-commerce

    and finance since 2003 (working since 1997) • SEO since 2009, agency & brands (start ups and multinationals) • Business Director - iProspect Sydney, Account Director - MEC London • Organiser of Search London since 2010 & Search Barcelona since 2023 • Shortlisted for Digital Women’s “Entrepreneur of the Year” 2021 • Global Freelancer Finalist • Co-host of SEO Office Hours
  4. What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)? The way we handle our

    own emotions and perceive emotions of others First coined by psychologists Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer, (1990)
  5. What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)? The primary components are: -

    Perceiving emotions - Reasoning with emotions - Understanding emotions - Managing emotions
  6. What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)? Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can

    Matter More Than IQ (1995) Daniel Goleman https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielgoleman/
  7. How can it help us? • Manage and resolve conflict

    • Accept criticism and deliver criticism (in a calm manner) • Listen and respond to others • Be comfortable with saying no • Support others with empathy
  8. Difference Between EQ and IQ EQ - Emotional Quotient -

    Measure of Emotional Competencey - Involves identifying, controlling and using emotions - Affects motivation, empathy, relationships, self-awareness and self-control IQ - Intelligence Quotient - Measure of Cognitive Competencey - Involves processing knowledge, memory and reasoning - Affects academics, expertise, critical thinking and logic
  9. Benefits for work: 71% of Employers Say They Value Emotional

    Intelligence over IQ. According to CareerBuilder Survey
  10. Life long benefits Improves the physical and psychological health of

    people and encourages academic and business performance. Bar-On & Parker 2000
  11. Life long benefits People with higher EI performed better than

    those with lower EI in life. Bar-On (1997)
  12. Life long benefits Significant links between high EI and more

    successful interpersonal relations. EQ is an integral part of forming and developing meaningful human relationships. Schutte et al (2001) carried out a series of studies
  13. High Levels of Stress Leads to: - increased blood pressure

    -> suppresses immune system (colds) - poor immune system can lead to an increase risk heart attack - stress can contribute to infertility - speeds up aging process - affects mental health
  14. Uncontrolled emotions and stress can impact mental health Leads to:

    - Anxiety and depression - Unable to form strong relationships - Loneliness and isolation
  15. Understanding emotions means can control them - Express yourself better

    - Understand others - Improve communication with others
  16. Build stronger relationships - Communicate more effectively - Be aware

    of nonverbal cues - Use humor and play to relieve stress
  17. Photo by Jamaal Kareem on Unsplash Laugh more - Nervous

    system into balance - Reduces stress - Calming - Sharpens mind - Makes more empathetic - People want to be around you
  18. Those with Low EQ - Become upset easily - Emotional

    outbursts (overwhelmed by emotions) - Do not listen to others - Blame others for their problems - Behave insensitively - Feel misunderstood - Struggle making long term relationships (have few close friends) - Have problems being assertive
  19. Those with High EQ - Remain calm and are composed

    even during stressful situations - Can handle difficult people with tact - Forgive and Forget (do not hold grudge) - Influence others towards a common goal (even if not a leader) - Great team player (you want to work with them) - Understand the links between their emotions and how they behave - Help others
  20. Self Report - FREE • MindTools.com • Psychology Today •

    MyFrameworks.org ➔ Very important to know your EQ - then you can build on it ➔ Emotional intelligence has positive correlation with success - individuals and team
  21. Find Your EQ Four types of EI tests: • Abilities

    based tests (including the MSCEIT) • Trait-based tests (such as the Bar-On EQi) • Competency-based tests – (including the ESCI) • Behavior-based tests – (for example, the Genos) https://bestpersonalitytests.com/best-emotional-intelligence-tests/
  22. Clifton Strengths - gallup.com/cliftonstrengths - Responsibility (Executing) - Maximizer (Relationship

    building) - Developer (Relationship building) - Learner (Strategic thinking) - Empathy (Relationship building) Activator (Influencing) Command (Influencing) Harmony (Relationship building) Arranger (Executing) Individualization (Relationship building)
  23. Strategies to Improve EQ Self Aware • Be aware of

    your own feelings and emotions • Understand why you are feeling that way • Keep a journal
  24. Strategies to Improve EQ Empathy • Be in someone else’s

    shoes • Consider how others feel (not sympathy) • What are other people’s issues? Ask them eg goals • How well can you relate to others? - Get feedback • Have a deeper conversation with key colleagues • Ask better questions (thoughtful and provocative)
  25. Strategies to Improve EQ Open Mind • Do not judge

