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I wanna be the guy (or gal) : The arduous path ...

I wanna be the guy (or gal) : The arduous path to senior sysadmin

I wanna be the guy (or gal) : The arduous path to senior sysadmin
How to be a better system administrator

These are the slides from my talk @ linux fest north west 2013

Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSAgQqa49nM


April 28, 2013

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  1. I wanna be the guy (or gal) -or- How to

    be a better system administrator The arduous path to senior sysadmin
  2. Who am I Shawn Sterling - Senior System Administrator 17

    years, small start ups -> large enterprises I am the guy email: [email protected] web:www.systemtemplar.org github: github.com/shawn-sterling
  3. Do not be afraid to say, I don't know It's

    better than making stuff up No-one expects you to know everything
  4. Do not be afraid to say, I don't know It's

    better than making stuff up No-one expects you to know everything “if you give me some time, I'll see what I can find out”
  5. Know when to ask for help Do not “rat hole”

    on the problem Never ask a question you can “I feel lucky”
  6. Know when to ask for help Do not “rat hole”

    on the problem Never ask a question you can “I feel lucky” Mind the outage window
  7. Josh Oakes Setup basic puppet on a weekend Installed it

    on a VM and told no-one Configured next appserver with puppet.
  8. • I need 10 more of those servers for tomorrow

    The janitors unplugged the server, the raid array is fine but the OS is toast. We're on some site called reddit.com and the servers are melting. I broke the build server, can you fix it? 20 developers got nothing to do till it's back up.
  9. You won't always be the lone IT guy The cool

    kids are doing it It makes your systems consistent, free package tracking, and easier to troubleshoot.
  10. Accounting Free tracking of who did what, when See if

    someone is actually working from home
  11. Accounting Free tracking of who did what, when See if

    someone is actually working from home Back out of bad changes
  12. Our Work flow: Sysadmin #2 1. Create branch in git

    2. Modify puppet recipes 5. fix / do merge request 4. test changes on test box 3. push branch (new environment automatically created) 1. code review 2. merge change, or send back Sysadmin #1
  13. Learn to type Learn to type (70 wpm minimum) Get

    a mechanical keyboard Exercise your fingers (don't wait till they hurt)
  14. • Get a gripmaster They are available at sport stores

    They are cheap ($15) They build strength in your fingers
  15. Celebrate short cuts The program that you use most throughout

    the day, you should know how to use the best.
  16. Celebrate short cuts The program that you use most throughout

    the day, you should know how to use the best. If that means you are using vim 80% of the day, you need to learn vim's shortcuts.
  17. Celebrate short cuts The program that you use most throughout

    the day, you should know how to use the best. If that means you are using vim 80% of the day, you need to learn vim's shortcuts. shortcutfoo.com is a great site to help you remember shortcuts.
  18. Celebrate short cuts Prioritize shortcut learning on what you use

    the most. The most bang for your buck is likely your $editor, $shell, then $terminal. The program that you use most throughout the day, you should know how to use the best. If that means you are using vim 80% of the day, you need to learn vim's shortcuts. shortcutfoo.com is a great site to help you remember shortcuts.
  19. Learn an editor REALLY well But learn basic vi as

    well. I was full blown emacs and xemacs user for several years, I've used eclipse as my main editor for 2 years. I now use a highly customized vim.
  20. Learn an editor REALLY well But learn basic vi as

    well. I was full blown emacs and xemacs user for several years, I've used eclipse as my main editor for 2 years. I now use a highly customized vim. If you go down the vim path, go SLOWLY. It takes time. The time is worth it, but if you go to fast you will not like it.
  21. Protect your flow Disable distracting things Email notifications Flashing trays

    / sounds Groups? Trade firefighting times Lone IT guy? Create a routine
  22. Programming perl, python, ruby . Pick one and learn it

    very well. If you know somebody you can ask questions, use the language they are using.
  23. Programming perl, python, ruby . Pick one and learn it

    very well. If you know somebody you can ask questions, use the language they are using. Whichever you pick, learn enough of the other 2, to do basic troubleshooting.
  24. Programming perl, python, ruby . Pick one and learn it

    very well. If you know somebody you can ask questions, use the language they are using. Whichever you pick, learn enough of the other 2, to do basic troubleshooting. Learn enough C to be dangerous.
  25. Programming perl, python, ruby . Pick one and learn it

    very well. If you know somebody you can ask questions, use the language they are using. Whichever you pick, learn enough of the other 2, to do basic troubleshooting. Learn enough C to be dangerous. 'Understanding the linux kernel' isn't just for programmers.
  26. Ask questions / bug reports on the internet, using your

