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Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportu...

Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize Opportunities - DMA 2013

Grant Simmons

October 04, 2013

More Decks by Grant Simmons

Other Decks in Marketing & SEO


  1. One Step Ahead Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize

    Opportunities Grant Simmons Dir. SEO & Social Media Product The Search Agency @simmonet
  2. Search Engine Optimization SEO It’s about the user, stupid. Not

    the stupid user. @simmonet Search Engines are the *most* discriminating of users!
  3. Current Future SEO Connect Search Intent to Site Content With

    Context of: • Location • Behavior • Platform • Conversation @simmonet
  4. Future SEO New Locations Hyper GEO Target • Inside Stores

    • ZIP Codes • Events / Venues @simmonet
  5. Future SEO New Behavior • New queries • More personalization

    • When searching • Where searching • How searching “Search Everywhere Optimization” @simmonet
  6. Future SEO New Platforms • Mobile • Wearable • Smart

    vehicles • Appliances • Television / consoles etc. @simmonet
  7. Brands Need to… Identify: • Who? • Where? • When?

    • What? • How? Create to Connect @simmonet
  8. Current Future SEO + Social Content is King Authority Content

    is Kingier Authorities are: • Known • Credible • Topic Experts @simmonet
  9. Future SEO + Social Building Credibility • Reviews, news, views…

    • Authors of content • Broadcasters • Social amplification Create Engagement @simmonet
  10. Future SEO + Social Recognized Topic Experts Focused Consistency •

    Connections / links • Social love • Associations / citations “Digital Footprint” @simmonet
  11. Future SEO + Social “ o ” We’re (Google) doing

    a better job of detecting when someone is sort of an authority in a specific space… and trying to make sure that those rank a little more highly if you’re some sort of authority…” @simmonet Matt Cutts – Google Engineer
  12. One Step Ahead Hottest Search Trends & How to Maximize

    Opportunities Grant Simmons Dir. SEO & Social Media Product The Search Agency