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SDG Projects Portfolio · mopy design

Marta Ortiz
March 19, 2019

SDG Projects Portfolio · mopy design

Marta Ortiz

March 19, 2019

Other Decks in Design


  1. D E S I G N & I N N

    O V A T I O N F O R A B E T T E R W O R L D mopy

    In collaboration with: Carlota Gallo (España) · Paula Girón (España)
  3. Empowering women in the Amazon River Year Company Location Capabilities

    Case Creating a sustainable business model to improve life quality in Pto. Nariño. 2018 Field Research Service Design Business Design Product Design Graphic Design Fundac. Omacha Pto. Nariño, Colombia m GENDER EQUALITY + ECONOMIC GROWTH
  4. “Las Doñas, Servicio de Lavande- ría” was born in a

    deeply sexist context as an engaging safe place where local women can wash their clothes and also offer a professional laundry service to their neighbors and tourists; and chat with their peers, ask honest questions about their intimate life and receive gender and do- mestic violence education and support. This social enterprise represents a deeply cultural transformation by empowering woman and ge- nerating consciousness about gender violence. “Los trapos sucios se lavan fuera de casa” is the motto of the laun- dry service that aims to change the world. Proposal: Las Doñas
  5. Redefining the concept of solidarity Year Company Location Capabilities Case

    Dignifying and improving homeless people life quality. 2018 Design Research Product Design Communication UX and UI - Madrid, Spain m CLEAN ENERGY + NO POVERTY
  6. Proposal: Meraki Meraki aims to give a twist to the

    concept of solidarity by taking out money as object of change and using the energy as a mean of awareness-raising and social integration, transforming a piece of urban furniture into an element with “hearth”. This small unicycle is able to transform the kinetic energy into electric power that will acqui- re two social purposes: the dona- tion to a solidarity cause through a mobile app or the exchange by basic associated services if needed. Watch the video here https://youtu.be/l8xTOsiu71o
  7. Preventing first bullying symptoms Year Company Location Capabilities Case Creating

    a method to identify bullying social roles in early stages. 2017 Design Research Product Design Service Design Brand Design UX and UI C.P. San Lorenzo Madrid, Spain m QUALITY EDUCATION
  8. Proposal: Superkidroes Super Kidroes is a disruptive edu- cative methodology

    destinated to the prevention and/or detention of bullying in early scholarship stages (9-12 yo). The game seeks to solve daily conflicts by the pupils empower- ment. Using several playful tools the kids acquire their own conflict solving skills developing basic social aptitudes. The online support platform offers personali- sed assistance to teachers and educative staff to manage the di- fferent social roles defined inside the classroom and to face toge- ther this daily challenge.
  9. HUMANITY WITHIN EVERYONE´S REACH In collaboration with: Andrea Martín (Méjico)

    · Eduardo Lima (El Salvador) · Laura Santana (Venezuela) · Stephany Macedo (Perú) · Valeria Ledesma (Perú) heriheri
  10. Making health- care accesible for the BOP Year Company Focus

    point Capabilities Case Creating innovative schemes to deli- ver basic health care services. 2018 Service Design Business Design Brand Design - Kenya m GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING
  11. Proposal: Heriheri Heriheri is a line of affordable healthcare products

    and private centers focused on offering pre- ventive care and medical trai- ning for communities making health accessible to everyone in Kenya. Heriheri proposes a business model based on micro health in- surances to redefine access to medical care to low-income con- sumers in areas under develop- ment. One of the keys of success for the project is to make people turn down the black market by guaranteeing quality health access through a mensual fee of an equivalent cost. Medical staff Support staff Medicines Preventive products Preventive education Data Mappers Medical Trainees Trained community members Solution C O M P O N E N T S heriheri Through sponsors Funds H E A L T H C A R E S E R V I C E S & C E N T E R S How T O S T A R T ? The fee you pay depends on where you live. Guarantees fair payment to nurses and doctors, as well as the medicine supply. Training Pop-up clinics Medicines Preventive Kit Visit of the Medical Trainees Telephonic assistance Rural Urban How D O E S I T W O R K ?
  12. Making kitchens accesible for disabled people Year Company Location Capabilities

    Case Facilitating daily tasks for patients suffe- ring motor and cerebral disabilities. 2015 Design Research Product Design Graphic Design Fundac. Polibea Madrid, Spain m WELL-BEING + EDUCATION
  13. Proposal: LeCook LeCook is much more than a simple cooking

    table, it is an in- clusive design project that aims to bring the kitchen closer to the colective of people with disabili- ties, taking into consideration their motor and cerebral specifici- ties in different degrees. Getting inspired by the iconocity of Lego this kitchen table merges simplicity, versatility and modula- rity, through a collection of pieces created by a universal language. The design revolves around four essential values: community, po- sitivity, self-sufficiency and ease of understanding.
  14. Facing autist kids´ crisis episodes Year Company Location Capabilities Case

    Helping ASD diagnosed children with and interactive and playful gadget. 2016 Design Research Product Design Graphic Design UX and UI Fundac. Pauta Madrid, Spain m GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING
  15. Proposal: Yugen Yugen is an affordable and por- table gadget

    designed to ease the interaction with an autism diagnosed person in the most di- fficult moments. It proposes an easy and friendly method based on visual, audi- tory and tactile patterns desig- ned to emotionally stabilize the patient in a crisis episode. Besides it has a functionality that enables parents and/or tutors to measure and follow different crisis KPIs through a mobile app in order to track the disorder phases and being able to keep it under control.
  16. Redefining women clothes shopping habits Year Company Location Capabilities Case

    Creating a model to make the fashion industry circular and more sustainable. 2019 Design Research Service Design Business Design Graphic Design UX and UI - Madrid, Spain m RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION
  17. T H A T ´ S A L L F

    O L K S ! Take your passion seriously, this world needs more people who love what they do. “ “