2019 Final Presentation Tokyo Tech ྩ ঁࢠେ ֶ #team-reiwajyoshidai Team Terumichi Hayashi Satoshi Miyahara Shota Ai Eiki Sawada Hiromi Kimoto Kentaro Tsuji C ORON UR U Cleaning tool which visualizes housework 6/3 M O N
ʼ S U N I V E R S I T Y Prototype - This coro-coro cleaner can visualize the total area cleaned. CORONURU 1 sheet whole of drawing coro-coro cleaner (sticky roller) 1 roll part of drawing
ʼ S U N I V E R S I T Y Prototype - You can see how much area you cleaned when you finished using a roll and then peeled it off. 1 sheet whole of drawing - A painting corresponding to the cleaned area is drawn at the end of one roll of dust adhesion.
E N ʼ S U N I V E R S I T Y Problem or Needs Problem How much solving the problem? Housewife does not find motivation in household chores that does not produce tangible achievement. If she is motivated to do housework, it can reduce the mental burden of housework
ʼ S U N I V E R S I T Y User Insight - Nobody compliments her housework effort. - Housewife does not know the amount of housework effort. Visualize effort of household chores - Housewife can know the amount of housework effort. - Family (husband & children) realize her daily effort and thank for her.
ʼ S U N I V E R S I T Y Solution We added a function to visualize the effort of household chores to home appliances. - Compete with her family - Lead to the next motivation
ʼ S U N I V E R S I T Y Voice of user GOOD BAD REQUEST I am looking forward to see what painting will come out next and cleaning will be fun. I may not feel a sense of accomplishment just by seeing the painting. As it is difficult to cut the adhesive part, I want you to make it easy.
ʼ S U N I V E R S I T Y Future Works By applying the same function to other home appliances, we will achieve a sense of accomplishment in various housework. A home appliance that can convert household effort into energy and create rewards. Expandability Energy generation
ʼ S U N I V E R S I T Y POV / HMW POV HMW It is probable that housewife want to gain a sense of achievement after doing housework. How might we visualize the effort of housework?
ʼ S U N I V E R S I T Y Persona PROFILE AGE 40 GENDER OCCU. CITY FAMILY PAIN GOAL Anna Nishio Full - time housewife Setagaya, Tokyo 1 husband, 1 boy Female She performs a series of household chores such as selection, cleaning and cooking every day. BEHAVIOR There is no incentive for housework, so she has no goal. Nobody compliments her housework effort. Creating a habit that allows you to do your housework happily every day. Creating a housework environment involving husband and children.
ʼ S U N I V E R S I T Y Past idea 1 Reward electric toothbrush The amount of work done during the daytime household chop is charged by wireless power supply Function Applicable to home appliances other than toothbrushes by using wireless power supply e.g. Massager, facial equipment, etc. Reason for rejection -There is a weak link between the hard work of housework and the reward -The process of converting the amount of work into electricity is unclear
ʼ S U N I V E R S I T Y Past idea 2 Smiling garbage bag When the trash is piled up, the trash bag expands and looks like laughing. When the garbage bag is filled with rubbish, it swells and interaction occurs. Function Reason for rejection -It can not be said that we can visualize the effort as a housewife by dumping everyone's trash. Face smiles, Textures appear, Transitions with QR code. Before After -It is difficult to fill up the trash bag perfectly.
ʼ S U N I V E R S I T Y Past idea 3 Raising vacuum cleaner The robot learns the movement path by attaching and pulling the auxiliary wheel on the robot. A vacuum cleaner robot is an interaction robot with user, through machine learning this vacuum can be taught to work properly and learned efficient route. User gradually feels it being like a part of the family. Function Reason for rejection - It does not meet the HMW that motivates cleaning. -It tends to be a limitation of function rather than a reward. -After all, it takes a lot of troubles because it does not exert its function unless it is vacuumed many times.