    real name. Some companies do not want you to reveal they are using product X, so you may not be able to use your company email address.
  27. Ask questions / bug reports on the internet, using your

    real name. Some companies do not want you to reveal they are using product X, so you may not be able to use your company email address. Register an email address to use for your online questions, and make sure you can access it from work. This is ideal because when you leave the company you are with, you can take this email with you.
  28. Real Name Lawl, it's not working. Your program is bad,

    and you should feel bad. I'm using Fedora 18 kernel 3.7.8-202 x86_64. Trying version 1.4.3b1, but also tried 1.4.3b2 with same results. When I run, I get the following error: <error>. My configuration files are here <pastebin> and according to the documentation here <link> this should be working. Here is my <dmesg> and <logfiles>. Through google I have found someone doing X and I have tried Y, but to no avail. Any suggestions? Thanks for your time. Anonymous
  29. My code when I think it's going to github: My

    code when I think no-one will see it:
  30. Next time you write a script that you think someone

    else might find useful, ask your manager if you can post the script online. Someone smarter than you may fix your code. Awesome!
  31. Join safari books NOTE: I have no affiliation with safari

    books, I'm not giving you a URL to click, nothing is in this for me. Even if my company wasn't buying this for me, I would buy it for myself.
  32. Public speaking Doing small group public speaking is a necessary

    evil. Not conference level public speaking, think more management briefing.
  33. Public speaking Doing small group public speaking is a necessary

    evil. Not conference level public speaking, think more management briefing. When in doubt, use the whiteboard.
  34. Public speaking Doing small group public speaking is a necessary

    evil. Not conference level public speaking, think more management briefing. When in doubt, use the whiteboard. If you are uncomfortable public speaking, join a local toastmasters group.
  35. Outages are our time to shine. Yes they are stressful,

    but think of it as your chance to save the day. Embrace the outage
  36. Outages are our time to shine. Yes they are stressful,

    but think of it as your chance to save the day. Practice outages during outage windows. Embrace the outage
  37. Outages are our time to shine. Yes they are stressful,

    but think of it as your chance to save the day. Practice outages during outage windows. Read a book about crisis management. Embrace the outage
  38. Outages are our time to shine. Yes they are stressful,

    but think of it as your chance to save the day. Practice outages during outage windows. Read a book about crisis management. Always do a post-mortem analysis. Embrace the outage
  39. Don't get promoted to management If you want to be

    THE guy, you may have to turn down a management “promotion”.
  40. Don't get promoted to management If you want to be

    THE guy, you may have to turn down a management “promotion”. Be sure to turn it down as gracefully as possible.
  41. Don't get promoted to management If you want to be

    THE guy, you may have to turn down a management “promotion”. Be sure to turn it down as gracefully as possible. If you want to get into management that's fine, but it's nearly impossible to be a top sysadmin and manager at the same time.
  42. Get good at explaining complex things, simply. Reddit has a

    fantastic subreddit called “explain like I'm 5” . Try your own explain like I'm 5 using your companies technology.
  43. Learn how to diagram go to ratemynetworkdiagram.com, find a diagram

    you like, and re-create it with your editor of choice.
  44. Learn how to diagram go to ratemynetworkdiagram.com, find a diagram

    you like, and re-create it with your editor of choice. Make a very similar diagram using your infrastructure.
  45. Learn how to diagram go to ratemynetworkdiagram.com, find a diagram

    you like, and re-create it with your editor of choice. Make a very similar diagram using your infrastructure. Repeat until good at using the diagram software.
  46. Have no vendor loyalty (software or hardware) Use the 'right

    tool' for the job. Sometimes the right tool has budget constraints.
  47. Have no vendor loyalty (software or hardware) Use the 'right

    tool' for the job. Sometimes the right tool has budget constraints. Make vendors fight for your business.
  48. Have no vendor loyalty (software or hardware) Use the 'right

    tool' for the job. Sometimes the right tool has budget constraints. Make vendors fight for your business. Cheapest is rarely best.
  49. Always be professional Do NOT be a bastard operator from

    hell. Assertive, polite, professional, always.
  50. Attend sysadmin gatherings LISA is likely the top end of

    the sysadmin conferences, I went in 2012, and plan to go this year as well.
  51. Learn how to make a business case This will help

    you understand what your manager (or his manager) is thinking about for their budget approval process. Start with something small, like, joining safari books. Next do something bigger like attending LISA.
  52. The end / questions Shawn Sterling - Senior System Administrator

