Designing for Diverse Minds: Embracing Inclusiv...

Spectrum Tokyo
December 06, 2023

Designing for Diverse Minds: Embracing Inclusivity in Teaching Design Thinking / 多様な考え方に合わせたデザイン:デザイン思考の教育における包括性の受け入れ

Session by:
Annie Hoang / 楽天グループ株式会社
Annie Hoang / Rakuten Group, Inc
Spectrum Tokyo Design Fest 2023 Day 1 (2023/12/02)

Spectrum Tokyo

December 06, 2023

Other Decks in Design


  1. Annie Hoang | Spectrum Tokyo Festival 2023 Designing for Diverse

    Minds Embracing Inclusivity in Teaching Design Thinking
  2. Spectrum Tokyo Fest 2023 Annie Hoang Annie Hoang Rakuten Group,

    Inc. UX Designer & Researcher Design Thinking Workshop Facilitator LinkedIn : @anniehoang-design X : @makeit_annieway
  3. Spectrum Tokyo Fest 2023 Annie Hoang How might we craft

    an inclusive & engaging workshop experience for a diverse audience, to foster meaningful participation, and collectively elevate the workshop output?
  4. Spectrum Tokyo Fest 2023 Annie Hoang Have a 

    agenda Crafting a workshop structure
  5. Spectrum Tokyo Fest 2023 Annie Hoang Have a 

    and specific agenda Crafting a workshop structure
  6. Spectrum Tokyo Fest 2023 Annie Hoang (for out of scope

    discussions) But make sure to come back to it Have a 
 parking lot Crafting a workshop structure
  7. Spectrum Tokyo Fest 2023 Annie Hoang Facilitation Myth: You need

    to come up with the best solution if you are the facilitator
  8. Spectrum Tokyo Fest 2023 Annie Hoang You need to come

    up with the best solution if you are the facilitator Facilitation Myth:
  9. Spectrum Tokyo Fest 2023 Annie Hoang Facilitation techniques (With the

    2-pizza rule) 🍕 Amazon’s 2-pizza rule: every meeting should be small enough that attendees could be fed with two large pizza. This helps prevent groupthink, a phenomenon that occurs when a large group's need for consensus overrides the judgment of individual group members. Avoid 
  10. Spectrum Tokyo Fest 2023 Annie Hoang Facilitation techniques 1. Encourage

    individual thinking 2. Rotate discussion leaders 3. Use anonymity for idea sharing Techniques to combat 
  11. Spectrum Tokyo Fest 2023 Annie Hoang Understand and embrace diverse

    perspectives Tailor the facilitation direction to the need of your audience Key takeaways:
  12. Spectrum Tokyo Fest 2023 Annie Hoang Engaging & Diverse group

    of audience Inclusive learning environment Meaningful Discussions