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Winnti Polymorphism

Winnti Polymorphism

Dec 2016, HITCON Pacific 2016

Winnti is malware used by Chinese threat actor for cybercrime and cyber espionage since 2009. The behavior of Winnti components is well described in past analysis report by Novetta, but currently there are much more variants with different behavior from it. I will share my RE findings not explained in public reports including:

- Winnti worker component supporting SMTP protocol,
- Winnti as a loader for other malware family,
- rootkit driver making covert channels by hooking NDIS TCPIP protocol handlers and
- hack tools using the same API hash calculation as Winnti components.

The configuration data of Winnti is important for threat intelligence because campaign IDs indicating target organizations or countries to the actor are included. Moreover, as Kaspersky pointed out in the blog, inline 64-bit kernel drivers are sometimes signed with stolen certificates. The certificates are also useful to identify already-compromised targets. I checked about 170 Winnti samples to extract the configurations and certificates. Based on the work, I will show Winnti targets are not only game and pharmaceutical industries, but also chemical, e-commerce, electronics and telecommunications ones.

Takahiro Haruyama

December 01, 2016

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  1. Who am I? • Takahiro Haruyama (@cci_forensics) • Reverse Engineer

    at Symantec – Managed Adversary and Threat Intelligence (MATI) • https://www.symantec.com/services/cyber-security- services/deepsight-intelligence/adversary • Speaker – BlackHat Briefings USA/EU/Asia, SANS DFIR Summit, CEIC, DFRWS EU, SECURE, FIRST, RSA Conference JP, etc… 2
  2. Motivation • Winnti is malware used by Chinese threat actor

    for cybercrime and cyber espionage since 2009 • Kaspersky and Novetta published good white papers about Winnti [1] [2] • Winnti is still active and changing – Variants whose behavior is different from past reports – Targets except game and pharmaceutical industries • I’d like to fill the gaps 3
  3. Winnti Execution Flow 6 Dropper Engine 2. run 3. load

    & run Service with config Worker with config (encrypted) 1. drop 5. load memory-resident or omitted 4. decrypt & run rootkit drivers C2 server 6. connect to C2
  4. New Findings 7 Dropper Engine other malware family 2. run

    3. load & run Service with config Worker with config (encrypted) 1. drop 5. load decrypt & run (rare samples only) memory-resident or omitted or file client malware? on other machines 4. decrypt & run rootkit drivers C2 server 6. connect to C2 connected through covert channel SMTP supported
  5. Dropper Component • extract other components from inline DES-protected blob

    – the dropped components are • service and worker • additionally engine with other malware family (but that is rare) – the password is passed from command line argument – Some samples add dropper’s configuration into the overlays of the components • run service component – /rundll32.exe "%s", \w+ %s/ – the export function name often changes • Install, DlgProc, gzopen_r, Init, sql_init, sqlite3_backup_deinit, etc... 8
  6. Service Component • load engine component from inline blob –

    the values in PE header are eliminated • e.g., MZ/PE signatures, machine architecture, NumberOfRvaAndSizes, etc... • call engine’s export functions – some variants use the API hashes • e.g., 0x0C148B03 = "Install”, 0x3013465F = "DeleteF" 9
  7. Engine Component • memory-resident – some samples are saved as

    files with the same encryption of worker component • export function names – Install, DeleteF, and Workmain • try to bypass UAC dialog then create service • decrypt/run worker component – PE header values eliminated, 1 byte xor & nibble swap 10
  8. Worker Component • export function names – work_start, work_end •

    plugin management – the plugins are cached on disk or memory-resident • supported C2 protocols – TCP = header + LZMA-compressed payload – HTTP, HTTPS = zlib-compressed payload as POST data – SMTP 11
  9. SMTP Worker Component • Some worker components support SMTP –

    the config contains email addresses and more obfuscated (incremental xor + dword xor) • Public code is reused – The old code looks copied from PRC-based Mandarin-language programming and code sharing forum [3] • The hard-coded sender email and password are "attach_111@sina.com" and "test123456” – The new code looks similar to the one distributed in Code Project [4] • STARTTLS is newly supported to encrypt the SMTP traffic 12
  10. SMTP Worker Component (Cont.) for decrypting each member QQMail [5]

    account is used for sending recipient email addresses 13
  11. VSEC Variant [6] • Two main differences compared with Novetta

    variant [2] – no engine component • service component directly calls worker component – worker’s export function name is “DllUnregisterServer” • takes immediate values according to the functions – e.g., 0x201401 = delete file, 0x201402 = dll/code injection, 0x201404 = run inline main DLL • recently more active than Novetta variant? 14
  12. VSEC Variant (Cont.) • unique persistence – Some samples modify

    IAT of legitimate windows dlls to load service component – the target dll name is included in the configuration • e.g., wbemcomn.dll, loadperf.dll worker infected Windows dll service 15
  13. Winnti as a Loader • Some engine components embeds other

    malware family like Gh0st and PlugX – the configuration is encrypted by Winnti and the malware algorithm – the config members are the malware specific + Winnti strings Winnti-related members 16
  14. Related Kernel Drivers • Kernel rootkit drivers are included in

    worker components – hiding TCP connections • The same driver is also used by Derusbi [7] – making covert channels with other client machines • The purpose is the same as WFP callout driver of Derusbi server variant [8] but the implementation is much different 17
  15. Related Kernel Drivers (Cont.) • The rootkit hooks TCPIP Network