    17 years, small start ups -> large enterprises I am the guy email: [email protected] web:www.systemtemplar.org github: github.com/shawn-sterling
  53. Image Credit Most of images I used were from google

    images, I didn't know about 'search by copyright status'. I know very little (read:nothing) about copyright images and fair use. I may very well have used some of these images inappropriately but I have not and will not make any money with these slides, and the youtube video has no adds (nor will it, if that remains in my control, I'm looking at you google). So, I think that's fair use? Plus I'm Canadian so it's all different here. I wanna be the guy logo: http://kayin.pyoko.org/iwbtg/downloads.php Dilbert Comic: http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/1995-06-24/ I wanna be the guy screenshot: http://images.stopgame.ru/uploads/images/302846/form/normal_1366169638.png shrugging girl: http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-6104722/stock-photo-little-girl-shrugs-shoulders.html Keyboard + stethoscope http://www.innvector.com/?_escaped_fragment_=soporte-tecnico/zoom/c20d5/image1nzg storytime http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-WcaOx0Zqm14/UtbmT1SgbXI/AAAAAAAABsU/1ql07ymeIC0/s1600/storytime.jpg gsr http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/routers/ps167/ps201/ hadoken http://veuxjideo.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/HadokenMain.jpg linecard http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mds40zA4UG_744HTUW84lqg.jpg doctor ipad http://images.wisegeek.com/doctor-with-computer-tablet.jpg obama http://i1.ujarani.com/3/9/9s5MYP.png beaker wat http://i.imgur.com/iftXRtB.jpg rogue squadron http://roguesquadron.tumblr.com f#$! yeah stickman http://rlv.zcache.com/f_yea_rage_face_meme_flyer-p244446445493836219b73co_400.jpg all the things http://devopsdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/screen-shot-2012-11-11-at-10-27-09-am.png cable mess http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/9892/15308037cx3.jpg not convinced girl http://livememe.com/ what do i mean http://manypicture.com/new/whatdoyoumean/357817.htm chefs http://ltmdraw.blogspot.ca/2012/04/blog-post.html git logo http://git-scm.com/downloads/logos git svn migrate http://john.albin.net/git/git-svn-migrate svn rollerskates http://perspective9.blogspot.ca/2011/06/rio-retro-roller-skates-by-rawk.html ferrari http://www.motorcar.com/news/the_laferrari_debuts_at_the_geneva_motor_show/ accounting http://www.evedeniucetnictvi.cz/ucetnictvi/ blame http://www.zelikmintz.com/blog/the-blame-game/ crying girl http://livememe.com/ environments http://www.allmusic.com/album/environments-1-psychologically-ultimate-seashore-mw0000196691 put it all together http://www.roots-archives.com/release/4397 gitlab http://gitlab.org/ software development http://www.engineeringmentor.com/2013/09/13/understanding-sdlc/ agile http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concurrent_engineering glowing keyboard http://www.glennngy.com/2012/01/presenting-ducky-shine-blue-lit-blue.html gripmaster http://www.gripmaster.com.au/ ergodox www.massdrop.com short cut sign http://socialmediaweek.org/blog/tag/productivity/ config management graph – dear god this is original content, i made this! vi screenshots – random screenshot from my desktop gradius screenshots http://www.gamesdbase.com flow http://haleinusc.com/psychological-profiling-in-athletics/ programming http://onlyhdwallpapers.com/tag/programming/ penny arcade comic http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/19 octocats http://octodex.github.com/ microphone http://www.langevin.com/blog/2013/04/25/5-tips-for-projecting-confidence/presentation-skills-2/ no internet http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/7-productive-things-you-can-when-theres-internet-access.html dilbert boss http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs40/i/2009/024/5/8/Boss_perler_beads_by_drsparc.jpg complex http://www.oblomovies.com/mkaipain/introimd/Media_genres.html no loyalty https://soundcloud.com/dblack401/dblack-x-no-loyalty-prod-by network diagram http://www.ratemynetworkdiagram.com/?i=22783 whiteboard http://www.rants.org/2007/11/04/want-to-help-fix-the-roof/ be polite https://medium.com/life-tips/adfcf50fe01 sysadmin gathering http://www.isgtw.org/feature/isgtw-opinion-scattered-sectioned-and-super-sized-sysadmin-challenges-and-grids trello www.trello.com business case http://wordsmithsuk.wordpress.com/2010/06/24/creating-a-brilliant-business-case/ kids urinal http://dunaev-es.livejournal.com/515265.html