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Ninja Grandad final presentation.

Stu Milne
January 11, 2013

Ninja Grandad final presentation.

Last year I was lead of a team of 9 in developing a game for a group project. We delivered a final presentation at the end of the year to the module lecturers, representatives from Disney Interactive and other students. The presentation gives an overview of the project and the development process in art, audio and programming fields.

Stu Milne

January 11, 2013


  1. The Team SEAN Cairns ALLAN Robertson CLIO Adams ALEX Hopkins

    LORNA Macmillan STUART Milne ROBIN Griffiths GREGORY Goltsov PATRICK PATRICK Ward
  2. The Mechanics 2.5D Platforming (Little Big Planet, not Doom!) Heartbeat

    mechanic Multiplayer Combos! Run Jump Land Slide Jump Wall climb Swing Roll
  3. The Tech Targeting PC ────── TiledLib Lidgren Farseer XACT XNA

    f C# F ────── Networking Alex Audio/Graphics Allan Greg Procedural Stuart Physics
  4. Delivered  platform gameplay , multiplayer racing  infinite &

    timed single player modes G procedural level generation
  5. Challenges: Gameplay ‘Fast and fluid‘ — very challenging! Turning tech

    into fun is hard Groundwork is laid — time to polish
  6. Art

  7. Challenges Lack of visual interface for art assets Software restrictions

    — 3Ds Max to Maya Importing animation into the game 2D assets mixed with 3D Cel shading being dropped
  8. Layered Audio Layer 8 Layer 7 Layer 6 Layer 5

    Layer 4 Layer 3 Layer 2 Base Layer 1
  9. What didn’t work? Gameplay experience — 2–4 weeks full-time work

    to polish and make more fun, less proof-of-concept • Player control • Heartbeat dynamics • Level block design • Visuals simplified for rendering
  10. What did work? Sophisticated technology • Player control — event-based,

    tweakable and extensible • Procedural generation — robust fuzzy inference system • Networking, strong groundwork laid • Rendering — deferred rendering tech — possibility to add advanced shader effects
  11. What did work? Art • Animation • Chase presence —

    worked well even though 2D • Colour palette — hints at the strong visual style Audio • Strong oriental identity • Layered approach — dynamically linked to the gameplay
  12. Future work Level block design — much more variety and

    interesting challenges Player control — iteration and polish on ‘feel’, push for ‘fast and fluid’ Heartbeat dynamics — again, work on ‘feel’ Rope physics! Tied to block design Cel-shading/stylisation render-side