    • Leave your bias at the door • Be open to new ideas and perspectives
  26. Strategies to Improve EQ Mindfulness • Practice this - fully

    focus on the moment • Do not think about the past or the future • Breathing techniques
  27. Strategies to Improve EQ Cognitive Behavior Therapy • Psychotherapeutic treatment

    helps people learn to identify and change destructive thought patterns • These patterns have a negative influence on behaviour and emotions
  28. Strategies to Improve EQ Social and Emotional Development Learning (SEL)

    • Start early with children • Training at work, particularly managers
  29. Are you Emotionally Intelligent? • You CAN identify and describe

    what others are feeling • You CAN accept criticism and responsibility • You CAN say NO without feeling bad • You CAN accept and embrace change • You do NOT dwell on when you make mistakes - you move on • You CAN manage your emotions in difficult situations • NOT afraid to make mistakes
  30. Emotions 1. When in a stressful situation, what are your

    emotions? 2. How do you normally respond? How could you respond better? 3. How are you feeling now? What are your emotions?
  31. Feedback - asking about EQ 1. Ask peers, managers, colleagues

    2. If manager - ask your team 3. How do you respond to difficult situation? 4. Can you handle conflict well? 5. How empathetic are you?
  32. Active Listening 1. Always have a time for people to

    chat and discuss 2. Listen to what is not being said 3. Be present when other person is talking - two way dialogue 4. DO NOT interrupt to give your opinion 5. Building the other person’s self esteem 6. Good listener = trampoline 7. Bounce ideas off of, amplify, clarify & energise your thinking
  33. Listening Tips 1. Record how long you are speaking vs

    others in a call (video call) 2. How engaged are you? Do you ask genuine questions? 3. Listen to the tone of voice, emotions, what is the body language 4. Do you build up the other person? Making affirmations 5. Does anyone build you up? How do you feel? 6. Are you present? • Or do you just want to push out your agenda • Or do you want the meeting to be over - sitting quietly?
  34. Leaders 1. Be an active listener - listen to others

    then they know you value what they think 2. Be empathetic - understand your employees - they will know you care 3. Know what motivates your employees 4. Understand your employees - what are their backgrounds, why are they acting in a certain way - what are their lived experiences?, so people know you value what they think
  35. • Emotional Intelligence • Important at work and in our

    personal lives • Testing your EQ • Improving your EQ • Next steps to implement today !
  36. Read more about EQ - Sources 1. https://www.verywellmind.com/utilizing-emotional-intelligence-in-the-workplace-4164713 2. https://www.verywellmind.com/the-7−habits-of-emotionally-intelligent-people-2795431

    3. https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-emotional-intelligence-2795423 4. https://www.mindtools.com/ab4u682/emotional-intelligence 5. https://positivepsychology.com/empathy-worksheets/#8−strategies-to-develop-empathy 6. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/how-to-improve-emotional-intelligence 7. https://positivepsychology.com/empathy-worksheets/#8−strategies-to-develop-empathy 8. https://positivepsychology.com/importance-of-emotional-intelligence/#value-benefits 9. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-health/emotional-intelligence-eq.htm 10. https://ewfinternational.com/5−components-emotional-intelligence-effective-leadership/ 11. https://professional.dce.harvard.edu/blog/how-to-improve-your-emotional-intelligence/ 12. https://www.inc.com/justin-bariso/13−things-emotionally-intelligent-people-do.html
  37. Thank you Turn Global - Linkedin.com/company/turnglobal/ Twitter: @SEOJoBlogs Email: [email protected]

    Linkedin: Linkedin.com/in/j-turnbull/ SEO Office Hours - Fridays 9:30am BST Join Mike and I ! Youtube.com/@good_signals