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A life with Rails 8.0 (beta)

November 14, 2024

A life with Rails 8.0 (beta)

2024-10-10 Proposals on Rails 2024 (roppongi.rb) #proposalsonrails2024


November 14, 2024


  1. A life with Rails 8.0 (beta) @tnir - 2024-10-10 -

    Proposals on Rails 2024 @Roppongi.rb ITANDI
  2. #roppongirb @tn961ir @tnir (Takuya N) • Ruby 25y • Rails

    18y • GitLab Core Team (2015-) • geminabox / nronn maintainer • Bundler / forem (dev.to) contributor • CTO at B2B SaaS sponsoring Kaigi on Rails 2023/2024 RubyKaigi 2023/2024 https://github.com/ruby/ruby
  3. #roppongirb @tn961ir State: Rails 6.1 in 2023 • 9年選手のRailsアプリ(< 1M

    LOCs) • 1k+ modules, 500+ models • 100+ public gem dependencies (direct & indirect) ◦ 10 unmaintained gems 😞 ◦ A few edgy gems 🎉
  4. #roppongirb @tn961ir Releases based on Rails edge • We made

    ~ 85 releases since we moved to edge (Sep 2023).
  5. #roppongirb @tn961ir Releases based on Rails edge • ~ 85

    releases since we moved to edge (Sep 2023) • ~200 days passed since Rails World 2025 ◦
  6. #roppongirb @tn961ir Rails 8.0 / 8.1 • 8–0-stable not yet

    (as of 2024-10-10) • gem “rails”, git: “[...]rails/rails”, branch: “main”
  7. #roppongirb @tn961ir gem “rails”, git: “[...]rails/rails”, branch: “main” • Cache

    killer • CircleCI / GitHub Acitons default cache policy ◦ Branch-based • note: GitLab CI has variant cache policy😀
  8. #roppongirb @tn961ir Summary • Rails edge in production: the hard

    way ◦ … working as CxO • ⚠We are hiring Rails enthusiasts⚠ • WANTED: Rails engineers those want to go to Rails World 2025 Amsterdam, NL