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13 Ways to Build Better Pages, Part 8

13 Ways to Build Better Pages, Part 8


  1. You’re just my type “Typography can inform and inspire.” ~

    Broc Sears Publication designer and academic instructor, Texas Christian University
  2. Typography informs and inspires Body copy packages your company’s most

    important product: your stories. Navigation elements direct the reader to your most important product: your stories.
  3. Typography informs and inspires Body copy packages your company’s most

    important product: your stories. Navigation elements direct the reader to your most important product: your stories. Headlines attract attention to your company’s most important product: your stories.
  4. Typography informs and inspires Body copy packages your company’s most

    important product: your stories. Navigation elements direct the reader to your most important product: your stories Headlines attract attention to your company’s most important product: your stories. Your selection and specification of type must be knowledgable, purposeful and motivated.
  5. Ff Typography informs and inspires Make it easier to inform

    your readers Research indicates that in print, the average American prefers Garamond and Times New Roman typefaces and 10 point sizes. Garamond Garamond Garamond Roughly 20 weights and styles Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Roughly 25 weights and styles
  6. Ff Typography informs and inspires Make it easier to inform

    your readers The Euro-centric tendency to read is left to right, top to bottom and depends heavily on a straight edge on the left to establish a marker as to where to begin the next line of type.
  7. Ff Typography informs and inspires Make it easier to inform

    your readers Flush-left ragged right and flush-left justified are the best two text alignments to use. Molestium ipsuntur aut eatiuscimod et et volupti verio molor apel ium, nonsequunt la dem hillorest, ut utet quatium andusamus, qui dolorerferum quam ea sitatectota quate ei- umqui ipid quias invelleserit ut que offic tecto ius aperum reribus utestempe pa dolor se- quiam facest, con porro enis ab imus diae of- fici repta ad qui nonsequ amust, te cumquam, esti sed et asi corit a volupta consed quundae- Molestium ipsuntur aut eatiuscimod et et vo- lupti verio molor apel ium, nonsequunt la dem hillorest, ut utet quatium andusamus, qui do- lorerferum quam ea sitatectota quate eiumqui ipid quias invelleserit ut que offic tecto ius ape- rum reribus utestempe pa dolor sequiam fac- est, con porro enis ab imus diae offici repta ad qui nonsequ amust, te cumquam, esti sed et asi corit a volupta consed quundaepere prae.
  8. Ff Typography informs and inspires Make it easier to inform

    your readers The National Institute on Aging writes that older Americans are served best by Minion Pro, Times New Roman, and Georgia typefaces and 12-14 point sizes when reading printed materials. Carly Fiorina is again weighing in on the “progressive view of feminism,” which she says is “about ideology” and “isn’t working.” “Feminism began as a rallying cry to empower women — to vote, to get an education, to enter the workplace. But over the years, feminism has devolved into a left-leaning political ideology where women are pitted against men and used as a political weapon to win elections,” Fiorina wrote in a Facebook post Thursday. Fiorina, the only woman in the Republican presidential field, has spoken throughout the campaign about issues of gender and feminism. In June, during an interview with MSNBC, Fiorina said of feminism: “I think it’s time to take that word back for all women not just for those who believe in the litany of the left.” Carly Fiorina is again weighing in on the “progressive view of feminism,” which she says is “about ideology” and “isn’t working.” “Feminism began as a rallying cry to empower women — to vote, to get an education, to enter the workplace. But over the years, feminism has devolved into a left-leaning political ideology where women are pitted against men and used as a political weapon to win elec- tions,” Fiorina wrote in a Facebook post Thursday. Fiorina, the only woman in the Re- publican presidential field, has spoken Carly Fiorina is again weighing in on the “progressive view of femi- nism,” which she says is “about ideol- ogy” and “isn’t working.” “Feminism began as a rallying cry to empower women — to vote, to get an education, to enter the workplace. But over the years, feminism has devolved into a left-leaning politi- cal ideology where women are pitted against men and used as a political weapon to win elections,” Fiorina wrote in a Facebook post Thursday. Fiorina, the only woman in the Re- publican presidential field, has spo-
  9. Ff Typography informs and inspires Make it easier to inform

    your readers Body copy should be set in column widths somewhere in the range of 30 - 50 characters wide. Carly Fiorina is again weigh- ing in on the “progressive view of feminism,” which she says is “about ideology” and “isn’t work- ing.” “Feminism began as a rally- ing cry to empower women — to vote, to get an education, to enter the workplace. But over the years, feminism has devolved into a left- leaning political ideology where women are pitted against men and used as a political weapon to win elections,” Fiorina wrote in a Face- book post Thursday. Carly Fiorina is again weighing in on the “progressive view of feminism,” which she says is “about ideology” and “isn’t working.” “Feminism began as a rallying cry to empower women — to vote, to get an ed- ucation, to enter the workplace. But over the years, feminism has devolved into a left-leaning political ideology where women are pitted against men and used as a political weapon to win elections,” Fiorina wrote in a Facebook post Thurs- day. Fiorina, the only woman in the Re- publican presidential field, has spoken Carly Fiorina is again weighing in on the “progres- sive view of feminism,” which she says is “about ideol- ogy” and “isn’t working.” “Feminism began as a rallying cry to empower women — to vote, to get an education, to enter the workplace. But over the years, feminism has devolved into a left-leaning political ideology where women are pitted against men and used as a political weapon to win elections,” Fiorina wrote in a Facebook post Thursday. Fiorina, the only woman in the Republican presi- dential field, has spoken throughout the campaign about issues of gender and feminism. In June, during an interview with MSNBC, Fiorina said of feminism: “I think it’s time to take that word
  10. Ff Typography informs and inspires Make it easier to inform

    your readers Serif typefaces work best for body copy because the serifs visually link letters together, similar to the reader’s handwriting. Carly Fiorina is again weighing in on the “progressive view of feminism,” which she says is “about ideology” and “isn’t working.” “Feminism began as a rallying cry to empower women — to vote, to get an education, to enter the workplace. But over the years, feminism has devolved into a left-leaning political ideology where women are pitted against men and used as a political weapon to win elections,” Fiorina wrote in a Facebook post Thursday. Carly Fiorina is again weighing in on the “progressive view of feminism,” which she says is “about ideology” and “isn’t working.” “Feminism began as a rallying cry to empower women — to vote, to get an education, to enter the workplace. But over the years, feminism has devolved into a left-leaning political ideology where women are pitted against men and used as a political weapon to win elections,” Fiorina wrote in a Facebook post Thursday.
  11. Ff Typography informs and inspires Attract and guide your readers

    Typographic elements for navigation, such as jump-to, jump-from and teaser packages should have contrast to the body copy and be standardized in size, weight and placement.
  12. Ff Typography informs and inspires Attract and guide your readers

    Headlines should indicate hierarchy on every page through weight and size. They should become smaller as they are placed further down on the page.
  13. Ff Typography informs and inspires Attract and guide your readers

    Charts, maps, lists and graphics should be presented in a font that has good contrast to headline and body copy text or be substantial contrast in weight, style and size.
  14. Ff Typography informs and inspires Attract and guide your readers

    Use weight, styles, spacing, and alignment to group information and guide the reader to/through different types of information.