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RxJavaを使っている 既存アプリに Kotlin Coroutinesを導入しよう

August 25, 2018

RxJavaを使っている 既存アプリに Kotlin Coroutinesを導入しよう


August 25, 2018


  1. 前提の説明: RxJavaの例 class ViewModel( private val api: Api = Api(),

    private val scheduler: Scheduler = Schedulers.io() ) { private val mutablePersons = MutableLiveData<List<Person>>() val persons: LiveData<List<Person>> = mutablePersons fun onCreate() { api.fetchPersons() .subscribeOn(scheduler) .subscribe(mutablePersons::postValue) }} }}
  2. 前提の説明: RxJavaの例 class ViewModel( private val api: Api = Api(),

    private val scheduler: Scheduler = Schedulers.io() ) { private val mutablePersons = MutableLiveData<List<Person>>() val persons: LiveData<List<Person>> = mutablePersons fun onCreate() { api.fetchPersons() .subscribeOn(scheduler) .subscribe(mutablePersons::postValue) }} }} Activityから呼び出す
  3. 前提の説明: RxJavaの例 class ViewModel( private val api: Api = Api(),

    private val scheduler: Scheduler = Schedulers.io() ) { private val mutablePersons = MutableLiveData<List<Person>>() val persons: LiveData<List<Person>> = mutablePersons fun onCreate() { api.fetchPersons() .subscribeOn(scheduler) .subscribe(mutablePersons::postValue) }} }} Api#fetchPersonsがSingleを返してくる
  4. 前提の説明: RxJavaの例 class ViewModel( private val api: Api = Api(),

    private val scheduler: Scheduler = Schedulers.io() ) { private val mutablePersons = MutableLiveData<List<Person>>() val persons: LiveData<List<Person>> = mutablePersons fun onCreate() { api.fetchPersons() .subscribeOn(scheduler) .subscribe(mutablePersons::postValue) }} }} schedulerで実⾏
  5. 前提の説明: RxJavaの例 class ViewModel( private val api: Api = Api(),

    private val scheduler: Scheduler = Schedulers.io() ) { private val mutablePersons = MutableLiveData<List<Person>>() val persons: LiveData<List<Person>> = mutablePersons fun onCreate() { api.fetchPersons() .subscribeOn(scheduler) .subscribe(mutablePersons::postValue) }} }} 結果をpostValueして、後はLiveDataに任せる
  6. kotlinx-coroutines-rx2で 変換する class ViewModel( private val api: Api = Api(),

    private val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = CommonPool ) { private val mutablePersons = MutableLiveData<List<Person>>() val persons: LiveData<List<Person>> = mutablePersons fun onCreate() { launch(coroutineContext) { val persons = api.fetchPersons().await() mutablePersons.postValue(persons) }} }} }}
  7. kotlinx-coroutines-rx2で 変換する class ViewModel( private val api: Api = Api(),

    private val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = CommonPool ) { private val mutablePersons = MutableLiveData<List<Person>>() val persons: LiveData<List<Person>> = mutablePersons fun onCreate() { launch(coroutineContext) { val persons = api.fetchPersons().await() mutablePersons.postValue(persons) }} }} }} Coroutines起動
  8. kotlinx-coroutines-rx2で 変換する class ViewModel( private val api: Api = Api(),

    private val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = CommonPool ) { private val mutablePersons = MutableLiveData<List<Person>>() val persons: LiveData<List<Person>> = mutablePersons fun onCreate() { launch(coroutineContext) { val persons = api.fetchPersons().await() mutablePersons.postValue(persons) }} }} }} CoroutineContextとSchedulerは似たようなもの
  9. kotlinx-coroutines-rx2で 変換する class ViewModel( private val api: Api = Api(),

    private val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = CommonPool ) { private val mutablePersons = MutableLiveData<List<Person>>() val persons: LiveData<List<Person>> = mutablePersons fun onCreate() { launch(coroutineContext) { val persons = api.fetchPersons().await() mutablePersons.postValue(persons) }} }} }} Singleを中断関数に変換できる そして普通にList<Person>が取得できる
  10. kotlinx-coroutines-rx2で 変換する class ViewModel( private val api: Api = Api(),

    private val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = CommonPool ) { private val mutablePersons = MutableLiveData<List<Person>>() val persons: LiveData<List<Person>> = mutablePersons fun onCreate() { launch(coroutineContext) { val persons = api.fetchPersons().await() mutablePersons.postValue(persons) }} }} }} あとは同じようにLiveDataに流すだけ