    Device Interface Specification (NDIS) protocol handlers – intercepts incoming TCP packets then forward to worker DLL Worker DLL with config the rootkit driver (DKOM used, names/paths nullfied) NDIS_OPEN_BLOCK IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL ReceiveNetBufferLists and ProtSendNetBufferListsComplete NDIS_PROTOCOL_BLOCK BindAdapterHandlerEx and NetPnPEventHandler \\Device\\Null Client Malware (0) install hooks (1) send packet (2) save TCP & special format packets install hooks again everytime net config changes packet buffers TCPIP protocol handlers (3) read & write to user buffer dword 1 dword 3 dword 2 dword 4 dword2 !=0 && dword4 == (dword1 ^ dword3) << 0x10 The packet header 18
  16. Related Attack Tools • bootkit found by Kaspersky when tracking

    Winnti activity [9] • “skeleton key” to patch on a victim's AD domain controllers [10] • custom password dump tool (exe or dll) – Some samples are protected by VMProtect or unique xor or AES – the same API hash calculation algorithm used (function name = “main_exp”) • PE loader – decrypt and run a file specified by the command line argument • *((_BYTE *)buf_for_cmdline_file + offset) ^= 7 * offset + 90; 19
  17. Two Sources about the Targets • campaign ID from configuration

    data – target organization/country name • stolen certificate from rootkit drivers – already-compromised target name • I checked over 170 Winnti samples – Which industry is targeted by the actor, except game and pharma ones? 21
  18. Extraction Strategy • regularly collect samples from VT/Symc by using

    detection name or yara rules • try to crack the DES password if the sample is dropper component – or just decrypt the config if possible • run config/worker decoder for service/worker components – campaign IDs are included in worker rather than service • extract drivers from worker components then check the certificates • exclude the following information – not identifiable campaign ID (e.g., “a1031066”, “taka1100”) – already-known information by public blogs/papers 22
  19. Extraction Strategy (Cont.) • automation – config/worker decoder (stand-alone) •

    decrypt config data and worker component if detected • additionally decrypt for PlugX loader or SMTP worker variants – dropper password brute force script (IDAPython or stand-alone) campaign ID 23
  20. Extraction Strategy (Cont.) • double-check campaign IDs by using VT

    submission metadata – the company has its HQ or branch office in the submitted country/city? • e.g., the ID means 2 possible companies in different industries – The submission city helps to identify the company VT submission metadata decrypted config 24
  21. Result about Campaign ID • only 27 % samples contained

    configs L – Most of them are service components • service components usually contains just path information – difficult to collect dropper/worker components by detection name • Yara retro-hunt can search samples within only 3 weeks • 19 unique campaign IDs found – 12 IDs were identifiable and not open 25
  22. Result about Campaign ID (Cont.) 1st seen year from VT

    metadata submission country / city from VT metadata Industry 2014 Russia / Moscow Internet Information Provider? (typo) 2015 China / Shenzhen University? (not sure) 2015 South Korea / Seongnam-si Game 2015 South Korea / Seongnam-si Game 2015 South Korea / Seongnam-si Game 2016 Japan / Chiyoda Chemicals 2016 Vietnam / Hanoi Internet Information Provider, E- commerce, Game 2016 South Korea / Seoul Investment Management Firm 2016 South Korea / Seongnam-si Anti-Virus Software 2016 USA / Bellevue Game 2016 Australia / Adelaide IT, Electronics 2016 USA / Milpitas Telecommunications 26
  23. Result about Certificate • 12 unique certificates found but most

    of them are known in [1] [12] • 4 certificates are not open – One of them is signed by an electronics company in Taiwan – The others are certificates of chinese companies • "Guangxi Nanning Shengtai'an E-Business Development CO.LTD", "BEIJING KUNLUN ONLINE NETWORK TECH CO.,LTD", "   " – I’m not sure if they were stolen or not • One is a primary distributor of unwanted software? [13] 27
  24. Wrap-up • Winnti malware is polymorphic, but – The variants

    and tools have common codes • e.g., config/binary encryption, API hash calculation – Some driver implementations are identical or similar to Derusbi’s ones • Today Winnti threat actor(s?) targets at chemical, e-commerce, investment management firm, electronics and telecommunications companies – Game companies are still targeted • Symantec telemetry shows they are just a little bit of targets L 29
  25. Reference 1. http://kasperskycontenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/vlpdfs/winnti-more-than-just-a-game- 130410.pdf 2. https://www.novetta.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/novetta_winntianalysis.pdf 3. http://blog.csdn.net/lishuhuakai/article/details/27852009 4. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/28806/SMTP-Client

    5. https://en.mail.qq.com/ 6. http://blog.vsec.com.vn/apt/initial-winnti-analysis-against-vietnam-game-company.html 7. https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/2084641/crowdstrike-deep-panda-report.pdf 8. https://www.novetta.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Derusbi.pdf 9. https://securelist.com/analysis/publications/72275/i-am-hdroot-part-1/ 10. https://www.symantec.com/connect/blogs/backdoorwinnti-attackers-have-skeleton-their-closet 11. https://securelist.com/blog/incidents/70991/games-are-over/ 12. http://blog.airbuscybersecurity.com/post/2015/11/Newcomers-in-the-Derusbi-family 13. https://www.herdprotect.com/signer-guangxi-nanning-shengtaian-e-business-development-coltd- 1eb0f4d821e239ba81b3d10e61b7615b.aspx 30