detail Dynamic texture streaming Decreased memory cost Dynamic level of detail Used in Rage and Brink Rage had 128k x 128k textures! Environment/terrain focus
visual fidelity in a real time application?” Aim To implement virtual texturing technology. To assess the visual fidelity benefits afforded by a virtual texturing system in a real time application.. Objectives To research current virtual texturing implementations Implement a virtual texturing system for use in a real-time application To explore possible optimisations utilising GP-GPU methods Demonstrate the virtual texturing system by utilising it to produce a real-time scene Compare the virtually textured scene against a comparable traditional implementation Measure the performance characteristics of the virtual texturing system Compare the performance characteristics against a traditional approach
A Virtual Mipmap The beginnings – An overview and implementation of clipmapping by SGI. This is the beginning of virtual texturing. Ed. Engel, W. GPU Pro. A K Peters. ‘Virtual Texturing 101’and ‘Accelerating Virtual Texturing using CUDA’ chapters; the clues in the name! Great overview of problem space. GPU acceleration is a possible ‘focus’. Waveren, J.M.P. 2009. Id Tech 5 Challenges – From texture virtualisation to massive parallelisation Senior programmer id software @ Siggraph ‘09. Some specifics from RAGE. Filtering, cache thrashing, LOD ‘popping’ covered briefly. ‘Real-world’ insight. Further reading: Virtual Memory -> Sparse Virtual Textures -> Parallelisation
- plenty of scale Technology visualisation – ability to see under the hood Evaluation Subjective comparisons – v.tex vs. traditional textures Scale should speak for itself! Quantative data – profile and statistics Memory usage/savings Internal profiling – paging efficiency, cache effectiveness etc..