access your info on the web The key to everything on the web is the URL Your website is your API It helps orient users in your architecture Avoid exposing the mechanism of how you run your server
spell, type MEANINGFULNESS: reflects site structure + content > users look at URLs and try to understand them eg: /chooseyouradventure.pdf
+ content HACKABILITY: follows data hierarchy UNAMBIGUOUSNESS: each page must be unique > think about sharing, bookmark. eg: no frames, no flash URL DESIGN WHAT IS FRIENDLY DESIGN?
spell, type MEANINGFULNESS: reflects site structure + content HACKABILITY: follows data hierarchy UNAMBIGUOUSNESS: each page must be unique PERSISTENCE: URL’s should live forever > as long as the content is available
+ content HACKABILITY: follows data hierarchy UNAMBIGUOUSNESS: each page must be unique PERSISTENCE: URL’s should live forever CANONICALIZATION: only 1 URL per resource > don’t confuse the user > bad for SEO eg: = URL DESIGN WHAT IS FRIENDLY DESIGN?
generated URL parts 2. “pull” is short for “pull request”, single word, easily associated to the origin word 3. Pull request number is scoped to defunkt/resque 4. Anchor points to a scrolling position, not hidden content source: