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Reallife experience with Dart

Reallife experience with Dart

I could show my Slack Chatbot written in Dart. It covers websockets, an API w/ redstone and a little bit AngularDart for the frontend.


July 27, 2016

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  1. blitzlicht Improve communication by asking simple questions. 1. Ask one

    question 2. Have people answer in their own words 3. Get insights
  2. Code example void connect(String url) { WebSocket.connect(url).then((WebSocket websocket) { websocket.pingInterval

    = new Duration(seconds: 5); websocket.listen(process, onDone: reconnect, onError: reconnect); }); }
  3. Code example void connect(String url) { WebSocket.connect(url).then((WebSocket websocket) { websocket.pingInterval

    = new Duration(seconds: 5); websocket.listen(process, onDone: reconnect, onError: reconnect); }); }
  4. Code example @app.Group('/api/blitzlichts') class BlitzlichtService { @app.Route('/:id') read(String id, @Repo()

    Repository repo) async { Blitzlicht blitzlicht = await repo.findOne(where.id(new ObjectId.fromHexString(id))); return blitzlicht.toMap(); } }
  5. Code example @app.Group('/api/blitzlichts') class BlitzlichtService { @app.Route('/:id') read(String id, @Repo()

    Repository repo) async { Blitzlicht blitzlicht = await repo.findOne(where.id(new ObjectId.fromHexString(id))); return blitzlicht.toMap(); } }
  6. Code example @app.Group('/api/blitzlichts') class BlitzlichtService { @app.Route('/:id') read(String id, @Repo()

    Repository repo) async { Blitzlicht blitzlicht = await repo.findOne(where.id(new ObjectId.fromHexString(id))); return blitzlicht.toMap(); } }
  7. Code example @app.Group('/api/blitzlichts') class BlitzlichtService { @app.Route('/:id') read(String id, @Repo()

    Repository repo) async { Blitzlicht blitzlicht = await repo.findOne(where.id(new ObjectId.fromHexString(id))); return blitzlicht.toMap(); } }
  8. Code example <head> <!-- snip --> <script async src="main.dart" type="application/dart"

    type=" application/dart"></script> <script async src="packages/browser/dart.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> <!-- snip --> </head>
  9. Code example @Component( directives: const [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES], providers: const [ROUTER_PROVIDERS], selector:

    'blitzlicht', templateUrl: 'app_component.html') @RouteConfig(const [ const Route( path: '/', name: 'Index', component: IndexComponent, useAsDefault: true), ]) class AppComponent implements OnInit { Future<Null> ngOnInit() async { print('THIS IS BLITZLICHT'); } }